Priority Economic Citizenship for Some, Officially Sanctioned Status as Prey for Most of Us

Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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"Instead we now get Congressionally approved and to be required Career Pathways (p 10) developed by the Boards and Industry or Sector Partnerships (p 22) so that what students can do “aligns with the skills of industries in the economy of the State or regional economy involved.” The Middle Ages called the decision that others get to decide what each of us may become feudalism. The 30s and 40s called it Fascism and the 21st century calls it State Capitalism. It is now here in the USA."

Another nail in the coffin of what was known as the USA. Here's perhaps the scariest thing contained in the WIOA bill.

"Remember that suburbs or small towns that wish to exceed this standard for all may be accused by the Civil Rights Divisions of Justice and Education of being discriminatory."

So, who still believes we can 'sit on the sidelines' regarding this war on America by our own gov't?

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