The Goolag Echopeligo, by Robert Gore
A cherished goal of the diversity drones is to get the unfavored group to applaud not just the drones’ enlightened moral status, but to pretend that the favored group does just as good a job as the unfavored one, and that diversity of secondary traits (but not, evidently, diversity of thought) itself confers a benefit. It’s a subset of an “optics” problem that besets the entire redistributive racket: how do you get unfavored producers not just to go along with the scam and keep producing unearned benefits for the racketeers and redistributees, but to pretend they like it?
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This is an excerpt. Please click the above link for the complete article.
You've nailed the essence of the collectivist's dilemma Bob. They have been trying to implement Marx's "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" since 1875. The only problem with that pronouncement is that able people do not wear yokes well and there is no objective way to assess and satisfy a person's needs. Undissuaded by dismal failure, they wearily plod on providing grist for your intellectual mill. You deserve a wider audience.
Exactly my thoughts in this whole charade and said as much back in 72 to a gorgeous gay chick that later hooked up with me...she never went back, later got married and last I heard, has had a happy life accepting her evolutionary role in nature, the quantum and existence itself.
The collectivists problem is and will always be to get the producer to provide for the non producers
and shut up or be happy about it and no value given to the production.
Your essay's are filled with your talent to reason and explain.
When I see such instances as the Google foo-fa-rah, I can't help but have the image of the snake oil salesman, the suffrage and prohibition marches, the atrocities throughout the last couple of thousand of years of religion, and reflect on the average human responses of accepting without reason, the mouthings of those that have spent most of their lives developing the appearances of intellectualism and expertise, often in invented areas of alleged problems. In today's world; AGW, environmentalism, PETA, Save The Whale (all representative of anti-human ludditism), and relevant to the Google incident--inclusion, diversity, racism, sexism, genderism, unconscious bias, safe spaces, professional Trump-shock Cuddlers*, etc., etc.. This listing could go on ad-infinitum but fails to really address the primary consideration best illustrated by the Country Comic's 'You can't fix stupid' and 'Here's your sign'--descriptions of the failures to develop plain old common sense.
So much of your writing strikes me as essentially reflections of just that premise--the lack of just plain old common sense. Keep up the good work. Maybe it'll get through to a few.
Your comments are always lucid and well thought out. They demonstrate, dare I say it, common sense. Don't give up hope. It has surprised me how many people out there do have common sense, and they've been a receptive audience. It's not particularly remunerative, but I'd rather have that audience than the other, although sadly I must conclude the latter outnumber the former.
segregation, and when blacks were kept down, (and
not even present in my school). I was against all
that. But, as Ayn Rand said, (memory quote) "Their
case rested on the principle of individual rights."
It is also the mantle picked up by the Gramsci acolytes including; Saul Allinsky and his liberal/progressive followers (most famously, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton).
Diversity was/is our greatest strength and Gramsci knew that. Therefore, he was able to cleverly design the use of diversity for the destruction of our society by creating division based upon; class, gender, social status, race, religion, work ethic, etc.
His use of these tools became the hallmark of Allinsky's final assault using race (civil rights) as the first of many subsequent wedge issues thus creating cannon fodder by the implementation of his Communism as facilitated by Johnson's "Great Society" (I.e., destruction of the black family) and the implementation welfare state and its sense of entitlement! It was little more than just another design to destroy the greatest strength that got African Americans though the years of hatred and bigotry, namely their strong family ties.
Allinsky's approach carried over to the use of gender, sexual orientation, wealth, on various other "wedge" issues all contributing to the dissolution of our once strong (but imperfect) society! The assault has been successful beyond all expectations and only took from the 1950's on in order to get us to this sorry state (Brave New World! We are here!).
We were duly warned by the likes of even the X-Fabian, George Orwell in his book "1984". So! The question is where are going from this sorry state we now find ourselves in? More Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren "Democratic Socialism" ( at term coined by Joe Stalin himself) leading to more of this "brain dead" diversity claptrap, or will we again embrace intellectual integrity, common sense and justice as afforded by our ever weakening Constitution and the goal of reaching "E-pluribus Unum" (of many one)?...
Damore does not claim people's roles are dictated by sex or other group identity. He actually includes a graph of non-overlapping distributions as an example of what he is not saying. He includes another graph of the distribution function for an unnamed trait, as an example, with the distributions for women and men being both Gaussian in shape and mostly overlapping but with different averages, perhaps due to the selective pressures in our evolution. He says it's wrong to take groups and expect them to have the same outcomes if the distribution of relevant traits in both groups does not overlap exactly.
He makes a powerful argument against dividing people into groups expected to have roles based on their group identity. I agree with Damore. I am part of the fusillade of criticism against the claim that our roles should be set by our sex or other group identity.
I know. They start with the answer they wish for and look for evidence. It's a common critical thinking pitfall. Heaven forbid science should discover some small correlation between math ability and skin color. People would go berserk saying the very question is racist or the result validates racism.
That one line about "men's role", taken out of context, could sound that way. But you're not saying that. You're saying you can look at the effects of selective pressures on groups without judging individuals based on group membership. I completely agree.