A small Pride is born...

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago to Pics
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Just thought I'd share. March 6th brought us a special pleasure.
March, for us, has come in not like a Lion but instead...Lioness's..."Our Eyes of March"; 4 baby Maltese Girls born to our beloved Mama Missy.
I have a habit of naming these litters according to the signs of the times they are born on.
Our First litter: The Blood Moon Babies, the second: The Civil Whites Gang...born on MLK's birthday then The Juno Twins...after Storm Juno here in the Northeast and the last, When nothing in particular was happening, The Silly the Kids Gang, (and they were quite an amusing brude)(made up of, Parker, Get on the bus Gus, Silly Millie and Saddy Lady.

This year, our little pride will be known as: The Eyes of March Gang.
I could however, call them the "Nones of March" Nones in Rome/Caesar/Shakespeare would be the 7th of March whereas, Ides would be the 15th.

What do you think? Do you like: Eyes? or Nones? of March in relation to our new born kids...Laughing.

Hope you enjoy the picts.

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  • Posted by Stormi 8 years ago
    I like the "Eyes of March". They are so cute, and mama is adorable.When all the clamor of the world is stopped by such and event, we realize what really matters to us.
    Our beloved Shetie, Cheyenne, lost her battle with cancer this winter, but somehow, before she died, taught our one cat to growl at anyone who came up the driveway. It was eerie how it began after she died and continues, like she is somehow still here.
    I was also excited last summer, when a blue jay made a nest in a house on our deck. She was not aggressive, as they can be, but let her babies sit in the house and gaze out as we sat on the deck. They were quite curious, and we got to watch them grow.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 years ago
    Recently I had dinner with a group.
    One was a middle aged chap who usually has something cynical to say and a face to match.
    He has just become a father for the first time. When he held his 3 month old his face was just like that second pic,
    I describe it as - the cat that got the cream!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
    Thanks for sharing OUC.
    Mama Missy looks very proud of her pride!
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      She is a Great Mom...so Devoted to them she won't take time to go to the bath room...quick pee and scatchin at the door to get back to them...she'll ease up a bit in a couple of days.
      If we were to take one away without her seeing us she would literally Scream!...ever hear a dog scream like a Human?...breaks your heart.
      Right now, we give Her all the attention and reassurance.
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