The Empty Barrel
She wears a stylized cowboy hat. It makes her look cute. So long as she never opens her mouth, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is probably dumber than a box of rocks.Whenever she fails to understand something, she falls back on that good old reliable backstop, "IT Must Be Racist." This woman, whose understanding of the English language is at best nominal, cann ot parse a sentence in that language. So, it is no surprise to find out that the phrase used by a deeply offended John Kelly was an "Empty Barrel. It is a description that goes back many years, to beyond the ancient Romans. It is not and never was a racist description. It is reminiscent of the hoo-ha over the word "niggardly" which has nothing to do with race.This woman has the intelligence of a soapdish. and so long as she doesn't understand English, she should keep her mouth shut, rather than using a description she doesn't understand.General Kelly was particularly offended by the way she caused an unneeded friction incident over her ignorance. According to Kelly, let's "Keep death sacred." I agree. No more Oral Podiatry which is the art of opening one's mouth and putting one's foot firmly into it.
These military excursions enrich the pols and the
Deep state while leaving death grief misery and suffering in their wake.
"That's a racist term," Wilson told CNN on Friday morning. "We looked it up in the dictionary because I had never heard of an empty barrel. And I don't like to be dragged into something like that."
We looked it up, too. It's not, and there's even an entire article about the phrase's etymology.
But when did facts ever stop Rep. Maxine Waters, who's been playing the race card her whole career (and she's been on the public payroll for 26 years)?
She is a poster child for preliterate societies and cultures around the world.