Alabama passes legislation repeals requirement for marriage licenses.

Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 5 months ago to Culture
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requirements to obtain a marriage license by the State of Alabama are hereby abolished and repealed. The requirement of a ceremony of marriage to solemnized the marriage is abolished.” Consider those seeking to control the state’s definition of marriage is that a marriage license means a person requires government permission before getting married.

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  • Posted by rbunce 7 years, 5 months ago
    I believe this to be the key...

    "In practice, the state’s role in marriage would be limited to recording marriages that have already occurred. As pointed out in an appearance on the Mike Slater Show, under the proposed law, it would be much like buying a house. You don’t have to get a license to buy a house. You just record the deed once the transaction is complete."

    So to get any government or private benefits from being married, just show them your marriage "deed of trust".
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  • Posted by cksawyer 7 years, 5 months ago
    Brilliant solution to another political problem that exists on because of previous political intervention in something where politics has no rightful place, until...

    a child is involved. Then what would be an appropriate libertarian legal structure to address that situation without overstepping the justifiable role of law in the matter?
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Sen. Greg Albritton (R-Bay Minette) filed Senate Bill 20 (SB20) in February. The legislation would abolish all requirements to obtain a marriage license in Alabama. Instead, probate judges would simply record civil contracts of marriage between two individuals based on signed affidavits.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 5 months ago
      The contract of marriage should spell out what happens to the child (and who is responsible) in a variety of possible situations. If one comes up that wasn't anticipated, some court will have to decide, just as is true now. But I would hope that the parties in their contract would be able to take control of a lot of cases where the courts today would decide on a whim.

      In contrast (apparently) to the people talking about yin and yang, I believe contracts should be as specific as possible, and that freedom of contract should be near-absolute, because it reduces uncertainty and thus the need for, and cost of, litigation.
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  • Posted by hvance 7 years, 5 months ago
    Alabama is run by lawyers for the most part and you will note that this bill takes care of them, they couldn't care less about marriage except for what they will be getting out of it. If a lawyer's fee could not exceed 1% of a divorce settlement there would not be as many divorces. And then there's the fee to pay the government to do something that you want to do in your life. I dread the day when we have to have a license to go to the grocery store.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
    I can see that they will have problems with the wording of the law. The law requires that the marital partners not be related....The question will be raised..."Why?" If marriage is not for procreation...IE same sex can get married.....why the prohibition on relatives????? I am not proposing this....just playing Devils Advocate in pointing it out.
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    • Posted by zonoz 7 years, 5 months ago
      Did you never take a science class? Relatives don't get married because of the very real danger of birth defects because if the parents share a defective gene the chances of their children having it are drastically increased.

      This is not myth but scientifically proven. So unless both parties are of the same sex or have been neutered it's not only not a good idea but more than a little creepy.

      Think about Woody Allen marrying his adopted daughter. They aren't even related and that's just strange IMO.
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      • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
        I am well aware of the facts you mention.....however in the court system today it is "Facts be dammed". our society there seems to be a desire to desire to support, fund and encourage insanity, stupidity sloth and any number of other negative things. My own sister, being divorced and having 2 girls to get through college has had both of them certified learning disabled and one as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder in order to get government grants to pay for schooling. It is all bullshit...but the government will pay for it so disabled children were created. More defectives and nitwits are apparently a good thing since the government funds them.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      Yes. Same sex marriage. I couldn't care what people do with their sexuality. The govt should be asexual that is to say all are equal based on a heart and a brain what you do with consenting adults is irrelevant. that is part of the hypocrisy of the leftist's . their ideas are supposedly based on a collective equality for all. The redefining of Marriage to include all is so inclusive yet it opposes or excludes some others ideals.
      But that is not how the world works. The weak get weeded out in nature. The strong thrive. Humanity is part of nature , but we are carrying a heavy load of non producers . What us the tipping point?

      If I were reincarnated I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
      Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh,
      husband of Queen Elizabeth II,
      Patron of the Patron of the World Wildlife Foun
      Kissing cousins hmmmm. The result of inbreeding can be viewed in the Kakistocrats .
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  • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 5 months ago
    It makes sense to me to let any two (or more) adults marry if they feel like it.

    However, because marriage affects the legal rights of some individuals (whether by creating community property, or just the right to visit your spouse in the hospital and to manage his affairs should he become unable), it is a good idea for marriages to be registered so that their existence or nonexistence can be readily determined. If the state no longer operates such a registry then something like the rather haphazard system we now have to register the ownership of land would need to be created as a substitute.
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    • Posted by NealS 7 years, 5 months ago
      Tell me more about that "(or more)" you inserted above. Is that an option in the US today, not that I'm really interested or concerned, just curious? One is more than enough, at least one at a time. In fact the third's been a charm for me, just like the old adage.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 5 months ago
    Then a birth certificate with each male/female parent listed would be all that's needed to legitimize a child, Right.
    Together with a need to have a will?

    Now, what of the requirements of a spouse being covered by one member's health insurance?

    I am in favor of this move, But I am curious as to how this will effect the issues above.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 5 months ago
      This is one of the few cases where I think a word needs to be replaced. Though widespread, the practice of referring to a child as "illegitimate" is both stigmatizing and inaccurate.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 5 months ago
        At least some states have made it the law that "no child is illegitimate." California is one. It makes sense to me; the main result is that every person can inherit from both parents even if he was born out of wedlock. The Vikings and Welsh have had this in their laws since long before Christianity -- which is why those countries use patronymics rather than family surnames. It means you can't tell from someone's name whether his parents were married or not.

        Unfortunately, some of the states which say "no child is illegitimate" also automatically assume that if the mother was married, then her husband is the father (and thus liable for child support should they divorce) even if a DNA test proves the child isn't his. That's going too far and needs to be repealed.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 5 months ago
        I think that "illegitimate" means out of wedlock? which is different than what I was referring to; meaning having a known mother and father or in most cases, a known father but on the social side, parents that are accountable.
        If I have the chance I'll look, it up today, what was originally meant by legitimize.

        PS. I have known many kids born out of wedlock and it didn't stigmatize them at all....I sometimes wonder if that is a "projection" by those, (unrelated or morally outraged...cause they are guilty) that are unnecessarily offended.
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
          There was a legitimate reason to scorn illegitimacy....a woman wouldn't want her child scorned this way so avoided at all costs the status. In point of fact....THAT IS A GOOD THING. The more legitimate births there are...the better for society as a whole.
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          • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
            I was wondering about the stigma attached to some actions. Certainly the child has no control over his conception but the parents do. Does the fear of being stigmatized cause people to be more mindful of their actions? A lot of kids born to single moms now-a-days.
            Today I hear very little of illegitimate children.
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            • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
              Shack up honeys are actually promoted these days. It is in fact cruel, to stigmatize an innocent child due to an accident of his birth over which he had no control. However when this stigmatization results in less fatherless children society as a whole is better off as there will be greater happiness and stability in society. Unfortunately the modern welfare state has also removed almost all the negative aspects for the Single mother and child...they won't starve for instance....Also single motherhood is actually celebrated,. The single mother is viewed as a heroine instead of the vicious child abuser she really is....yes that is right I said vicious child abuser. What bird in the wild would lay an egg without first making a nest [ie preparing adequately] If you have children and have nor prepared adequately by securing something more than a sperm donor, YOU ARE A CHILD ABUSER. A Father is an essential preparation for having children. The only "Single Mothers" who have any sort of nobility, equal to Married mothers, are widows. A close second are Divorcees. They didn't purposely have a child without a father....but they perhaps lacked in the skill of selection of the man. Rape victims are also in this category....They should probably think about adopting the baby out.

              Too damn bad if you don't like my hierarchy here or my value judgment that a Father is a requirement. Our society has been hollowed out precisely because we have gotten too far away from "Traditional Values" Almost all those harsh "traditional Values" and arcane rues have a reason for being there.
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              • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
                Hi evlwhtguy,
                I have no judgement of you. I agree with much of what you have said and I posed the question because I also think the stigma on occasion may have an indirect benefit. Regarding the vicious child abuse claim for a single mother it is a bit harsh and all encompassing for my sanction.
                I do however believe using good judgement is essential for young women.
                And not being responsible for actions is now taught to many young women. Media promotes promiscuity before even knowing the sex partners name , all the time.
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                • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 5 months ago
                  Your points are considered and well made. It breaks my heart to see the disaster of a life the average out of wedlock child has and what it has done to our society...hence my use of the term "Vicious Child Abuser". Not all fathers are perfect and sometimes a bird can lay an egg on the ground and successfully raise a chick without the preparation of a nest...but are far better off with a nest...[father that is]! [I hope you catch my crazy analogy here]
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                  • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
                    I do and the attack on family values that I witnessed over the past many decades by the leftist's is almost over ( not much remains to destroy). The black community has been devastated the most by the lack of a participating father to raise a well mannered individual. That problem is not limited to any ethnic group IMHO.
                    The culprit ultimately is the entitlement of collectivism enabling a non working mother to have multiple kids all feed and sheltered for no effort.
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              • Posted by $ jdg 7 years, 5 months ago
                I agree that having a lot of fatherless children around is a bad thing, mainly because of the values a father will usually teach his children, including responsibility. However, I do not share your love for "traditional values" because high on that list are both religious nonsense and the restrictions it imposes on sexual behavior among adults (which are obsolete, mainly because of birth control, to the extent they ever made sense at all).

                But the way I would discourage women from raising children by themselves when they can't afford to is by (1) rolling back the child-support law to what it was in 1900 (no wedding, no child support) and (2) eliminating the welfare subsidy for having children. Then if you can't support your children, you would have to put them in foster care or go to jail for child neglect. I would expect this program to greatly improve life outcomes for the children affected, because it would remove them from the homes of mothers who only had them as a means of collecting welfare benefits in place of getting jobs (and who are therefore very bad role models, in whose footsteps the kids are now very likely to follow). More to the point, it would mostly prevent kids with those poor prospects in life from being born at all.

                Finally, I would legalize prostitution so that guys would have a good alternative to getting married if they're not really interested in raising children in the first place.

                (Aside: I find it quite amusing that the people who talk the most about "the attack on family values" -- the religious right -- are probably more wedded than anybody else to the one government program that really started the breakup of families -- Social Security. First created by Bismarck in the 1870s, social security was what made it feasible for adults to move out of grandpa's house and form nuclear families. Is there anyone here who'd want to go back?)
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                • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
                  Good point on the religious proponents that championed their version of family values.
                  Some of the values that I speak of is responsibility
                  For your actions ,teach your children manners and responsibility, earning your own way, be honest and caring for your family, live ethically, live a life to be proud of, respect others, that type of thing.
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  • Posted by zonoz 7 years, 5 months ago
    You know, they've always talked about the separation of church and state and finally someone is actually doing something practical about it.

    I think what the Founding Fathers meant was they didn't want a church, ie the Church of England, meddling in government.

    I don't believe for an instance that they did not intend for those involved to not call upon God (of their choice) for guidance in guiding the newly formed country and solving the problems it faced.

    Freedom to practice their religion as they so chose was one of the biggest reasons for coming to America. Why in the world would they then write it out of the lives of those that were chosen to govern them?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
    Just sign on the dotted line, folks.As long as a marriage ceremony is still an option I can see no difficulty and much convenience to this. However, if one of my grand children decide on co-habitation, they had better have some sort of ceremony. Two points: I love a family party #1. Especially if everyone gets along. #2 I love a family party, especially if no one gets along.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
      Hmm. I'll construct a sign that says: I"LL YIN IF YOU"LL YANG.
      Right over the dinner table.
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      • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
        In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also yin–yang or yin yang, 陰陽 yīnyáng "dark–bright") describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

        This goes well with a warm meal.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
          Yes. You cannot have light without darkness. Good is meaningless without evil. At the next get-together, it'll be, "OK, everyone Yin on the left side of the table, everyone yang on the right side, mugwumps in the center. Please, no conversations until after the dessert is served.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      The yin and yang of family. Party on Herb.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
        Thank you.
        Personally I'm more affected by the Hindus.They believe that you and I and all living things are a part of a universal intelligence, a great all, if you will. When you die you may return to it if you've been very good or you can be sent back, hence reincarnation. Depending on your status you could be a cow a cockroach, a dog or a human, the highest human being a Brahman, just one step below your atman (soul) returning to the GA. There's more, but the BW just called me to dinner. I never miss that if I can help it.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
          The Akashic records (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") are collectively understood to be a collection of knowledge that is encoded in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence. .
          The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) encoding Universal lore. Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience but it is understood that all phenomenal experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 5 months ago
            As personified by the Mythic King Akasha.
            One of the things I've always been impressed with are the 3 tragedies. They are: The tragedy of ignorance, knowledge and desire. Are you familiar with this? Ignorance is when something is about destroy you and you haven't a clue (an auto accident). Knowledge is when someone is being destroyed and you are helpless to help them ( a surgeon who cannot save his patient). Desire (the most insidious) You are a circle within a circle The outer circle represents your desires. You grow and grow until you encompass the outer circle, only to find that now there is a new outer circle.Ah, those Hindus.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
              And go round and round and round
              In the circle game *

              Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now
              Cartwheels turn to car wheels thru the town
              And they tell him take your time it won't be long now
              Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down

              So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
              Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
              There'll be new dreams maybe better dreams and plenty
              Before the last revolving year is through

              Joni Mitchell
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years, 5 months ago
    I haven't read the article so please forgive me if this is answered there. But if the State has abolished the marriage license, what if any effect does this have on how the courts will handle divorce?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
    In the bygone days of yore, a once young me dino got the impression that the issuance of a marriage license came after being required to provide medical proof of not having a venereal disease.
    I wasn't even thinking about that when a dinosaur in love simply coughed up the money for the license. By now all the state of Alabama was thinking about was just revenue income.
    Three or so years ago me dino read an article in the Birmingham News. Politicians were thinking about ditching marriage licenses to erase pricey legal problems between same sex couples and devoutly Christian courthouse clerks.
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    • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
      I can hear it now Do you Allosaur take ------ as your beloved dinomate.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
        And I happily replied, "Ee-urp! Ee-urp!"
        But my future ex replied, "Runk! Runk! Runk!"
        That's when I should caught on about the future little Eep! Eep! as it was relevant to Gwop! Gwop! Gwopper! Whopper!
        But I didn't think none of it was at all germane to the Ee-hoo!"
        Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
        • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
          They are the eggmen
          You are the Dino
          Goo goo g' joob
          Goo goo g' joob
          Goo goo g' joob
          goo goo g' joob
          goo goo g'
          juba juba juba
          juba juba juba
          juba juba juba
          juba juba

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          • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
            Well, hell's bells.
            Diggy liggy lo!
            Yeehaw! Cha-cha-cha!
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            • Posted by 7 years, 5 months ago
              Man that guy can burn a fiddle he almost cuts it in half. Dingy liggy lo.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 5 months ago
                That's how you rock a fiddle.
                I looked Doug Kershaw up to see if once worked in a sawmill. No.
                He's a Cajun who learned to speak English at the age of 8. By then he had already mastered the violin. He can play a variety of other instruments.
                I long, long ago heard the Southern accent has its roots in French-speaking settlers.
                On my mother's side I'm related to French folks the Brits kicked out of Canada.
                It would have been cool if my ancestors belonged to those who split away south down the Mississippi to become Cajuns in Louisiana..
                But no-o! Mine just had to settle in such places as New Jersey and Connecticut instead.
                Evidently, my ancestors had no influence on dialect at all.
                I have some maternal side cousins who talk just like Connecticut Yankees do.
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