Land Rover seized by federal agents, but where is it?
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 5 months ago to Video
So these commando types demanded the car from this couple and show up like they're storming the castle. They demand the car, and then don't tell them where they took it!
Our government is wielding too much power. The scales are out if balance, and tipped against the people. Changes need to begin, and that may change this November. We shall see.
Our government is wielding too much power. The scales are out if balance, and tipped against the people. Changes need to begin, and that may change this November. We shall see.
Hey, let's tell the military switch back to the Jeeps they once had me drive a coupla times.back in 1970. Military Jeeps may offer zip for roadside mines but at least they'd save the world from that mean ole' Climate Change that's always changing like the weather.
"The right of the people to be secure in persons, houses, papers and effects against UNREASONABLE SEARCH AND SEIZURES, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized."
Pretty clear, wouldn't you say? The people doing the seizing have probably never read the Constitution or even know much about it. They merely see it as an excuse to show off their power. It appears that they are more like minions of Putin rather than officials of the USA.
If I ever bought one, I'd get a custom shop to modify the emblems.
So, Homeland Security has no issue other than to compare the VIN numbers on all the stamped parts on a vehicle? Maybe they wanted to go after these folks for improper politics? You can bet none of the Obama Marxists have things like this happen to them. Would this really be under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security, and if so, why. What a stupid waste of taxpayer dollars, all for some pseudo-environmental standard. How much damage is government funded HAARP doing to the environment, changing the jet stream? I see some deep dark motive beyond the obvious here. Next they will come for our homes, under UN Agenda 21, also to save the environment.