China 'social credit': Beijing sets up huge system

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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This gets scary, and scarier. China, IMHO, can safely be called a Fascist system now, they have the dicatatorship, government controlled media and economy, finance, and yet manage to be a mashed up measure of this and that. Unlike previous CXommunist and Socialists nations, they seem to have found other ways to stealk everything, and still allow the poor something. I wonder how many of the peasants actually give a damn about their social credit score, when digging in the rice paddies...

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  • Posted by rbroberg 6 years, 11 months ago
    Pro-market Left is another name for Fascism. Let’s not forget the Nazi Party referred to itself as the National Socialist Party. The Left is in an interesting but crass position where it would like to dissociate itself from all forms of “oppression” on the one hand, while supporting BLM, BDS, CP, and other movements associated with forceful opposition to police, Israel, capitalism, etc. But let’s look first at the China question.

    Do we know how to describe the Chinese “model” in this context? Let’s first look at how we can ascribe characteristics to any country, then look at China specifically. Does the country protect the right to life and associated (derivative) rights? Does the country have a more or less reasonable means of funding? Does the country have an ethical government? Does the country value individualism and merit-based value judgments? Does the country support “ethical” egoism?

    If we cannot answer the affirmative of the above questions, then by what means can we verify China is capitalistic or pro-market? The evidence, of which there is a vanishingly small amount, suggests China is governed hierarchically, making use of favors and pragmatism. Modern China is perhaps best represented as the “People’s State”. The Left have shockingly little to say anymore about human rights or environmental violations in China not because of the increase in wealth or pro-market Leftism, but because of the productive capability. This productive capability, we are lead to believe, is a result of smarter control of the productive process. Sound eerily familiar?

    That’s what I often hear with amazement from real-life Americans on how the Nazi Party was able to maintain its war machine for so long. (Never mind the slave labor.) The trouble with the Left is that it is doomed to one of three fates: Anarcho-Primitivism, Elitist Socialism (oligarchy), or National Socialism. Out here on the West Coast, the latter two comprise the loudest voices, with the Elitist camp stoking the flame of a new (Inter)National Socialism wearing Che Guevara T-shirts. China is pleased that we will fight to lose productive capability so they can fix prices and implement some warped idea of national strength.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      See my comments below and tell me this is not being engineered. It doesn't take a lot of effort, as the groundwork was laid by neutering the schools to where no one can think, knows any history, or can fix a leaky faucet.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 6 years, 11 months ago
    Want scary? The assistant to a client of mine, a lawyer, bragged to my face that China has the largest middle class on the planet while essentially mocking the US by comparison. This guy is anything anti-republican mainly, through inference not directly, because he believes that our system is a failure and needs to change.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 11 months ago
      It is very telling that he calls them the middle class. They have little or no economic freedom and no autonomy from the government - two prerequisites differentiating a true "middle class" from mere serfs. He obviously lives in a class-oriented mindset and sees himself as one of the elites.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
      I think you saw a peak into what may really be going on, if outside groups can put us at each others throats with such little things as "racism", "climate change", "fascism", and "homophobia", o name a few, we become so fragmented, and the noise of the arguments is so loud, no one notices them stealing all the china and silver, not to mention the country....Look at all the muddled, emotional splinter arguments, criminal activity where one group is clearly made to be a criminal, even by all fakery, and the real criminal is so obvious, and never gets called out or prosecuted, it makes a good part of the country so angry as to ignore all the laws and rules, because they don't work. The slow meltdown of a country....
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
        "if outside groups can put us at each others throats with such little things "
        "and the real criminal is so obvious, and never gets called out or prosecuted"
        If we had hardcore criminals operating openly in such a way that's it's obvious even to people who are not attorneys or in law enforcement, we would have done it to ourselves. In this scenario, we could not blame outside groups. I don't think that's happening, but if it did it would be way bigger than the name-calling, emotional arguments that you mention outside groups fomenting. The impunity would be the problem and everything else just noise.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
          CG, If after the discovery thet the FBI knew of the Uranium 1 deal, and DNC/Hillary funding the Trump dossier, and they all covered it up, does not say "criminal" then you have missed the boat. It is such an attitude that is being played, and allowing it to get worse and worse. It is clear the Trump Russia thing was a manufactured attempt to unseat him, while the same people did the same thing 7 years ago, was documented 2 years ago, and the same idiot running the charade (Mueller) covered it up and Comey continued it. It is no wonder we are where we are. We would be lucky if it was an outside job, because if it is just the stupidity of the Americans, we will be third world soon.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
            I don't agree with any of that, so it's not obvious to all of us.

            I'm not be flippant in disagreeing. I just think our law enforcement institutions are decent and have a good chance at getting to the bottom of anything illegal.

            I now see the connection you're making between name-calling and criminal activity. My guess from the beginning has been that the campaigns did not work with Russia in a nefarious way, President Trump acted guilty about the investigation but actually is not guilty, and there was no quid pro quo in the Unranium deal. So if I'm right, all of this is nonsense. If I'm wrong, I have a naive level of belief in US institutions.

            I definitely want them investigating how the campaigns interact with foreign governments. The idea that the Russian gov't either worked with the campaigns or tried to derail political discourse is plausible and frightening. If I'm right about US institutions, denouncing them as a charade plays right into the hands of any foreign gov't who wants to destabilize the US.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 11 months ago
              "Second, while we concluded that nine people related to the company did at some point donate to the Clinton Foundation, we found that the bulk of the $145 million came from Giustra. Guistra said he sold all of his stakes in Uranium One in the fall of 2007, "at least 18 months before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state" and three years before the Russian deal."


              I use this because it seems it may be somewhat interested in facts, although I have yet to see any of the "drop" they talk about.

              Different version (of course):
              "The donations from those with ties to Uranium One weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clinton Foundation, even though Hillary Clinton had an agreement with the White House that the foundation would disclose all contributors. Days after the Times story, the foundation acknowledged that it “made mistakes,” saying it had disclosed donations from a Canadian charity, for instance, but not the donors to that charity who were associated with the uranium company."


              Since the Democrats practise a policy of hide and lie until you die (which people close to Clinton seem to do regularly), truth fromn them is incredibly hard to get. Since the Republicrats have yet to figure out how to whine and scream until they get something, relying on rules and law, they take forever, especially when Obama departments just lie and ignore their subpoenas, requests and demands.

              Belive what you will, the Crazy Hag, Obama and his administration are in this up to their silly necks, and will fight like crazy to obfuscate, deny, lie and hide. Just like the email server. Just like the DNC IT scandal, just like Fast and Furious, just like all the racist incidents they sponsored Oh yea, just like the IRS and Losi "never held to account" Lerner..
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
                "Believe what you will, the Crazy Hag, Obama and his administration are in this up to their silly necks"

                If I'm right this is nothing. I'm going on reading a few newspaper article. I could very easily be wrong. Presidential candidates could easily be doing these illegal quid pro quo deals and they haven't gotten caught or are using their connections to get away with it.

                Regardless of whether my guess is right, the original claim was politicians worked with foreigners aiming to "put us at each other's throats" using slurs and not noticing the bigger picture. People who have that aim are getting their wish.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 11 months ago
              What concerns me is that there is far more smoke (from real fire) from Democratic dealings with the Russians than there has ever been with the Trump campaign. The Uranium One deal ensnares anyone and everyone in a significant position of power in the Obama Administration including Obama and Hillary themselves! And what is worse, the very individual currently charged with investigating the Trump campaign for Russian collusion is the very person who was head of the FBI when they were actively covering up the initial bribery and quid pro quo. Any continued support of the Democratic Party shocks me given their absolute corruptness.

              And I'm sorry, but we should be far more worried about our own government's corruption than the paltry attempts by foreign governments to influence a few thousand people using Facebook and Twitter. A very interesting point was made in the following podcast ( With the current distributed voting scheme via the Electoral College, it is really, really difficult to affect a national election (such as that for President) because one would have to falsify so many different voting results. In contrast, if the vote was moved to a popular vote - as advocated by Democrats - all one has to do is corrupt the vote of a few large cities and one can swing the election.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 6 years, 11 months ago
                Nicely put, blarman, especially the insight of the second paragraph in defense of the Electoral College.

                Regarding: "What concerns me is that there is far more smoke (from real fire) from Democratic dealings with the Russians than there has ever been with the Trump campaign." I seem to have noticed the "smoke" over Trump in this matter isn't really smoke at all. It is a dust cloud raised by all those Hillery supporters stamping their feet in tantrum fashion because they lost the election. LOL.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
                I have a reasonable level of trust in our institutions to find the wrong-doing if it's there. It all sounds patently political to me. I'm glad they're investigating it, but it doesn't ring true to me. It seems like instead of debating issues, politicians come up with theories of how their opponents broke the law.

                They rarely have ideas for reforming our institutions to catch wrongdoing. It's evil people. It smells like politics.

                "one would have to falsify so many different voting results"
                We had a fair election with the Electoral College, and I am completely confident in our ability to do a fair popular vote if we wanted. I think the Electoral College, as we have it today, does not work because the country isn't divided along state lines. To do what it was supposed to do, it would have to be by urban areas, so anyone running would have to campaign for urban and rural voters. I don't have a solution to that, but I would like to see the presidency and gov't less powerful so it would matter less.
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                • Posted by $ blarman 6 years, 11 months ago
                  "To do what it was supposed to do, it would have to be by urban areas"

                  Please listen to the podcast I posted above. They address this very issue.

                  "but I would like to see the presidency and gov't less powerful so it would matter less."

                  The only way to do that is to vote for people more interested in LESSENING the power of government than INCREASING it. So take a long hard look at the candidates: are they interested in MORE power in government or LESS? Take a look at the party platforms. Which party is trying to limit government and which is trying to expand it?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 6 years, 11 months ago
    Here's the big picture minus all the fol-de-rol of Economist gobbledegook.
    China: A mixed economy credit generating system based on leftist principles.
    USA: A mixed economy credit generating system based on Capitalist principles.

    What's the difference? Well...we're the good guys. You just have to take our word for it. 2020 here we come!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 11 months ago
    The whole problem is gov't power. I could create a scoring system about how much I like people. What matters is the actions I take.

    A large customer's scoring system might matter because vendors want to be on their approved vendor list. The financial industry has managed to have their customers concerned about being on the industry's approved customers list. It's backwards for vendors to score their customers, but they if can pull off a "negative sell" where their customers actually see it as a privilege to buy a product, that's a marketing achievement. It's not immoral if they're not lying or using force. Gov'ts do lie and use force. That's the whole problem. If a gov't can pull of a Songbun-type system that citizens don't see through, it's just one more propaganda too to justify using force on its citizens.
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