Common core omits Bill Of Rights in 6th grade assessments
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 5 months ago to Education
This may make your heads catch on fire. And here is why we are sending our daughter to a private, INDEPENDENT school next fall.
The people behind Common core are neither moronic nor tone deaf, they are playing the game as envisioned by Marx and Dewey to the letter.
The problem is that not enough of we adults and parents are screaming from the rooftops "the mind-snatchers are coming, the mind-snatchers are coming"
I understand the interpretation that the author of the exercise is trying to make students consider the BoR as less sacrosanct.
It's also possible they want the students to do the exercise, realize changing the gov't over light or transient causes is a bad idea, and then realize the danger/horror in that we are really doing just that without admitting it aloud.
Sixth graders are in no way capable of fleshing out the intellectual possibilities of this 'exercise', and will walk away with the syllabus instructions that say the Bill Of Rights are "outdated". No argument will change that reality.
You are a dreamer...or enabler! ;-)
Assume this curriculum is different and *is* politically motivated. In another post, someone suggested it (I think that was Common Core) had a *leftwing* bias in downplaying the importance of the 2nd Amendment. The hypothetical narrative in this exercise, however, is "we need to give up some of our liberties to be safe from evil-doers". That is not a leftwing idea. A leftwinger would only say that with irony or sarcasm.
A good essay question or debate in my opinion, would be are we living up to the Bill of Rights.
I mostly agree with everything you say except for this. It's hard to imagine the people writing this exercise have an anti-BoR agenda. You think they're just Americans who don't like the BoR and are letting their opinion come through in their curriculum writing? This just doesn't ring true. Almost everyone thinks the BoR is wonderful but some think there have to be different interpretations in extraordinary cases. (I disagree with those people b/c the Framers of the Constitution wrote it not for the ordinary problems but for the extraordinary ones that would tempt us to give up our freedom.) I actually admire someone who says aloud "we don't follow them anymore, and we should admit it on paper." I don't see too many of those. The left and right claim to love the BoR. It's hard for me to imagine a group of teachers constructing this assignment and having an openly anti-BoR view. Where do you find people who admit they'd like to repeal two of the BoR?
We should move back to following the BoR word for word, even if some elements of it feel quaint today.
At almost any university, with the exception of Hillsdale....
Actually, that's kind of silly to pick on that point. Language naturally evolves over time, and as such rules are prone to change and shift with the culture. And one of the current grammatical shifts taking place in the English language involves redefining the plural pronouns “they” and “their” to be usable as singular pronouns as well. There is nothing wrong with this. Language is a living, constantly changing thing. If you want to speak a language that never changes, your only options are dead languages like Latin and Greek, which have stopped changing due to the fact that they're not spoken anymore.
I agree with the rest of the article, but it was kind of dumb for the author to pick on a piece of grammatical verbiage which is already commonly used every day in English speaking nations all across the globe.
Anyway, if the schools are trying to teach students about the Constitution and the ratification process, then they definitely need to reconsider their approach, because this doesn't seem like an effective method for accomplishing that goal.
“is outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer,”
HOW is it out dated exactly?? These comments are just made as if they're fact instead of explaining their true intent... Which is of course to make the bill of rights seem UNIMPORTANT!!
Indoctrinate much???