Try this as a part of Agenda 21. It's actually in the plan. 'Manhattanized' America makes their job easier because now it takes less manpower to do greater control. Your every move can be monitored, controlled, measured, planned.
Because they don't know or think it does not affect them. There is a cost for ignorance and apathy. So they do nothing. I wish I could feel sorry for them but they will reap their own rewards.
Lol. Oh, it's no conspiracy. It is happening in most neighborhoods across America right now. Got Planning Boards? Yes? Ta-dah! You've got Agenda 21. Do you own private property? Did you get a tax-break because you allowed an easement? haha. Too bad for you; you just gave your rights over to Agenda 21.
Exactly. This is what my better half and I are fighting locally. It all starts with education. Education that's based on facts and truth. Oh, we are also becoming better at fighting the Dephi Method that's being employed on people at "open houses" by educators/school superintendents, and local "planning boards". I'd like to think we aren't the only ones doing this.
I have been referring to Agenda 21 for some time. Glenn Beck has an excellent book of the same name available. If you have any doubts as to the ultimate goal of this monstrosity, read it.