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Second, you'd have to spend money and give them the DVD so they can say later, when they deny the truths, that they didn't spend their" money on the damn thing.
Lastly, liberals can't ignore the reviews/media, its their collective brain where they get their walking orders from.
Essentially, your modern liberal (progressive) lacks self-awareness. If they could really see who they are, by the implementation of their views and beliefs, and understand the damage that they cause, they would be horrified.
Faith or Religion = people's belief system, their ideology or their life philosophy.
To bring into discussion matter of politics or mysticism (your word choice, I'm sure) only invites the opportunity to discuss Objectivism's position in those matters. I would think the diversity of current events and how Objectivism fits would be something this site or any objectivist blog would welcome simply to present how relevant Objectivism is in today's events. This is the primary reason I repeatedly say that Ayn Rand was a visionary.
Personally, I'd much prefer a respectful discussion site to an echo chamber or a bully pulpit. I tend not to stay very long in those places.
I agree with you completely.
The majority of the discussions seems to me off the cuff, superficial discussions of the "news" of the moment. The opinions are stated as "obvious truths", with which no one possibly could disagree and at the same time providing not even a hint of how those opinions are rooted in the basic philosophical principles, Objectivist or not.
Add to that the fact the religion is, in fact, a dogma, but likes to pretend to be useful as a philosophy (see above). The religious people like to ignore that there a fundamental conflict between the Objectivist philosophy and a religious commitment to sacrifice for a reward in afterlife. Irreconcilable, I think
Best regards.
Add to that the fact the religion is, in fact, a dogma, but likes to pretend to be useful as a philosophy (see above). The religious people like to ignore that there a fundamental conflict between the Objectivist philosophy and a religious commitment to sacrifice for a reward in afterlife. Irreconcilable, I think"
I went to his submitted posts and this was one of his most recent. To me it appeared that he is the pot calling the kettle black.
A short comment as to why you posted the link would have helped me to understand whether you considered that article to be objective or that Martimus might have been contradicting other posts of his.
Those volumes are accompanied by Adam Smith's tomes on capitalism and morality, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, the Federalist and Antifederalist papers, and a broad spectrum of religious works. I also have all of the military strategy volumes (a result of a 20 year Air Force career), as well as antiwar and anti-military writings. My technical library is extensive as well. You won't find such a collection in a liberal's library.
My brother in law, who has two technical PhDs, is a serious liberal, but I assumed someone with his education would at least be willing to consider alternative views. No such luck. He quit trying to engage me on points of philosophy and politics, because he said I was "unfair" for relying on facts and logic, instead of feelings. I have little hope you'll have much luck convincing any liberal to watch Atlas Shrugged.
That Ayn Rand advocated against racism has no meaning for them because her premise starts with freedom for all. That is not what a liberal is about. They want freedom and power for themselves and themselves alone. Flogging the racism issue is only a means to that end. That is why racism can never be "cured".
As such, it is my layman's observation and opinion that liberalism is a mental disorder that must be studied and classified as such. Megalomaniacs, narcissists, and maybe even, if I may be so harsh, schizophrenics have nothing on liberals.
"It's good to suffer. Don't complain. Bear, bow, accept—and be grateful that God has made you suffer. For this makes you better than the people who are laughing and happy. If you don't understand this, don't try to understand. Everything bad comes from the mind, because the mind asks too many questions. It is blessed to believe, not to understand. So if you didn't get passing grades, be glad of it. It means that you are better than the smart boys who think too much and too easily."
Though I would be surprised if it gets read by those who should read it the most.
Part 1 was the best of the trilogy, too.
It was a Christmas gift from a brother who later Santa Claus followed up with A2 and A3
Now years later my memory of it has become cloudy. Think I'll stick it back into my DVD player tonight should no other distraction present itself.
Part I and Part II caught the essence and spirit of the book, (Part III was a mish-mash on a cheap budget that deviated fo far from the book that I can't..!), I'll even forgive some time-line shifts but miss certain nuances, especially Eddie Willers who opens the story line, acts as the common man caught up in events he has no direct control over but is affected by them, and in the end is looking into the uncertainty by the light of the engine following the tracks which disappear into the uncertain darkness. The tag at the end is only a promise.
For liberals to watch this would be like holding up a mirror to their souls and they would either turn away or dismiss it conservative propaganda; it is but it was a vision of the future which they made reality. They won't like it because it mostly about people expressing ideas (a real no no), talking; the action is limited to a train wreck, pouring Reardon Metal, and the oil field fire!
"I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine!" The antithesis of liberal doctrine: the subjucation of individualism, the bending of the will to serve the state, and the abolition of liberty and freedom!
"So...liberals, conservatives, progressives, libertarians, Tea Partiers, and politicos of all stripes — ignore the reviews and go see Atlas Shrugged for yourself and tell me what you think. Ayn Rand is not who you’ve heard she is. Read her works, watch the film, and judge for yourself."
That's so true. His suggest also applies to non-politicos of all stripes. In one of the movies (I can't remember it being in the book) Dagny tells her brother it's amazing how much you can accomplish if you stop playing politics and just roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Great contribution. Thank you. I will save it in my files for then being able to hand it out as a lesson for people who attack AR without ever having read a line from her writings.
Thanks, again. All the best to you.
I'm not for socialism, but the military is where we spend most of our money and that is true socialism The government owns every tank, gun, and bomb etc.
Objectivism to me is being objective and too often our politicians and Ayn Rand supporters are not objective at all. She would be ashamed.