Party Of Science: Democrat Congressional Candidate Brianna Wu Doesn’t Know How Gravity Works
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 1 month ago to Science
U.S. House candidate Brianna Wu, a Massachusetts Democrat, is worried that people will drop rocks from the moon that will hit the earth and kill people.
The real issue here is a candidate for government seeks to squash a private business from doing what it wants, and the silly people who would ride such a boondoggle, for an inane reason like that. Her logic is that a proposed trip that would be a swing around the moon and a return would then lead to "Moon Attacks" misses a whole bunch of in between steps, like getting to the lunar surface, building a catapult, and maneuvering said rocks. Also, she is doing the typical Dumbocrap "We own everything because none of you neobarb plebeians can be trusted to use it wisely" (read: sell it for your own gain/political contributions, nest egg donations and book deals).
In the book, one of the rocks had a glancing hit from a rocket which blew off it's maneuvering rockets and it missed it's carefully chosen target with great loss of life.
Good grief.... Shaking head...
Not to mention a certain "Let's pass this bill to see what's in it" term limits poster child.
It's truly surprising to me how absolutely ignorant these people are - and how much they allow their incoherent rants to become their method of thinking.
1. If this were an issue, wouldn't it be an issue for low-Earth orbit (LEO), which is 1000 times nearer than the moon and already populated with private satellites, including hobbyists', and lots of space junk?
2. What is her issue with private entities have "access" to the moon or LEO? Who should have access?
3. She says you could interfere with GPS from the moon. True, but the field strength develops about -120dBm on a decent handheld antenna. You can locally blast over that with a device powered by a coin cell. I'm surprised there aren't more DoS attacks.
Go figure...
Comments on Guam tipping over
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on March 25, 2010 concerning the U.S. military installation on the island of Guam, Johnson said to Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Admiral Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that." Johnson's office later backtracked by saying Johnson is simply a tremendous deadpan and that he was using a facetious metaphor.
Effectiveness in Congress[edit]
In 2014, Johnson was named the 18th most effective Democrat in the 112th Congress [out of 204 Democratic members] according to a new study by Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia (UVA). He was also ranked higher than any of his Republican colleagues from Georgia. The study judged effectiveness by looking at a lawmaker’s “proven ability to advance a member’s agenda items through the legislative process and into law.” The scorecard looked at the number of bills a member introduced or sponsored; the significance of the bills; and how far each made it in the legislative process.
Washingtonian Best & Worst of 2014
On October 5, 2014 The Washingtonian published their 15th biennial "Best & Worst of Congress" list. Rep. Johnson was voted "Worst Speaker" and "Most Clueless" by congressional staffers.
Bottom line is the GOP has written off the district and doesn't bother supporting their own candidates even when the opposition is an idiot (who has won reelection unopposed twice.)
Another example of democracy, with 57% black wolves deciding to have 31% caucasians and 10% hispanics for dinner.
The party of inclusion (D) is as racist hypocritical as they come.
Then she'll be Congresswoman Woo.
Woo is used to blind or distract an audience from a real explanation or to discourage people from delving deeper into the subject to find a more realistic explanation. You can't make money if nobody buys your bullshit. (As such, "woo" that has zero paying customers is more like just ordinary batshit crazy.)
They also say: In addition to GPS, other systems are in use or under development, mainly because of a potential denial of access and potential monitoring by the US government.
I'm pretty sure they were not so worried about the moon in that statement...
I'm still more worried about Guam...