Thanksgiving 2017

Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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There are, I'm sure, many scientists in The Gulch who can explain the following better than I can.but I'll give it a shot anyhow.. Almost all religions start with some sort of creation explanation. The Judeo-Christian, comes the closest to the Big Bang Theory -- void and suddenly, light. Anyhow after several seconds the universe started filling up with energy which eventually went into fusion mode and started building itself into elements, which because of gravity, coalesced into starsand the next thing you know, we have galaxies and within the galaxy's stars lumps of matter and/or energy form into orbs which circle about the stars which we call planets which means "wanderers but they don't wander at all, instead they circle the nearest star, prevented from wandering due to the enormouse cravity of their nearest star.
Since there are billions of galaxies which contain billions of stars which have billions of orbiting planets, the existence of such things are neither new nor rare. Except from what we can tell so far , are anything like earth. Planets appear to be either rocky like Sol's inner planets or giant gas-balls like the outer plnets Sol is the name of our star. Why? I haven't a clue. Maybe it was named after wise old king Solomon.In any case our two space telescopes have so far been unable to fing planets resembling earth. Earth was developed over quadrillion years with certain characteristics that came about coincidently.. Earth's very large moon, and its tilted axis. its existence in the "Goldielocks Zone, which is the exact distance fro its stare that makes the emergence of life possible, the bringing of water to the planet by innumerable comets crashing in to the surface creating a planet of mostly water. (Hydrogen oxide ) . There's more. The conditios allowing the 9th configuration amino acid molecule to form and build into complexities that created life. which through an evolutionary process became thousands of forms of life. It is a garden of Eden not only for man, but every other species living and thriving . there those life forms that finf it less than paradise are quickly culled out and appear no more.So, here we are, an unlikely species, developed to live on a custom-built planet with no species to fear other than ourselves. and talk about having lots to be thankful for. A planet custom built for us, actually designed for us, by us, With eyes that see in the myriad colors of the center of the spectrum and our ability to alter our environment to suit our ability to survive..Thankfulness? our comfort compared to our ability to enjoy life compared to 100 years ago which is astounding, whun you consider that 100 years is less than the blink of an eye in earth's time line, not to mention the universe's time line. The fact that we exist at all is a miracle to be thankful for.,

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  • Posted by ovibugler 7 years, 3 months ago
    This is my first time to contribute. It is all truly amazing how this all came together. I know many of you don't believe in Intelligence beyond our own, but maybe that could be part of the equation for us to consider. All of this just happened? Unfortunely, it's hard to prove.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 3 months ago
      "our own" seems to indicate a collective intelligence but there is none. Earth harbors on the order of 6 billion separate intelligences all of which are the product of existing matter. You seem to be looking for some intelligence that, not existing before existence, that thought up existence , creating the Universe. Of the more than ten thousand billion billion stars in the observable universe with most likely as many planets in the Universe, there just might be other intelligent creatures in the Universe, though not universe creators.
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      • Posted by ovibugler 7 years, 3 months ago
        Collective intelligence? Please do not misconstrue my comments. There are just many "conincidences" here to not at least give to the possiblility of a greater conscientious beyond our own. But it is a hard argue with someone who doesn't believe in a Higher Power or what many us believe to be God.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
          It is "Hard to argue because arguing a negative is an impossible task. Let's substitute an equally preposterous premise for the word God. There are Ford auto factories camoflaged on Mars. You cannot "prove that statement one way or another, nor can I prove otherwise.That's why Jesus exists. God needed to make an appearence, but not as the almighty power creator of the universe, but as a a common man, and a Jew at that. Of course how else to present this elemental force? They didn't have CGI or great make-up artists in those days... .
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 3 months ago
          Then please give a list of your best reasons for the existence of a god or God. Coincidences happen constantly just by billions of humans going about their daily thoughts. I do not accept Bible or other holy book statements that claim to be accounts of a god's workings. A little objective evidence would be helpful.
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          • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
            Most will give you a faith based reasoin which any scientific mind will reject out of hand, But here's a scientific answer In order for life to appear, even in its simplest form a 9th configuration amino acid molecule has to develop. the odds against that are one flollowed by 80 zeros to one against it happening on its own.There are explanations for that, none of which will satisfy a deist.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
              If one substitutes methane for oxygen, there would be a life form so alien to anything on earth as to make communication unlikely, if not impossible.But, because the universe is so vast scientists have begun to posit that anything is possible and time is as long as it needs to be for the evolving of life whether it takes millions or trillions of "years" it doesn't matter, "take all the time you need, sonny."
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    • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
      It is my philosophy to be open to all ideas and to question everything until that big bell inside me starts tolling I may be an atheist but that doesn't mean I'll reject a good argument for religion out of hand. I don't fear any "truth" even those that I don't agree with., I have been wrong too often to accept any premise that smells even a little of yesterday's fish..When I consider the vastness of the universe and how quantum physics runs it I realize I must be open to the world of null A.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 3 months ago
    What ever "caused" Existence to exist deserves our profound appreciation and that appreciation might allow for the reflection of values created; after all, there would be no appreciation of existence without at least a rudimentary awareness of it.

    Be thankful you are awake and not sheeple asleep.

    Oh, BTW, It's ELECTRIC! boggie woggie woggie.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
      Did you mean boogie-woogie?
      A form of jazz dancing in which one partner performs slides, twists and lifts very quickly on the other partner hence the tem "jitterbug" or jitterbugging, You had to be young and athletic to do it, I must admit that my wife and I were pretty good at it and with hot jazz, we usually gathered a crowd to watch as we hurled ourselves into the frantic dance moves.The athleticism needed for jitterbugging was more demanding than raquetball.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 3 months ago
        Nope...The Electric Chicken, (a song to Line Dance to) in which they use that jitterbug language as part of their lyrics...minus the finger in the air but with Funky Chicken beak movements in the air and the addition of: "It's Electric!".
        My Funky electric Metaphor for the Electric Universe Theory which proves the gravitational model defunct.

        PS...I played what was called: Modern Jazz; 30/40's classics played as Jazz, circa the 50's early 60's.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
          In my day, it wasn't modern jazz, it was the "new sound" It was guys like Dave Brubeck that were midwifes to modern jazz, a little too acerbic for me, not enough improvisationn it left out the kind of improvisation that Louis Armstronng strove for.. When he was told those notes are too high, they are simply not in the instrument. Mr. Louie simply said, "Oh, yeah?" and proceeded to play the unplayable.I loved Dixieland and New Orleans style music, because there always was a trombone part in it.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 7 years, 3 months ago
    Well, if we were not here, we would not be unthankful.

    If you know the wide range of eco-systems here on Earth, it is easy enough to imagine life in many forms, perhaps even in our own system on a Jovian moon. (Just to mention: life thrives near deep undersea volcanoes http://ocean.si.edu/deep-sea Lichens grow on glaciers and lichens are two life forms, symbiotic fungus and alga.)

    BTW small point, but Sol is the Latin word for sun: solar system; solar flare; solar home power;... It has nothing to do with King Solomon.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 3 months ago
      I was being sarcastic and obviously not succeding. Thanks for the lesson in names. While I'm pretty good at Latin, that one (Sol) completely escaped me. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
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