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364 days of the year almost half of the people observe and consent to government dependence. Let us recognize and honor those who
cling to and defend Independence.
I do not believe that people have become lazy in simply stating "July 4th" or "the 4th of July" -- rather, I believe that this is coming from the top down ... that the main stream media, major vendors, etc... have been instructed to either use the arbitrary "July 4th" or those in charge are reticent to employ the word "Independence" in any form of communication.
Side note - do not wish anyone "Happy Holiday" for Yom Kippur. It is not a happy holiday for any Jew, observant or not. Verbum sapienti sat est.
I chose the Latin rendition of it as an obscure reference to a joke about Passover:
A British Jew is waiting in line to be knighted by the Queen. He is to kneel in front of her and recite a sentence in Latin when she taps him on the shoulders with her sword. However, when his turn comes, he panics in the excitement of the moment and forgets the Latin. Then, thinking fast, he recites the only other sentence he knows in a foreign language, which he remembers from the Passover seder:
"Ma nishtana ha layla ha zeh mi kol ha laylot."
Puzzled, Her Majesty turns to her advisor and whispers, "Why is this knight different from all other knights?"
(((You are not expected to understand that Hebrew phrase, either.)))
But then I thought to myself: How many of those actually celebrating this momentous holiday actually know what they are celebrating? Our public schools don't teach the Declaration except as a footnote in history - let alone get into its importance or its genius. These same schools gloss over our Constitution and instead focus on the myriad Supreme Court decisions which undermine it.
Me? I want to see fireworks, but more importantly, I want to celebrate Independence Day because it is truly a day to celebrate the true spirit of mankind.
I wonder if police officers find it difficult to enforce these laws because of the irony.
On Independence Day night I watched my son and a son-in-law shoot a mess of pretty stuff high into the air. So were some neighbors.
Shooting fireworks in Alabama can become illegal by special decrees due to severe droughts. Here there has been a lot of heavy rain the Summer.
No--on labeling it "Sabbath", a religious term and ritual from one historical culture steeped in one brand of religious mysticism and practice. Also, Sabbath is once a week while July4 is once a year. We need a better word. Holiday, Fest, Celebration, Dedication, Jubilee, tribute, homage... there must be a name we can find, preferably shorter than Commemoration. I lean towards Jubilee.