Are We A Nation Divided?
Posted by starznbarz 7 years, 8 months ago to Politics
" We`re not a Nation divided, we are a Nation that has finally had a bellyfull of politicians lying straight to our faces, finally had our fill of the folks we send to represent OUR views, not theirs, doing exactly as they choose, with NO REGARD to what they have been instructed to do with the power we loan them. "
Nice article, starznbarz. Thanks for posting.
I have heard it argued that voters sat at home because they did not care to vote for bland McCain or a just as bland Romney. (I voted for both only because I cared about what a socialist Obamanation could do to this country and the SCOTUS, but that's just me).
Me dino thinks we are a divided nation. Though Trump trumped way more excitement than could a McCain or a Romney, what sticks in my craw is that Trump did not win the popular vote.
Remember, the cities Make people demoncraps.
This time I did some research to be sure. Yikes! Alabama has a blue Jackass Party Belt that runs from both sides of an also voting blue Montgomery, though that's also the name of the state capital now dominated by GOP lawmakers.
Those outlying blue counties are rural.
In my state, there is a lot of blue, but I rarely meet or see them...I think they only come out of the closet at voting time...except for our mentally deranged congress[hu]men[oids] and woman...speaking of which, must have pelose's disease. sad, I hear there is no cure for that...
That map IS telling me something about the skin pigment population distribution that could, depending on who I'm talking to, get me accused of racism.
(Earl Nightingale)
Me dino never heard of Earl Nightingale until now just like I never heard of Ayn Rand until AS1 the DVD. I just read he had something to do with Sky King, something I vaguely remember watching on TV at about the time wee little dino was watching Rocky Jones Space Ranger.
This is a different link~
(I wrote that because I have not stated that since dinosaurs ruled the earth).
The progressive elite sleepwalked through the last eight years, seemingly unaware of the steady loss of power. Trump was a dash of ice cold water to their faces, and they're in full scale panic. Like inmates that have escaped the asylum they may be dangerous, but don't constitute a credible opposition.
We need to subtract their butts and add new ones to the equation.
There is a cultural divide in this nation that derives from outside this country. It has permeated our government and, via government, has indoctrinated generations via the school systems. This is evident by the millions of people who can not see what H. Clinton was and what O actually did to this nation. It will only get worse and, may topple whats left of the Founding Fathers great experiment (and sadly, too many will cheer).
apologize starznbarz , but I can't agree.
homeschooling movement.
Its almost like its been planned out, no?
For me, I think we have two main parties - and the symbol next to their name is only an indicator of their true allegiance. For many years in this nation, the party who wanted control was the smaller of the two. I think that during Reagan's time that number finally grew to the tipping point and now the party who wants governmental control is the larger of the two. From here, I see no way out for the people unless they are willing to educate themselves on the proper role of government and vote into office those who would constrain government in all facets. And the probability of that happening is slipping lower with each passing day.
Precisely !!!!!!!!!!!!