12 Year Old Suspended for Tiny Pistol-shaped Keychain
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 5 months ago to Education
This is another case of insanity raising its head in the public school system. This needs to go on LS's blog. It ties in with losing freedoms and gaining tyranny in this country.
But when we pay for school in decades of property taxes, the only way to get it back is to go to the school they give you. Then if they ding your kid for a keychain, it seems like losing freedom and gaining tyranny.
This same thing is starting with healthcare. There was public debate a while ago about how frequently women should be "allowed" (they actually mean provided insurance plans) to have mammograms. We could have a public debate on the issue OR people could just use their own money to buy the test when/if they want them.
I don't know about this particular case, but I doubt it was a scheme as well planned as you suggest. I suspect this is just some annoying bureaucratic rule being mindlessly enforced.
I do think they indirectly scheme to make middle-class people think they couldn't possibly afford to pay for school unless it came out of property taxes. If people just chose their own schools, most families would avoid the schools with the most troubled people, leaving them alone. They think (maybe rightly so) that it's good for social mobility to have the poor and/or troubled together with the middle class in school.
Annoying bureaucratic rules might actually help dismantle the school. (I'm not entirely sure that's a good idea, but I think there should be more competition.) If people find the rules onerous, they may take charge and select their own education. Anecdotally I keep hearing that. I don't know if the facts back that up.
I hope that many people in this area are anti-gun or something and have found something they agree with. It worries me so much more when I hear people saying someone's doing something to their kid they don't like, which is about the most incendiary thing you can do, and they just say "who is John Galt?"
Maybe they're leaving in droves leaving behind those who don't really care about the issue. I think that process is starting in my area. People either interview the school and then move to a house in the district or they use private school. People who don't care or have a strong ideological bent consistent with the school stay.
James Earl Jones, 'Field of Dreams'
“The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will loose.”
James Earl Jones quotes
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