The Separation of Government & Marriage...The Gulch Way of Life
I'm guessing that "The State" would have no place in a marriage contract in The Gulch. I feel that historically government wasn't involved. Then at some point a currupt official noticed all these people getting married and and thought that the gov't should sanction the ceremony. This gave the gov't more power and more revenue. Gov't has no place in marriage today!
There should be no interaction between individuals or government and dictate what one CAN do.
I don't think it's right for the government to influence the way individuals live their lives via tax breaks for behaviors they consider favorable.
However government has hijacked this to add a civil union to the marriage union. Whatever Marriage means to you, it can mean that, but only if the government removes itself from marriage and remains involved only in the civil union aspects.
People of all views and belief systems need to have the civil aspects of what marriage provides equally and the government needs to get out of the rest of it.
I think that legally, anyone should be able to "contract" themselves to anyone, with whatever the rights are that are spelled out in the contract. Private contracts can be written to accomodate any situation.