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"If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That "
Spoken like the communist prick we all knew he was.
In addition, they also have to pay for their own private security and fire prevention measures because they can't depend on the "public" services to get there in time.
Big governments have historically offered to take over the building of roads and bridges (as well as just about everything else.) An offer businesses and just about everyone else couldn't refuse (fear of jail or worse.) Now we just mostly sit back and watch the purposely overly complex schemes of extortion (progressive [regressive], anti-free market, spirit squashing taxations.)
Funny thing is, social logic seems to claim that everyone and no one builds them. (double think that!)
I used to call Ocommie the Liar-In-Chief for plenty of good reasons.
I'll never support a progressive who is really at least a communist lite socialist. Those are the looters who were the ruination of the world in Atlas Shrugged.
Its author Ayn Rand had witnessed such commie crap in Russia where she was born.
Never ever support a progressive. They destroy everything that they have anything to do with.
I think the ratio of borrowing now to proposed borrowing by Republicans is a good ratio for overall support of gov't size and intrusiveness; 1000 billion / 400 billion = 2.5. So we can have statist Democrats or Republicans 2.5 times worse. I don't get fired up over either option.
The Jackass Party and the RINO Party is my way of calling them as I see 'em.
Overall, the GOP now being in power has not impressed me at all.
Looters loot because they are allowed to loot.
Ca. 1975 progressive mantra: "Global cooling, global cooling! We're headed for a new ice age and NYC will be under a sheet of ice by 2000 AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" "Your rights need to be restricted, government has to grow and take charge, and your taxes must be raised to combat it!!"
Ca. 1995 progressive mantra when the above surely ain't gonna happen: "Global warming, global warming! The ice caps are going to melt and NYC will be under an ocean of water by 2020 AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" "Your rights need to be restricted, government has to grow and take charge, and your taxes must be raised to combat it!!"
Ca. 2014 progressive mantra when the above surely ain't gonna happen: "Climate change, climate change! We don't know exactly what's going to happen, BUT WHATEVER IT IS IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" "Your rights need to be restricted, government has to grow and take charge, and your taxes must be raised to combat it!!"
Of course climate change has been going on since the beginning of the planet and will continue to change until the planet ends. The "progressives" know this, we know this, and they know we know this. Their goal is to push the false narrative "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" so you won't complain when bigger more oppressive government, with themselves as leaders - of course, is forced upon you.
As for scandals, just because the MSM ignored them does not mean they were not there. To name a few, Benghazi, IRS attacks on conservatives, Fast and Furious, and the spying on Trump in the campaign. Obama is both a commie and a crook.
Fast and Furious "new" (suppressed?) evidence shows that DOJ and President Obama's aides lied to people about the source of the gun used to kill the Border Patrol member. Email correspondence shows there was a concerted effort to try to hide the fact they couldn't track the guns like they thought they could.
Obama hasn't fared well with the SCOTUS, either. The ACA mandate changed to a tax; rulings on immigration, clean air and water, warrantless searches of digital information, labor relations board appointments without Senate approval, and numerous others went against him due to constitutional violations. Not too good for a supposed constitutional scholar.
Then there's the illegal attack on Libya, violating the war powers act, followed by Benghazi, with evidence mounting that the President himself refused to send a rescue force until the mission received approval from the titular new Libyan government. That could have saved the lives of the two SEALs. That was followed by the lies told about how the incident was the result of a video and not a terrorist act.
The cold, hard fact is that no one wanted to hold the first black President under too close scrutiny, for fear of being charged as racist. It didn't work, as Obama seemed to regard anyone not fully supporting him as racist, and his supporters eagerly took up the cry, obsessing over it until it lost some of its impact.
I haven't followed it, but it sounds plausible.
"Not too good for a supposed constitutional scholar."
I know. He essentially said if Congress wouldn't do its job (according to him), he would find ways to have the Executive Branch do it. I wanted to ask him how he squares that with the Constitution. I disagreed with this and any expansion of Executive power.
"violating the war powers act"
Congress has the power to declare war. [Sarcasm]A US president would deploy weapons of war without Congress. Unthinkable!![/Sarcasm] I do not blame President Obama for this problem.
"could have saved the lives of the two SEALs."
This never rang true to me. It sounds much more like when any project has a problem it's so easy to go back and say, "We'll I would have caught and fixed that bug before releasing it if it had been me doing it." Also, I never understood why the motive for the attack mattered. It's like his critics are reaching for anything they can twist into a scandal.
"Obama seemed to regard anyone not fully supporting him as racist,"
I see not a hint of evidence for this. It doesn't even seem remotely true.
This is the first explanation I have heard for qui bono in mishandling of the response to the attack. That's is very interesting.
How about the following:
1. The stimulus money that vanished
2. Operation Fast and Furious that Gulcher, AJAshinoff mentioned
3. Obama Care
4. IRS targeting the Tea Party and other Conservative groups
5. Benghazi
6. Iran nuclear deal
7. VA death-list
8. Solyndra....crony capitalism
Just to name a few.
The second reason is because it sounds transparently political. I have heard people claim that every US president in my adult life is outrageously bad, the worst in history. That's 5 out of 45, so if there were a deterministic merit ranking, there's an 11% chance one was right. I think the notion is silly.
he did say and I am paraphrasing to the indignation of people like me ; "you didn't do it by yourself"!!!!! so we the citizens of the united states of America had not only a muslim president but he is also a communist.
The central issue in economics is not the allocation of scarce resources,
it is how to get more.