Success is a dirty word to progressives
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 5 months ago to Economics
That whole "You didn't build that" socialistic redistributive mentality must get get kicked to the curb. Elizabeth Warren didn't build it, either. She and her little cadre of thieves are the wrecking balls destroying what others have worked so hard to build, at great personal risk. The greatest risk she takes each day is looking in the mirror. And eluding reason.
The anti-Rand idiots consistently amuse me by always quoting the "roads and schools" argument first.
Progressive is a dirty word! Didn't the factory builder also pay taxes for the use of those roads and infrastructure? probably much more than the average road user too? Don't the people they employ pay taxes from the jobs they create? She is a simpleton.
"You didn't have to steal to get that built."