A long, slow slog
When asked if I had read The Virtue of Selfishness in response to a comment I made regarding my daughter's understanding of rational self-interest, I said I had not but have a go at it. Downloaded e-book and have gotten about one-third through. Now I wish I had a print version. It's hard to make margin notes and underline passages for rereading. Anyway, it has been slow going as I usually have to stop before I hit information overload. Not having been too much of an intellectual as a young person, although I enjoyed reading and absorbed a lot through that medium, it has been an exercise to let my mind begin the process of critical thinking again.
I was thinking more of the old Alka Seltzer tune, No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach's In). I remember when it came out. Tells you how old I am.
Remember this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-W5crYm7...