The Left’s War on Free Speech

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 10 months ago to Government
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"...isclosure is increasingly becoming a tool by which government and political thugs identify people and organizations who oppose them."

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 10 months ago
    I'm slowly accepting that time has moved on over the past 20 years.
    Here is reporting on it:

    I think this is really happening. I think there's a trend with parents trying to be the catcher in the rye or God in the Garden of Eden, not wanting kids to grow up. My parents worried about me riding bikes on these neighborhood roads, but now people my age worry about their kids at the other side of the house. They want an open floor plan... for kids who are eight years old, not two. The first generation of them in is now in their mid 20s. They struggle "to adult". They want safe spaces from ideas they disagree with. My 8-y/o goes to soccer games where "both teams win" and no one keeps score. I take some comfort that the kids clearly keep score and even keep stats on players, disregarding the safe space the parents wish to create for them.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      CG, sad times. I hate "no winner or loser" sports. Seriously whats the point of non competitive competition?

      Entitlement breeds this conduct and the entitlement mentality is fed into children steadily from kindergarten on.
      Parents MUST fight the ideas of society as it encroaches into every aspect of daily life from TV, music, the web, teachers, and campuses. While influence of external (non-family) ideas are unavoidable, what happening is far more than influence it 24/7 degrees of immersion for all sides. I did my level best with my kids (even spirited discussion each night at the dinner table) and still my college age children sport ideals alien to me.

      Campuses? Please.. teachers and faculty push the snowflake drone docility and multicultural passivity as if their lives depend on it (and it does..$$).The end result is what you see at Berkley.

      dem chikens comin home
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