Are those that call the President a Fascist,.. they themselves Fascist and Communist?
Yes they are!
Most of us, familiar with Rules for Radicals Know this.
The Video gives us some historical background.
Here is another piece of marxist history:
Most of us, familiar with Rules for Radicals Know this.
The Video gives us some historical background.
Here is another piece of marxist history:
I still consider these people dangerous FLuffy Bunnies. They even said they want to push a Progressive candidates for local government offices. If it was open season on these Fluffy Bunnies I would go a hunting!
Probably right Carl (pun intended),
Face it, the all-encompassing word is Collectivism, which has now taken over America and most of the world. The Rulers have exclusive "rights' to decide who lives and who dies. The only bright glimmer in all that is that they also will also self-extinguish.
Oh, so much fun ahead for our species!
Fascism does not need to be aggressive: Franco's Spain and Salazar's Portugal had no mutual antagonism. Similarly, Scandinavia demonstrates that socialism does not need gulags.
Be that as it may, I believe that new labels will be found for what we are now experiencing. For comparison and context, through JSTROR, I found this some years ago:
The Rising National Individualism
Author(s): Herbert Adolphus Miller
Source: The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 19, No. 5 (Mar., 1914), pp. 592-605
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
By "national individualism" the author means what we came to call "fascism" - socialism with a nationalist character so that Slavic Socialism is different from German Socialism and so on, all of them opposed (or, "opposed") to the international socialism of the left.
"It is not at all clear just where the individual merges into the social, but we have become familiar with the contrast between Individualism and Socialism, and everyone has a fairly good idea of what is meant by the two terms. We are beginning to see that men are more closely related to the groups to which they belong- family, community, and religious organization-than to any inter- est which could be more specifically called merely personal. The object of this paper is to show that there is a rapidly developing individualism that is distinctly social, and which promises to become a powerful factor in human affairs. The earlier conflict between Socialism and Individualism is likely to be diverted to that between Socialism and Nationalism or the struggle for national individuality. At the present moment the world is organizing itself into two great camps-Socialism and Nationalism. Both are expressions of the group feeling; both are movements of revolt; both are struggles for freedom. They started from a common impulse about fifty years ago, but quickly found themselves arrayed against each other. One would break down political boundaries; the other would build them up. Socialism calls all the world one; Nationalism sets part against the rest. Socialism is economic; Nationalism sentimental. Both are rapidly becoming world-wide and must fundamentally modify statescraft."
Again, look at the publication date: 1914. The author correctly identified the existence of a trend, though his terminology was muddled. However, he could not see where this was leading. Brave New World was published in 1931. The characters are all named for great collectivists of the day from Polly Trotsky and Lenina Crowne to Bernard Marx and Mustapha Mond. (See BNW in Wikipedia for a list.)
Everyone "intelligent" person thought that individualism as we understand it was dead with World War I which ended the 19th century, intellectually and spiritually. However, in the 1930s and 1940s, libertarianism was nurtured by three women: Isabel Paterson, Rose Lane Wilder, and Ayn Rand.
Now, we understand somewhat different meanings in all of those old labels: liberal, libertarian, conservative, socialist, fascist, nationalist, internationalist... It remains to discover the new labels.
"Socialism calls all the world one; Nationalism sets part against the rest"... In a world that doesn't respect one's property...physical, mental or a "person" themselves, in order to have maximum freedom and maximum responsibility the need for borders and a nation state continues.
We, on planet earth, will never be One World or have a One World identity until Everyone respects the property of others.
As far as Trumpet and long as he is a Fascist with Government and not a Fascist with the people.
I wish it were different, but how else can we rid ourselves of the corrupt swamp that DC has turned into without a full blown revolution or at least a tough guy willing to bully the bullies that surely do not respect Your Property and the spoils of your hard labor.
This is Not a's just an observation.
What the left or the "Global Socialist" (to put it nicely...and it's not nice) is that we do respect and appreciate the different peaceful and diverse cultures and that doesn't need to change.
The only change needed are the cultures that are 180 opposed to life, liberty, property and the pursuits of happiness that harms no one.
So, this moving back to National Sovereignty seems protectionist by nature which mimics Fascism in the eyes of the Globalist.
We will continue to need borders and boundaries until the day comes that Everyone is Conscious, has a conscience and respects the property of others.
America is special in that it is not a multicultural society, America is of One culture made up of many and bound by a common language and's far to late for the rest of the world that developed their cultures way before America was just a gleam in our Forefathers eyes.
Again...except for the muslim, cannibalistic or pagan tribalistic societies, I don't think we'd even want to change a thing. We enjoy the other cultures for what they are, we visit them to experience their cultures, not to change them.
Last week I went to the village in the mountains of Sicily where my family is from. They came here 100 years ago. My grandfather is the last to speak the languages from that area. I had to drive over narrow winding mountain roads to get there. It's still another world up in those mountains. Only people under 20 y/o seem to have learned any English, so I get by speaking slowly in American English and American Spanish. But the young people spoke English. They're putting their parents' cafes on Facebook. I feel like I went just in time. If I had been born 100 years later, it would be like going from Wisconsin to the Smokey Mountains-- much more homogeneous.
When jet planes and user-friendly Internet applications were invented, an irreversible reaction started.
But...Yes, the internet changed everything but I doubt the cultures will ever change beyond recognition and I for one, don't want them to.
If the world was the same all over and would be pretty boring, don't ya think?
Yes. That's why I say I was born "just in time".
"The pagans and muslims do not mesh with anyone but themselves."
Of course this is completely false. I live every day in a world of people informed by the past while accepting reason. Daily experience working via Slack with people around the world, going to international conferences, and working with people from various backgrounds living right here shows how completely absurd this is.
It's like dealing with a recovering'll never know when that ole erg will strike!...that's an old joke...I'm laughing...laughing I tell you.
It stood to reason that some were you have provided the proof...(I'm taking your word on this and will name you as my source so I won't be charged on Fake News charges)
Perhaps they are more concerned than we are. We are just observing behavior, that's not a "Phobia".
Religion or organized teachings is misguided enough by not having evolved the conversation but it's observable that it is the left that are the pagan bicameral's and have a nasty habit of putting it off on us.
The falsehoods and propaganda is so thick...Those not aware just swallow it whole but for those that are...even a spoon full of sugar will not help it go down.
The question, once vetted and verified, is How do we Wake everyone up?
No amount of knowledge about consciousness or how man became conscious applies to what I observe these days. Just look at all the books, authors and documentation we view these days about Past Deceptions the we, ourselves thought true.
Gota Stop Scratching my head...losing too much hair!
they couldn't care a less about any individual rights or freedoms. Find who is paying them and charge them with inciting a riot!
The two vids I posted and plenty more and I'm sure you've seen some too that show powerful groups that oppose Everything!!!
In terms of Entropy...they got it locked...grind it to a halt then spin it out of control...existence no longer exists...not even it's epitaph if we don't get a handle on it.
The objective is to never let another part of the world develop into another America and to dismantle US.
Edited to add this
" The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the US. We have to stop these third World countries right where they are.”
Michael Oppenheimer
Environmental Defense Fund
We can look at it this way...America, and at least a portion by proxy, Western civilization, allows the "Right" to become a conscious value creating human being and developing one's mind...that alone, creates our "pursuit of happiness" and a singular unit of property we call: Self.
Other than fear, or loss of status because of one's incompetence, there is no reason I can find, that everyone on the planet or even the universe can't have the same opportunities.
Some of us are libertarians and agorists and voluntaryists and autarchists.
Socialism is government ownership; fascism is government control.
There is very little socialism in these United States, but lots and lots and LOTS of fascism.
Trump is, indeed, a fascist, though not any more so than, say, Obama.