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  • Posted by GaryL 7 years, 8 months ago
    Say it isn't so! Simply change the name from Obamacare to Trumpcare and every liberal will demand it be repealed immediately!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 8 months ago
    Yes! Thank God for Communism with a big C!
    It is the way. It has always been!
    In fact, it is the American way.
    Because good ole' Yankee ingenuity can finally make it work the way Karl Marx meant it to.
    We were headed down that road lickity-split ready to tilt the Supreme Court into the judicially legislated progressiveness of control freak fascism when that nasty racist, misogynist, Islamophobic Donald Trump and his trophy wife just had to come along to totally mess up our globalist plans with open borders for the utopia of a New World Order with Marxism and Sharia Law dancing arm-in-arm in streets, enjoying peace forever throughout the world.
    This Dem dream can still achieve full fruition. Just get rid of the Orange Dump and give unto Hillary Rotdamn Clinton her entitled coronation.
    Now someone tell me-- uh, did I spell Rotdamn right?
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 8 months ago
    Liberals have been ignoring the meaning of the constitution for more than a century. This is just another step down the road to replacement of rule of law with slavery by elitists who are above the law.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 8 months ago
      Liberals don't know the true meaning of anything. They have been confounding our language so much, making it up as they go, that they don't know which way is up anymore...kinda like trying to keep track of one's lies.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 8 months ago
    I think it's time to peel off the coasts, both East and West. A great earthquake could take care of the West. But what could we come up with for the East? The problem is there are still some of us human beings and true patriots that still live in these areas. I've recently moved to the eastern part of the west just to get away from most of these extremists. Hopefully more and more people will start to see this as purely crazy extremism and vote accordingly in 2018 and beyond. I just wonder if "they" will get the message or just continue to self destruct their party. It's becoming a party of personal hate and no longer has any bearing on what's good for the country.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 7 years, 8 months ago
      Every time Schumer opens his mouth I feel ashamed to be from NY. Not to mention the foolishness of making the Evil Hag (thanks Allosaur) a state senator and she never even lived in the state!!! Liberalism is definitely a disease and it is epidemic in my state. Some of us seem to be immune, though.
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      • Posted by NealS 7 years, 8 months ago
        If there was a way to give the liberals and their Sanctuary Cities everything they want, they might get the message. It's of little use to try to fight them or even to argue with them, they don't listen. As far as this "Sanctuary City" nonsense is concerned it's really nothing more that a "I hate Trump" campaign. If they really want it that way we should not fight them but give them exactly what they want. Let ICE, ATF, and everyone else catch illegal and criminal aliens in the other law abiding cities and deport them to all to the sanctuary cities. Like I say, the only reason they are spewing this sanctuary garbage is because it is exactly the opposite of the conservative side, opposite of Trump, and opposite of the Republican Party, all three separate entities today. If we agreed with them and tried to change the law in their favor, them we would see demonstrations against that. Schumer should immediately be recalled with some of his other extremists. Hopefully the people he represents will see what he really represents and at least vote against him in his next election cycle. I'm so embarrassed on how they are behaving, much worse than any two year old.

        To prove my point on opposite, we should get the federal government to announce a gun sales ban in all sanctuary cities. Then "they" would take the opposite position and open gun sales up to everyone. That might even help the situation and finally bring things to a head. Obama's the one that trained the liberals to behave like they do, and allow them to exercise total disrespect for the law.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 8 months ago
          "Obama's the one that trained the liberals to behave like they do, and allow them to exercise total disrespect for the law." That and a lack of consciousness.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 8 months ago
        Well, he bit his nose off with the SC thing, and BOOM, nuclear they are ALL whining about "we are to blame" That will last less than 6 hours and they will be back to lying, cheating and blaming...
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 8 months ago
    There are times that I wish we could return to the dark ages for a day or two, and question the people who want to do crap like this with a brief test on the nature of freedom. If they don't pass they'll be locked in a windowless room where a song like "One Eye, One Horn, Flying, Purple, People, Eater is played 24/7 until they go insane and are sent to the rest home for the very, very nervous tended by a nurse ratchet clone.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 8 months ago
    they wrap the constitution around themselves when it suits their agenda...and ignore it when it doesn't...pragmatism...not objectivism...
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