Party Of Science: Democrat Congressional Candidate Brianna Wu Doesn’t Know How Gravity Works

Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 1 month ago to Science
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U.S. House candidate Brianna Wu, a Massachusetts Democrat, is worried that people will drop rocks from the moon that will hit the earth and kill people.
SOURCE URL: http://thefederalist.com/2017/02/28/party-science-democrat-congressional-candidate-doesnt-know-gravity-works/#.WLc4rCReZpI.gmail

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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years ago
    Actually dropping rocks (via a catapult) was the key weapon of Free Luna in Moon is a Harsh Mistress. They did land with nearly nuclear force.
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      Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
      Thank YOU SIR! You saved me from having to jump in and point out that little tid bit. RAH actually did all his own calculations and even had the military wanting to hang his butt, because they had proposed a moon base in the mid 50's, and launching weapons from it (rocks as well as nukes) was actually part of the plan. His wife described his frustrations in an article after his death, he was amazed at how such a simple concept could be so hijacked. The thing everyone misses is you actually have to accelerate the object past the moons escape velocity, and then have it on a course that allows Eart Low Orbit injection, and then you have to de-orbit on a path to your target. RAH had grain canisters with maneuvering rockets, and the catapult got it past the moons escape velocity. Prof and Manny rode one down for their conference on Earth with the cabal of govt officials.
      The real issue here is a candidate for government seeks to squash a private business from doing what it wants, and the silly people who would ride such a boondoggle, for an inane reason like that. Her logic is that a proposed trip that would be a swing around the moon and a return would then lead to "Moon Attacks" misses a whole bunch of in between steps, like getting to the lunar surface, building a catapult, and maneuvering said rocks. Also, she is doing the typical Dumbocrap "We own everything because none of you neobarb plebeians can be trusted to use it wisely" (read: sell it for your own gain/political contributions, nest egg donations and book deals).
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years ago
        If you just want to hit the Earth with rocks and don't need precision landing all you need to do is to accelerate them beyond the lunar escape velocity (2.38 km/s -- still pretty damned fast) in a direction that the Earths gravity will pull them in. You don't need to put them in orbit or have them precision land.

        In the book, one of the rocks had a glancing hit from a rocket which blew off it's maneuvering rockets and it missed it's carefully chosen target with great loss of life.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
          Indeed, but if you are throwing rocks, don't you have a target? Besides, If you just toss them down the gravity well, they can hit at the wrong angle and bounce off the atmosphere. The trick in the book was Mikes targeting ability. Another thing Wu missed. But then that would have meant she ever read Heinlein, which does not appear to be so. To plebeian for her...
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          • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years ago
            Mike was trying to make threatening shots that didn't hit cities. If you didn't mind where you hit, you could probably find some courses that would intersect solidly.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
              Oh, clearly, the purpose was ultimately one of peace. Mike, Manny and Prof all wanted to just have Earth leave them alone, and to their rational minds, a demonstration of their abilities was logical. Unfortunately,m, they were dealing with politicians. Amazing how Heinlein, in his own way, mirrored Rand in showing how dangerous government and politicians can be. Notice there were no lawyers needed on the Moon?
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years ago
      I doubt it very much that the Congressional idiot ever read Heinlein. Or anything else, except for Cliff's Notes of Marx and everything published by Hussein and Hillary. There really is no reason to read anything more.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
    This is similar to the Democrat who was complaining that the island of Guam was going to tip over.


    It's truly surprising to me how absolutely ignorant these people are - and how much they allow their incoherent rants to become their method of thinking.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
      Now, he is the poster boy for stupid, only stupid is probably smarter. The worse part is, he is a minority calling another minority "termites"? Really. Hasn't he ever been in the "I'm offended you used the "n word"" gang? He is actually more arrogant than The Beast or FelonyPelosi. He also needs to be made the poster boy Dumbocrap they roll out every time they call one of the sullied Republicrats "racist, bigoted, prejudiced" or any of their other thousand odd hot button labels.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
    There is so much stupidity here:
    1. If this were an issue, wouldn't it be an issue for low-Earth orbit (LEO), which is 1000 times nearer than the moon and already populated with private satellites, including hobbyists', and lots of space junk?
    2. What is her issue with private entities have "access" to the moon or LEO? Who should have access?
    3. She says you could interfere with GPS from the moon. True, but the field strength develops about -120dBm on a decent handheld antenna. You can locally blast over that with a device powered by a coin cell. I'm surprised there aren't more DoS attacks.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      What if she wins election? Remember the guy who asked an Admiral if he thought an island would tip over if we put too many troops on it?
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
        He was re-elected for the 5th time by the racist, programmed socialists in his district.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
          Actually, now that you mention it, he says "seven terms", 1998to2010 (in my basic, non-Common Core math) would only be 6 terms since he resigned after getting re-elected in 2010 (about 8 months after election, so I can't count that, but being a hero of the people party member, he can probably claim whatever he wants). I guess the people in his district would object to your calling them racists, since they are of the People's Party that has sole copyright, trademark and patent on the use of the term, so you can't use it without risking an IP lawsuit. Although it was really funny that he managed to hangout in Washington as if he never had to resign in shame, and all his fellow "heroes of the People" seemed to be quite comfortable with him. And this is the same party that calls Republicrats every name they own, and more..and who just finished 8 years of upstanding, clean, honest service to the American people.
          Go figure...

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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
            My comment was about Hank Johnson of top-heavy island fame.

            Comments on Guam tipping over

            During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on March 25, 2010 concerning the U.S. military installation on the island of Guam, Johnson said to Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Admiral Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that." Johnson's office later backtracked by saying Johnson is simply a tremendous deadpan and that he was using a facetious metaphor.

            Effectiveness in Congress[edit]

            In 2014, Johnson was named the 18th most effective Democrat in the 112th Congress [out of 204 Democratic members] according to a new study by Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia (UVA). He was also ranked higher than any of his Republican colleagues from Georgia. The study judged effectiveness by looking at a lawmaker’s “proven ability to advance a member’s agenda items through the legislative process and into law.” The scorecard looked at the number of bills a member introduced or sponsored; the significance of the bills; and how far each made it in the legislative process.
            Washingtonian Best & Worst of 2014

            On October 5, 2014 The Washingtonian published their 15th biennial "Best & Worst of Congress" list. Rep. Johnson was voted "Worst Speaker" and "Most Clueless" by congressional staffers.
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            • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
              Oh, I thought you were talking about my idiot Dumbocrap, but you had Rich's. It's so hard to keep them apart, they all look (and sound) alike. I almost got sick reading the Wiki, in that you are correct, it did look like a Racist setup if ever there was one, talk about carpet bagging...The poor white, female Republicrat didn't stand a chance, and then the next 2 rounds were free, until they tried a Latino, which also didn't fly well. Can't the Republicrats find a black (or can claim to be black) Republicrat in Georgia? Really?
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years ago
                If they did, they would be passing over all the very capable caucasian potential candidates... oh, they already pass over them because they are too ethical to be manipulated by the GOP.
                Bottom line is the GOP has written off the district and doesn't bother supporting their own candidates even when the opposition is an idiot (who has won reelection unopposed twice.)
                Another example of democracy, with 57% black wolves deciding to have 31% caucasians and 10% hispanics for dinner.
                The party of inclusion (D) is as racist hypocritical as they come.
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                • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
                  You are 100% on target, and that is one of my major issues with political parties. They will sacrifice any and all for their perceived objectives, and rarely are those objectives matching the people they claim to represent. Hypocrisy is a standard component of our political system, and yet the masses as a whole, still buy it hook, line, and sinker.
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          • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
            Also funny is his income apparently comes from him whoring for the People Republic, and buying interests for Chinese companies. Maybe he was just a Peoples Liberation Army plant who went rogue....just more swamp water under the bridge..oh wait that fell down, didn't it...
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
        Ha. I was thinking of this clip. The funniest thing is how the admiral responded without laughing. I get the idea one thing you learn really well in the military is not to laugh when your boss says something stupid.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
        "What if she wins election? "
        Then she'll be Congresswoman Woo.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
          Actually, I think we can get away with making her "Wu2" since Wu1 (also a Dumbocrap) only lasted from 1998 to 2011 and had to resign because at age 56 he was accused of doing bad things with the 18yo daughter of an acquaintance and fellow looter (er.. contributor). So, I am sure she could contribute to the Dumbocrapic Political Brain trust in Washington, and eventually another scandal will have her resign as well. Seems to be in the political DNA.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
          Wow! I have to also grant the "Woo" label is incredibly accurate. It also is the key to understanding everything (well 98%) of what I see and hear in the media today. This hit the nail on the head:

          Woo is used to blind or distract an audience from a real explanation or to discourage people from delving deeper into the subject to find a more realistic explanation. You can't make money if nobody buys your bullshit. (As such, "woo" that has zero paying customers is more like just ordinary batshit crazy.)
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years ago
      I'm not too sure on the GPS thing, considering your signal comes from a string of satellites circling at 12,540 miles You need 4 for a fix, so what could you do from the moon when you are much better off jamming the carrier frequency? IN fact Wiki describes it as: It is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.

      They also say: In addition to GPS, other systems are in use or under development, mainly because of a potential denial of access and potential monitoring by the US government.

      I'm pretty sure they were not so worried about the moon in that statement...
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  • Posted by Riftsrunner 8 years ago
    Brianna is an attention whore. She was the catalyst for the whole Gamergate brouhaha a few years back. She is a third-wave feminist and extreme SJW. She claims that during the gamergate scandal, that she had received numerous death threats and attempts at physical injury on her to the point of having to go on the run from her home. However, while supposedly on the run, she did an on-air interview on a major news network and there was a stain on the wall behind her, that just so happens to be an exact match to one in most of her youtube videos she shot from her home. So she makes assertions that have no basis in reality and when she gets pushback she doublesdown and claims she is being oppressed.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    It would be more expensive, but I should think that dropping the universal symbol of female enslave ment, i:e: the vacuum cleaner would be better than plain old rocks.
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 8 years ago
    Okay, to be fair, how many people really do understand how gravity works? Sure, Newtonian calculations can give really good results (accurate enough for most calculations within our own solar system - like Earth/Moon orbits, etc.). However, Newton's inverse-square law is only approximate, and empirical. The"real theory" (Einstein's Field Equations from General Relativity), gets quite a bit more complicated (and impossible to understand if you've never studied tensor calculus). But, for the layman, these field equations set down how 4-dimensional space-time is curved by the presence of matter-energy, and how matter-energy naturally follows "geodesics" in space-time. But then again, general relativity is a continuum theory (does not allow for quantum effects on very small scales). So, what about "supergravity?" (string theory? twistor theory?) What, really, is gravity? Does anyone really understand everything there is to know about it? Right now, probably not. But, at least we can use Newtonian calculations to calculate orbits pretty closely (just not close to the very strong gravity fields next to black holes). And if you want really accurate predictions, Newton's theory even breaks down when calculating the precise orbit of Mercury, as in the advance of the perihelion, which was measured many years ago, and general relativity accounts for it very well.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years ago
    It's interesting how "stars" and "politicians" seem to get their knowledge from movies and comedians. I'm still trying to figure out what movie had Guam turning over. I notice there is a new (?) series on TV called Madam Secretary, that shows what Hillary must have done as Secretary of State. What a joke (and boring), I'd guess it's to persuade people to think the way the stars want them to. It would be interesting if the series actually showed the truth about Benghazi or one of the other failures of our government.
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