Black hole theory shot down?

Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years ago to Science
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As I get older and (arguably) wiser, I realize that I know less than I thought I knew.
SOURCE URL: http://newatlas.com/black-hole-theory-wrong/51123/

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  • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
    Not a word about shooting down black hole theory. Why must the accretion disk contain iron? The disk will contain the matter which the black hole attracts to it when it gets too close. If it does not have matter containing iron it will not produce be produced as in the core of a star. But anyway:
    for some info on that iron spectra problem.

    Before jumping on the so called easier with little math bandwagon of EU Theory, look at all the sites which consider it as pseudoscience and then, if understandable from both for and against, decide whether you want to devote a lot of time to the hypothesis which to me explains very little about objective reality.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
      Many are way to quick to dismiss the EUT but it seems, at this point, to accurately explain everything the gravitational model does and everything, so far, that it doesn't or exceptions that were created because they didn't.
      The EUT will change the scientific landscape and those entrenched will resist but the process Will create a better understanding of how stuff works and that is always the goal.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years ago
      The only thing about shooting down black hole theory is the title. Hence, I put a question mark, after your post, at the end of the discussion header.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
        It should have said that it shot down an hypothesis about black holes. That is the way science will kind of asymptotically get to truth about reality new data are obtained and hypotheses are produced and tested by their adherence to reality.
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    • Posted by Riftsrunner 7 years ago
      I think it has to do with iron being a star killer. Most stars fuse hydrogen to helium. After the hydrogen runs low in stars much larger than our sun, the star starts fusing helium into higher elements as the stars gravity and heat increases (our sun will probably only get as far as the carbon fusing stage due to its size and eventually end up as a white dwarf or theoretically a black dwarf when it can no longer produce light). Eventually, iron is fused but iron absorbs more energy than the star can produce through fusion and the star collapses due to the outward force of the heat created by fusion stops. This causes the star to go supernova and leaves a black hole. So iron should be seen in the spectra if current stellar physic is correct.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
        Not necessarily the way a star goes supernova. As the H2 and He are depleted, the energy produced by fusion is not sufficient to overcome the great mass of a large star and thus it must collapse under gravitation and will try fusing other elements until it explodes with a remaining high density neutron core as electrons combine with protons or a black hole remaining as the core continues collapsing past the neutron core stage and a nebula of the more surface material is produced.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
    One more step in the constantly evolving understanding of the universe. It looks to me we are at a stage of knowledge that could be likened to the discovery of electricity. After its establishment as a source of energy, scientists had a way to go before figuring out how to apply that energy and make it work for us.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
      And now, as you know, Scientist have gone back through time tested electromagnetic truths and realize that electromagnetic forces are dominant in the cosmos; after all, without magnetic forces and electrical forces, existence itself could not exist.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years ago
    This is not my scientific response to your post, but my first reaction to it. It is beyond my wildest dreams, the Black Hole Theory, something that will affect all our lives forever. In any case, your comment, "As I get older and (arguably) wiser, I realize that I know less than I thought I knew" should definitely be copyrighted, it is far beyond any scientific or even historical significance. (I love it, I've already copied it down and intend to plagiarize it as soon as I can).
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years ago
    This is interesting to me not only in the context of current hypotheses governing the Big Bang, but because of the First Cause argument propounded by ever so many theists. In these discussions, the definition of the word “universe” is critical, for reasons known to most Objectivists, not to mention other atheists.

    As with many other words, the word “universe” can have several meanings. For example, in statistics (and political polls), it is the group being studied.

    Moving to astronomy, the OED defines the Universe as: “All existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. The universe is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and contains a vast number of galaxies; it has been expanding since its creation in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago.”

    I disagree with the OED definition because it is too narrow. While it has application to cosmology studies dealing with the results of the Big Bang, it does not apply to philosophical inquires — or even cosmology from a larger point of view — because we go beyond the “Big Bang.” For example, what existed before the Big Ban? Suppose there have been many Big Bangs, at the same time or sequentially, of which we know only one, are those not part of the universe?

    I like the Oxford Reference page better: “Everything that exists, …” Actually, in philosophy, the definition of “universe” presented by Nathaniel Branden (restated) is the universe is all that exists, has ever existed and will include those things which exist in the future at such time as they are created.

    The study (http://newatlas.com/black-hole-theory...) at Sandia Labs opens the questions as to the origins of matter used in the experiment as well as questioning the hypothesis of the Big Bang. Very interesting new area for thought and sure to infuriate the Gideons.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
    Also shot down recently...dark matter and the big bang...it's time to evolve, learn and advance our understanding of the cosmos.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
      None of which were shot down. Like with all science, more date gives more or less credit to a hypothesis or to a theory.
      It is not the time to join a religious view of objective reality just because actual objectivity is hard!
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
        It's not supposed to be an organized teaching, (religion) which lamestream scientist have made it.

        See: the Electric Universe theory...it makes more sense and is blowing away lamestream science.

        Oh, and fear not, Irshultis, this is not the end to end all...the EUT will probable fall one day too but in the mean time; Look 'Forward' to what we may learn next which will lead to the next evolution of knowledge.
        That's the way 'Science' is supposed to work.

        PS...I did not mark you down...getting tired of typing that. Let's all just have a conversation, it's not a popularity contest.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
          Thanks for the non-vote down. I am just an old fashion science and math guy who believes that a rational scientific method is the key to obtaining a rational description of objective reality.

          It should be noted that the physical phenomenon that the incorrect models described is still there and new models to be produced for it. As for EUT, if and when it can correctly model black holes, gravitation, and other aspects of objective reality, then it will gain more belief that it correctly models reality. I do not use "belief in" but use "belief that". To me, the first is religious and not likely to be changed without some kicking and screaming, while the second is scientific and can be changed.

          From the actual news release at:

          "While Loisel is ready to say R.I.P. to the Resonant Auger Destruction assumption, he still is aware the implications of higher black hole mass consumption, in this case of the absent iron, is only one of several possibilities.

          'Another implication could be that lines from the highly charged iron ions are present, but the lines have been misidentified so far. This is because black holes shift spectral lines tremendously due to the fact that photons have a hard time escaping the intense gravitation field,' he said.

          There are now models being constructed elsewhere for accretion-powered objects that don’t employ the Resonant Auger Destruction approximation. 'These models are necessarily complicated, and therefore it is even more important to test their assumptions with laboratory experiments,' Loisel said."
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
            Correct...there is still something there; It's just Not sucking everything in until there is nothing left.

            A carbon star is being investigated, no reflection, no absorption...

            The EUT replaces the "gravitational" model and that's the problem...no one wants to let go to gravity. It's a weak force that attracts that which is close, (relative to size) ...like our governments were supposed to be.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 7 years ago
          I have no background in science. Physics classes were instant Sominex. After a lifetime in the creative arts, I happened to pick up a copy of "The Universe and Dr. Einstein." And off I merrilly went, only understanding about half of what I read. But what a trip! It literally opened up the universe for me. However, it is often hard keeping op with you science types. One thing that would help is when you reference a theory or experiment you describe it, instead of making these old eyes do research. Sometimes it is like me trying to describe to you how to compose music by referring to Bach choral preludes.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years ago
    I don't know who writes the headlines for these articles but they should probably take a remedial course in the scientific method. Understanding black holes requires the combined theories and models of both classical and quantum physics. On the large scale they are classical relativistic objects but the space-time curvature becomes so "tight" near the event horizon that it impacts activity at the scale of the atomic nucleus.This is where quantum physics comes in. The problem is that empirical data on black holes is really hard to come by so we are guided more by theories than observations and there are some huge gaps in our theories when it comes to relativistically dense objects like neutron stars and black holes. The behavior of different atomic species, iron for example, under conditions of extreme space-time curvature is very hard to predict. The relativistic solutions to the Schrodinger wave equations are horrendously difficult for complex atoms even for a super computer. Discoveries like this one may provide some of the missing pieces to the puzzle or at least suggest some new places to look.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years ago
    Now scientists discover strange form of black hole at the heart of Milky Way. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/...
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years ago
      Not a black hole as we have been taught, there is a disturbance there but it doesn't suck in everything into nothingness. One of the candidates for this disturbance and darkness is a Carbon Star...not sure why they call it a star but it doesn't absorb nor reflect light...we'll just have to wait, with bated breath, to see how that works out. [likely to change many times till we get it right.-.-not going to hold my breath for that one.]
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years ago
    No doubt there is much more to learn here.

    I don't love the lay-person description of how "iron ions are stripped away from their atoms". No a good description of how 0.0001% of a thing is removed, but the definition of the thing remained in the 0.0001%.
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