The Time Has Come For Atlas To Shrug

Posted by khalling 10 years, 2 months ago to Business
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"I am calling on business owners, large and small, across Puerto Rico to close their doors for 24 hours on September 2, 2014. The date is known as Atlas Shrugged Day, in honor of the date repeatedly mentioned in the Ayn Rand book Atlas Shrugged. In the book, one by one, men of industry, the movers and the shakers of the world, simply disappeared. They quit, closed their businesses, and walked away, driving the economy, already destroyed by over regulation and union madness, into even bigger disarray."

hey look, Euda-someone else is honoring the day along with us!
SOURCE URL: http://blog.panampost.com/frank-worley-lopez/2014/07/17/the-time-has-come-for-atlas-shrugged-to-shrug/

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    Posted by mckenziecalhoun 10 years, 2 months ago
    I am perhaps the most pitiful addition to the movement in the history of the effort.
    Broken, injured, slow, scattered, I am almost everything Ayn Rand did not admire. A JFK Democrat who believes in free speech (including for Republicans), free press (Including for FOX News), freedom of religion (Including for Christian fundamentalists), freedom of expression (including for the Tea Party Movement), and equal rights (including for white males). I am none of the above (well, part white and definitely male).

    My business consists of a few customers rarely seen. I barely earn enough for my lunch.

    My "business" will be closed and I'll say why as well. It's the most I can do though I would never be invited to Galt's Gulch (nor am I owed a place).

    Keep speaking up, each of you, about what you believe in. DO find a way to make the day public. DO consider the consequences (CHOOSE what you do, don't just go along and then be surprised by the results - Ayn did not teach blind following or careless planning).

    In my old job, telling them I was taking the day off for that reason would have brought me up for review, and I was and am still too cowardly to risk that. But now I run my own business (ethics can be very expensive), and it's my choice.

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    • 13
      Posted by H6163741 10 years, 2 months ago
      Your post really spoke to me. In my humble opinion, Objectivism really is not about wealth or even skills,but in doing the best you can for yourself and your family, supporting individual freedom and accepting reality for what it is. Love your attitude! Hold your head high
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    • Posted by mckenziecalhoun 10 years, 2 months ago
      Oh, to be clear, she had no problem with freedom - just me clarifying what kind of Democrat I am, not commenting on Ayn's beliefs.
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      • Posted by $ sjatkins 10 years, 2 months ago
        Objectivism is a philosophy for living on this earth as Rand said. It is about fully loving your life and living as if you do by honoring yourself - that is by living by what you rationally conclude is the most conducive to your true well being at all levels, material and spiritual/internal. It is about living for and in your own esteem of yourself. Not by someone else's standards but by your own honest evaluation. Anyone that does that, even sincerely works toward that, imho really "gets it". Many that claim to be objectivists unfortunately imho make it too much of a head trip that doesn't get integrated all the way down to the emotional level. They make it another fancy set of oughts without really getting the main point.
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 2 months ago
        For what reason(s) are you a democrat?
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        • Posted by mckenziecalhoun 10 years, 2 months ago
          JFK Democrat.
          Why wouldn't I?
          But the party slid socialist.
          Those that left the party essentially left it in the hands of the socialist and made all of the present troubles possible.
          As much as I understand the idea behind Galt's Gulch, the idea is also abhorrent to me because it means abandoning civilization to those whom we essentially disagree with. I feel the same way with my party. They've gone of the rails. I haven't. I still vote and speak up for freedom as I mentioned above. You'd be surprised how often just because of that I get told I am NOT a Democrat by fellow Democrats.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 2 months ago
      hey, mckenzie! a jfk Democrat is a conservative,
      compared with today's Democrats!!! -- j

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      • Posted by mckenziecalhoun 10 years, 2 months ago
        Comparatively, yes.
        And I've seen conservatives carrying the banner for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and equality far better than my party of late.

        Naw...you're all a bunch of racist bigoted white guys...right? Sure - I can tell - it says so right here in my manual of Democratic Socialism.

        Seriously - you folks help me stay a little less despairing knowing I'm not the only one noticing these things and posting them. I should keep my eyes out and do some posting as well.

        Keep speaking up, all. I'm grateful for it.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 2 months ago
      To me... what you said... would make you a candidate for the gulch. A looter and/or a moocher could not have spoken so honestly (and eloquently) about their beliefs. Someone who was sapping the system for all it was worth, who regarded pull more important than Pride, who had one hand in the pocket of their supposed partner, and the other down the front of their pants to grab them by the you-know-whats, could never - NEVER - be that upfront.

      Being in the gulch does not necessarily take wealth. It takes moral fiber, integrity, and courage to stand up for ones beliefs; The ability to look at something without coloring the facts, or hiding from reality, but in its bare, naked truth, to not only recognize that A=A, but feel it instinctively in your soul of souls.

      You may look in a mirror - and see a broken, scattered wreck of a human, but in your writing, you show the courage of Danneskjöld, the depth of thought of Galt, and the fighting against the status quo of my hero, Dagny...

      NEVER sell yourself short, for in so doing, you let the looters - the ones who would steal your soul and then sell it back to you on their terms - and the moochers who would guilt you into giving up everything you have to make them fat and lazy, win... Only if you do that, would you then affirm what you said. And I think, as a business owner and someone who has the courage to speak their mind honestly you could never do that.
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      • Posted by mckenziecalhoun 10 years, 2 months ago
        Are we allowed to cry, too?
        I'll tell you, it's been tough teaching in the public schools. I went because that's where I was needed, deliberately picking some of the toughest districts I could find. I loved it. I hated it. The kids and most of the parents were a blessing. The ANGRY parents were a blessing - they just wanted to help their kids.
        It was the staff and administration that was depressing.
        Boy, do I have stories, I'll share them as time goes.
        Now I teach private courses for parents on how to help their children become "gifted" (silly term, that, when you can get there deliberately) without all the pressure. We have such potential and the public schools never let me apply what I knew and was able to do with my own daughter (eight, reading at high school level now and LOVES reading).
        Being your own boss is such a pleasure. I'm learning and I'm listening. Thank you for the encouraging words, like a hand held out to pull myself up. Pulling myself up...
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  • Posted by radical 10 years, 2 months ago
    People are starting to "get it." As I have stated before in this Gulch blog, I shrugged in 1983. I'm very glad to have some company. Come on in; the water's fine.
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  • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 2 months ago
    Whether legally recognized as a holiday or not, many humans set aside 1 day of the year to honor the lives of 1 or more remarkable people under a common theme -- Labor Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, Secretary's Day, MLK Jr Day, Presidents' Day, etc...

    So, how about Producer's Day on September 2nd? If producer's wish to take the day off, good for them...

    Just to be clear, I am not trying to incite riots or other dangers from a mass movement of blind devotion, chanting, rain dances, or whatever... I as an individual (a leader of only 1 = me) am humbly throwing out the suggestion to all other honored individuals, who have the free will to choose whatever they wish...

    Stay thirsty my friends...
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  • Posted by kathywiso 10 years, 2 months ago
    This is refreshing... Great post Kh... I realize more every day how shrugging was the RIGHT decision.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
      Thanks. I think Frank has a great plan. Like -minded cooperation on Sept. 2 could have an impact for those who have not yet taken the steps you have. You've blazed a path for our generation.
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      • Posted by kathywiso 10 years, 2 months ago
        Well Thank You...It is nice to see a like minded person be so bold as to put a plan together like this. I really want it to be productive by making a huge impact. Those "Who is John Galt."stickers would be perfect for that day...
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 2 months ago
    This will go like a lead balloon! I would be shocked if anyone actually closes and even more shocked, if anyone does and if any media reports on it or anyone even notices.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
      let people know. and follow through....This is instigated by what is happening in PR, to remind you. I think it is a difficult decision for employees to make. Entrepreneurs are already under siege. It's a brave and heroic step to take, especially depending on how many employees you have.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 2 months ago
      hmmm. You have just read several people say they will close, in their own fashions. There are people here who will notice and comment. I think that counts against the 'lead balloon-ness".
      The problem with relying on the media for new is, if they don't report if, it didn't happen. So, there needs to be a way to make it more obvious to the public.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 2 months ago
    much as I absolute agree with business owners shutting down I think the prospect of that happening is a pipe dream. I encountered primarily doctors in the 1980's who closed their businesses as doctors and opened dry cleaning stores and this took place throughout the country. back then most were baby doctors because the insurance got out of hand. today doctors have a much greater reason to walk but they don't for the most part because they are close to retirement. that is the case with many people who are still in business and in their 70's. the problem the government will ultimately experience is no new blood taking over those companies or starting new companies. at that point the country closes up. all that will be left will be people escaping on drugs as is happening at this time just like the Russians who have been escaping with vodka today and it has been going on for a long time.
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  • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years, 2 months ago
    We should all go on strike ("shrug") that same day...
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 2 months ago
      Yes! We individualists should all do the same thing at the same time for the same reason to show that we are united in our individualism. (I only hope that no one quotes me out of context.) Why should "we" all shrug just because _you_ say so? Is it because you are the Lead Cheerleader, the real Heather with the Bow in her hair?

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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 2 months ago
        The government can safely ignore 5 or 10 protesters. It cannot ignore 5 million or ten million. Large numbers of aroused organized citizens can topple governments. .That's why we should go on strike on the same day.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
        I don't agree with striking, but I don't think it's wrong to make the suggestion. IMHO there's nothing wrong with asking for anything, and there's nothing wrong with saying no.

        That being said, I can't stand the argument that that says "I'm a misunderstood genius who could be producing amazing value as a business leader, but I'm so mad about politics that I feel morally compelled to deny the looters the fruits of my genius and to fight for what's right by staying home and watch cable news commentary tell me how everything's going to the devil. "
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        • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 2 months ago
          CG, why can't you stand that argument? It's at the core of Atlas Shrugged. How, other than violent resistance, are producers, especially producers of "amazing value" going to fight a manifestly corrupt and unjust system if they do not shrug? What's your suggestion? Are you waiting for the day when looters and parasites recognize their own immortality and "let" producers keep what they produce? We'll all be pushing up daisies long before that happens.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
            Many people who say they're not producing b/c of an unjust system say it's unjust b/c there are gov't actions they disagree with. If you added up all the things they disagree with, it might come out to around 50%. Probably most people disagree with 50% of what the gov't does. There's a real problem of interested groups promoting policies favorable to them. But I reject the narrative that there is a large group of evil looters who purposely raid the treasury for personal gain. There's a lot of pork barrel spending, but if it helps you the pork barrel looks like "bacon". The looters to those people look like people supporting the "public good".

            In AS, this goes to an extreme for illustrative purposes to show how badly this could get out of hand. I strongly agree with this message. History backs it up.

            I have not built an amazing business, but I watch people around me do a better job bringing people together and serving customers better and building something amazing.

            How lame it would be for me to say I _could_ build an amazing business if only it weren't for the policies I personally disagree with, which must be the result of looters. I too don't agree with most gov't spending and intrusiveness, and I'm not blaming my failures on that. I used to think it was some liberals who could cry you a river of excuses as to why they can't get things done. Some supposed supporters of objectivism take it to a new level based on an interpretation of AS that I strongly reject.
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            • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 2 months ago
              Certainly some so-called shruggers may use that as an excuse for failure. However, you did not address my point. How, other than violent revolt, do producers fight this political, social, and economic deterioration, much worse now that it was when AR wrote AS, and comparable in many ways to what was depicted in AS, if not shrugging? This time answer that question, if you can.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
                I'm where the characters were at the beginning of the book who think we can work within the system. I think someone will be leading industry and gov't, and it will be run by those who show up. AS is a warning that if it goes too far, everything can fall apart. It's a warning not to think that liberty is the normal state of human existence and it will persist without work.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
              The govt takes from you and gives to other groups -this includes preferential legal status to unions who strongarm either citizens or businesses to give (not value for value) through force. It is force if the govt backs their demands (you may not fire them etc.) How is it possible we 've gotten so off track from the original intent of the framers. How poetic when the producers cooperate on one day by not producing? It 's an elegant statement really. I recently read a book which I recommended to you btw, that estimated the avg person through taxation and regulation and currency devaluation due to money printing absorbs 60% of your earnings. So 60% of your production is govt owned. How is that not a form of slavery? What are you getting for that? Value for value?
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
                I agree with most of what you say, i.e. taxes are too high, rules inhibit labor mobility.

                I don't think striking will help, but of course people should do what they like.

                My main problem with striking is that producing stuff sucessfully is so hard; when I hear someone is *not* producing to make a political point, I immediately question if that was the reason. People find all kinds of reasons *not* to work. Some people really will not work for a good political reason; I'm just talking about how it looks. If you're not doing to win support for the cause, then this argument doesn't matter.

                A second problem is I believe the main impetus for socialism in the near future will be that automation is causing rising return on capital and falling prices of labor. This makes the "rich get richer", which leads to socialist approaches. A strike IMHO could just underscore this fact about capital vs labor and hasten the socialism. I don't have a solution to this problem, but I hope smart economists are thinking of one.
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                • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
                  Ou continually bring up the first point about production. I and others who have changed how we produce have asked and answered you. Myself, several times. Why do you continue to press your point? Manufacturing has changed in the US. I 'll bet those producers considering striking have a good relationship with their employees or that their employees value their positions within the company. We of course are speculating. However, where unions are involved, there is always another stakeholder at the table. Who does not produce but is paid to incite and stand between the employer /employee relationship. In PR, most citizens do not pay taxes. The majority of working citizens are govt employees. The territory is facing bankruptcy and companies have fled the island due to high taxes and policies. The governor (I 'm not sure what he is called there) said he was meeting bond obligations before pensions. So they are striking. What 's left? The well is dry
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
                    " I and others who have changed how we produce have asked and answered you. Myself, several times. Why do you continue to press your point?"
                    By changed how you produce, do you mean that you would enjoy and are capable of producing large amounts of wealth but choose to subsist b/c of the policy issues you mention in your previous post?
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            • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 2 months ago
              I got lost here, somewhere around the place where unjust actions somehow aligned with "government actions they disagree with".
              and then it seems to make sense for a while, and then I lose the trail of bread crumbs again.

              Some "supposed supporters of objectivism" take it to a new level..." take what? objectivism?
              I'm totally lost. hunh?
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        • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
          you always portray some odd sentiment that I don't identify with...I wonder who does?
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
            Do you think you could certainly build something generating amazing value, but you choose not to do it b/c you disagree with gov't policy? You've never said that.

            This is *not* the same as just doing what you want to do. I'm obviously for that. If you want to take a few part time projects here and there, just enough to provide for you, it should be a free country to do that. If you want to try to build a business empire, that's your right. Living deliberately, doing what you want, is important fundamentally, and it has the consequence of creating an environment where people are free to serve one another by creating amazing things.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
              I think I have been around and worked with people inventing amazing things and I have watched them build businesses. I have also witnessed how govt laws and regulations have killed their business -how they 've walked away from entire patent portfolios due to govt malfeasance and crony corruption. Db wrote about some of those businesses in his non -fiction book "The Decline and Fall Of The American Entrepreneur ". We depict them in our fiction books. We look for ways to send strong messages to candidates, reps and senators. But most importantly to wake people up to what has happened to US opportunities. You refuse to wake up. Or you were perhaps raised receiving benefit from the crony system or work for the govt.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
                The part about seeing it first-hand makes me want to read an unbiased account of how much business activity it affects b/c it's so easy to ignore something just b/c you haven't seen it personally. The US had a similar GDP to other countries at one point and grew amazingly fast; maybe it was due to favorable laissez faire policies.

                That part about me personally is pointless, since it adds nothing to know whether one person is foolish and/or biased for personal reasons.
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                • Posted by 10 years, 2 months ago
                  "due to favorable laissez faire policies..."
                  ya think?
                  I disagree. I might decide to change how I frame my arguments with you, since I think you are the only one on the site convinced we are in an expansion
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 2 months ago
                    I'm confused as to what this has to do with what stage of the economic cycle we're in.

                    And did you just say you don't think laissez faire policies had anything to do with the industrialization of the US? I must be misunderstanding something.
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        • -2
          Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 2 months ago
          +1 for that! In _The True Believer_ (a book favored by Ayn Rand) Eric Hoffer posited that people who join mass movements are losers who seek to explain their failure by pointing to external enemies who have prevented their success. They join causes that let them be a part of something bigger, enjoying special truths known only to a few. The mythic story of all mass movements goes: "... In the past, we had a nearly perfect society. But evil people stole it from us. If we all work together, we can build a better world, not for ourselves, but for our children.
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