The Movie: Who Takes The Hero Out Of Hercules?

Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago to Movies
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movie review. I have not seen it.
"We’ve forgotten how to tell these stories — we drain the life out of them. We did it when we erased the gods out of the Iliad in Troy, and we’re even doing it to Superman, who now fights for “truth, justice, and all that stuff” because the American Way is too bourgeois. And that’s at the heart of it all: we’re afraid of valor, patriotism, heroism, because they feel unsophisticated and gauche. They’re not “realistic.” '

Question: Is the movie making quest in these myths and hero stories to promote "realism" an attempt to bring reality to the story? Or is it a way of deflating the concept of "hero" in our minds. He's really just a regular guy who was at the right place at the right time, and anyway, he didn't do anything that fantastic, that extraordinary.....Is that what is going on here, or something else? and flip side: do you love hero legends,stories even if they are wild and outrageous? Fantasies of Fantasy?

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  • Posted by Solver 10 years, 7 months ago
    Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...It's Superperson!
    Progressing to your theater soon.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 7 months ago
    I love a good hero story. That's actually why I say that Die Hard is a great movie: persistence, and courage, and guts, and fast thinking keep McClaine alive. Every single bad guy got what he deserved - the most violent and awful got the violent death, the computer geek got punched out. The hero gets the girl, and the woman who stood up and took care of the people she was responsible for got the guy. The bad guy, even though he was not what he appeared to be, was defeated. There's even a redemption story [the cop at the end who saves everybody by shooting the bad guy, when he hadn't been able to pull his gun]. What's not to like?

    If I want to see whiners cheat the good guy, or someone winning just by luck, or any of that kind of nonsense, I'll read the paper. I WON'T pay money to the makers of the dreck.

    Thanks for the post - we might have stumbled into this mess in error and been really, really annoyed.
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 7 months ago
    Likewise, I have not and I do not think I will see it.
    Reminds me of that thread by Vinay 25 days back, stories as romanticism or naturalism.

    Romanticism= goal-directed action ....enterprise, free will, .... individualism.
    The new class in its conflict with values, with individual as well as human improvement turns stories into blah. The creativity is limited to the scenery and computer generated violence.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
    When I heard "The Rock" was going to play Hercules, I decided to give it a pass. And I like The Rock.

    I didn't watch that TV series with Kevin Sorbo for similar reasons.

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