A Wise Lesson in Empathy

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 9 months ago to Video
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With each country in the world having their own cultural view, their own way of thinking and surviving, their own mystical upbringing and level of consciousness, unaware of the rest of the world, unaware of the experiences and history of others see the world in different ways.

The idea of America, if one engages, if one assimilates into a culture that inherently is made up of many cultures solves that problem. Each individual bringing the best of his previous culture, the best lessons and benefits of their history could only serve to enhance one's consciousness and world view.

Only those that have faked or couldn't obtain this assimilation, those not conscious, those that live by the ego and faux hubris, by harmful mysticism's that lack an understanding and appreciation of the natural laws, those that do not respect the property of others and have no mutuality with their human counterparts, served only to keep us divided.

We are still a long way from becoming a global society and a long way from achieving a basic, common level of awareness, consciousness and conscience.

The European experiment is a failure because just the mere exposure of one culture to another will not awaken the sleeping one.

If one culture is considered "privileged" over another it is because of the difference in levels of consciousness, one's view and participation of history, not to mention the unintended and intentional misrepresentations of history.

The only way to discover that is for both sides to honestly view the black and white sides of it.
SOURCE URL: https://www.israel365.com/2017/06/video-wise-lesson-empathy/?mc_cid=451eee153c&mc_eid=baadead197

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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 9 months ago
    For the most part, "white privilege" consists of having parents who were responsible enough to (1) marry before breeding and (2) not have kids they can't afford to support.

    If the other guy's parents didn't do those things, his beef should be with them.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 9 months ago
    But, that's the problem. That is why the USA is such a singularity. The nature of the geography, the birth, the assimilation of various customs from various places is unique in history. There will never be another like it on this planet unless civilization starts all over again. But things are no longer what they were in the past 400 years. A desire for a global togetherness can no longer be contemplated because of human progress in the wrong direction. The best we can do is tp preserve the culture of this country and struggle to bring it back to the principles that gave it an advantage over all other countries. Sadly, this may no longer be possible.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 9 months ago
      Reasoned and logical common law, respect for property, a conscious understanding of the ways of existence that would be futile to resist and a common language is what it would take to have a peaceful global society.
      We all, in one form or another have expressed that we are so far away from accomplishing that; but, in America it was accomplished to a high degree and I think we do have a chance, slight as it might be, to go back to those principles.

      It would be easier to re-awaken 51% of America than it would be to awaken the rest of the world that has never been awake.

      Looking at both sides is like understanding that in everything, there is at least some value, if only to recognize that which is not. At least, at that point...we could structure our arguments to deal with the other side. After all, that's exactly what the NT was trying to do, only in a bicameral voice.
      Perhaps, we need to learn bicameral speak...something attuned to what was observed in Spiral Dynamics by those that achieved new levels of awareness that incorporated all the values of the previous levels.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 9 months ago
        I have enough of a challenge putting my thoughts into English. If you could only send a thought experiment in graphic form along with the words like in the movie "The Visitors" then, we'd have something.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 9 months ago
          I wonder if there is a specific sound, (frequency/vibration) we could make that would wake everyone up all at once.

          Something besides the sound of an atom bomb or a cosmic ray so strong it sounds like the Trumpets of revelations. Those two sounds would make everyone piss their pants...old strong ammonia piss!...I'd like to avoid those sounds.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years, 9 months ago
    Your last sentence is the key that nearly all fail to follow through on.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 9 months ago
      True, but also, much of the 180° divisions in today's culture is due to a lack of knowledge, history, or respect for the ways of nature and existence itself; however, like all rational arguments, one must be able to state the others position.
      I think, more than anything, that's what the B&W ball metaphorically represents.
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