Louis L'Amour had a good point He noted in the West, after the Civil War, outlaws who decided to 'tree' a town often were rudely surprised. Almost every man, and a lot of women, had a gun or knew how to use it. This was an effect of the Civil War when people had to have a gun and use it well if personal and corporate safety were to be kept. Even the kids, especially the boys as young as 8-9, of that time were taught about guns and when they were to be used.. A sort of Darwinian culling also occurred. Stupidity got you killed in many different ways but stupidity with a gun got you killed, period.
I didn't get past this line: "....to store police-provided AR-15s in locked gun safes on campus to defend schools against active shooter situations." If they are going to be locked in a safe there's no point if having them on campus. They're useless.
I disagree . The fact that they are there is a deterrant. I assume the guards will continue to carry hand guns as a first line of defense. The AR-15 would be for the extreme cases. I like the idea.
Guess I should have kept reading...I didn't know they already had pistols. The thing with locking them up... who has the key?, what if that person is hit first of off sick or on the other side of the school. I don't like the idea of having guns for protection that are locked up. When you need one you need it NOW. I commend them for having pistols. All schools should.
Thank you. In my opinion if there are guns on campuses (and I'm a big advocate for this) then they should be on a person at all times, loaded and ready. Preferably concealed so no one knows who has them...the more the better. The kids don't even need to know for that matter. Parents are paranoid, they have an irrational fear and the schools typically reenforce that paranoia with the whole "no finger gun playing at recess" crap. Guns=evil by default. Another reason to home school. The lock down drill at my school is the hide in a corner....and wait. That accomplishes nothing... quack quack.
I always thought that we should publicly state that any teacher or school administrator who submits to a background check is permitted to carry on school grounds. That ends it. These nut cases won't open fire if they don't know who does and does not have a gun.
The result of 30+ years of progressive education is that most parents today are idiots. They need to treated as such. Ignore them-do what is right and eventually they shut up and go back to downloading fart apps for their smart phones.
Still within reach..... If you have to dig out a key or punch in a combination...or hope the person who has access isn't in the crapper or out to lunch it is not "within reach" and it is not an advantage whatsoever. Their only saving grace is that they have pistols on their hips. (I HOPE that's where they are...and LOADED.)
We have cops in our schools, who carry pistols. Ready to use. I like that. They always have though, even before Sandy Hook. Just an all around deterrent. Our HS principal carries.
We the last conservative holdout in the state. Our state rep is awesome, and she supports the second amendment. Love her! And she's never missed a vote. Takes her job seriously.
in the West, after the Civil War, outlaws who decided to 'tree' a town often were rudely surprised. Almost every man, and a lot of women, had a gun or knew how to use it. This was an effect of the Civil War when people had to have a gun and use it well if personal and corporate safety were to be kept. Even the kids, especially the boys as young as 8-9, of that time were taught about guns and when they were to be used.. A sort of Darwinian culling also occurred. Stupidity got you killed in many different ways but stupidity with a gun got you killed, period.
If they are going to be locked in a safe there's no point if having them on campus. They're useless.
They are still within reach, and any advantage is a plus.