When one pays the price for a product or service we are usually used to paying the price, or a price close to it.We are usually only made conscious of it when the current price is contrasted with a price for the same product's cost many years ago. For example, 100 years ago a Delmonico Steak at Delmonico's famous restaurant 100 years ago in 1917 was 95 cents. Currently at one of our better steak houses here in Florida, is $16.95. But this is even more painful when the contrast is personal because it happened during one's lifetime. The other day, I was throwing out some ancient bills when I came across bills for my kids from the doctor for the first 10 years of their lives. A bell went off in the old skull and checked out the Vet bills for my beagle, as she just tuned 10 years old. Guess what? The Vet bills were three times the cost of the bills for BOTH boys over a 10 year period. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
times very inconvenient. My phone, which I had been told (by the doctor in whose medical experi-
ment I participated; that's how I got the phone) had been made in Korea, conked out a few months ago, so I have been trying to get another one which will be acceptable. Maybe I can get a used landline phone. I'm hoping.
New $3888. One was auctioned for $688,000
In the recent past at Sotheby's ,
My 61 Starliner, 175.00 cost used, less than 2000.00 new, now would cost me 55K by the owner of my car now. We installed a 406 4sp from my friends smashed 62. The front tires would jump off the ground when the clutch was popped and easily did 11sec in the quarter mile...that earned me the right to be profiled.
I got pulled over a few times until they started to recognize me! It pissed me off at first, but then I realized... At least they care!
Edit: finally put headers with bullet mufflers and the sound was soooooooo naaaaasteeeeeeyyyy!
Traded it in on a "family car" - don't go there - wipin' my weepin' eyes.
mph + through it into neutral and coast all the way to Lake Superior.
Edit add: As many times I deserved it, I never got a speeding ticket with the GTX. However, my first car was a used '64 T-Bird and I couldn't help pushing that 390 until I got one, LOL. That car weighed 4400 pounds!
$19995 a $135,000
I had a friend with a dark green GTO it was souped up with some fat tires and was a 4speed
With a Big engine. When ever a rode with him anywhere it was like a workout.
About 2 years later, I blew the motor, failed in my rebuild attempt and GAVE the car away!
Tissues, anyone?
view of Abraham Lincoln). A candy bar could be had for 5 cents. I think it was 10 cents by the time I graduated from high school. There may have been a little inflation then, but I did not notice it much. I didn't buy things much until I left home and moved into Staunton (Va.--I thought Staunton was a big city), and had a job as a carhop. I started saving money, and things seemed to be mainly all right, until Nixon imposed those wage/price controls in 1971, and after that, things were never normal again.I believe the claim was that this was supposed to fight inflation. Ha ha, HA!!! I believe that it made things a lot worse.
It wasn't my intention, but YAHOO, it sure reminds me of those days in the 60's and 70's when the bigger the V8 the better and it was cooler to have big wheels and a D.A. haircut than anything. You wouldn't find any snowflakes among that crew. I'm not saying they were good, but I bet they had fewer regrets than today's crop of almost adults.
The downside is my preference in cars has not changed, but the prices have soared. Nothing beats my first ,57 Chevy, originally about $3,000 loaded, now they are $50,000-$80,000 at auction. My first Camaro, 1978, sold for tens of thousands less than my current 5th generation Camaro. If we had only collected '62 /corvettes at less than $5,000! On the other hand,we have been able to end up with a Corvette, Camaro and Challenger (husband went to the dark side), in spite of Obama years. And hey, Hillary would have banned cars given a few years, and said she was stopping climate change. I just feel sad that kids don't know cars anymore, they fly around in those tin can tiny cars and don't connect to them at all.
of that car and all the girls In it!!!
I've driven sports cars since '73 and although the performance today is better, the thrills are rarer.
(Hondas and Camrys get outta the way!)