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  • Posted by MaxCasey 11 years ago
    "Mr Obama made clear that he had the authority to order a strike in response to the Assad regime using chemical weapons against civilians"

    Actually he doesn't have the authority to do so. The War Powers Act mandates the president to consult Congress prior to introducing U.S. forces into hostilities. Even if that means lobbing a missile at them from miles away.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      If I understand what they're saying correctly...that is true, BUT the Pres can act alone when there is an imminent threat against America....(?) And lord knows if the pres says we're in imminent danger and he HAS to do it....he'll get away with it....just like everything else that no one stops him from doing.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
    "I will seek authorisation for the use of force from the American people's representatives in Congress. We should have this debate because the issues are too big for business as usual.”

    Our President seeking the support of Congress? Since when?? This President is audacious; I’ll give him that much. Will congressmen be flattered into folly? Are they patting themselves on the back thinking this Prez has finally submitted to their Constitutional authority? Will they be more agreeable, blinded by their own vanity? Can’t wait till the next act in this comedy of error.
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    • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 11 years ago
      Ditto. Business as usual has been ramrodding his radical socialist agenda down our throats. Now he's looking at another military confrontation and he wants to pass the buck so he and his cronies can(if they are successful) point to the decision being made by Congress. This comedy of errors could be very costly for our country.
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      • Posted by 11 years ago
        I wouldn't call it a comedy of errors...more like strategic maneuverings, but either way he gets away with EVERYTHING so what difference does it make at THIS POINT! (Sorry slipped into Hillary's rant.) He will do whatever, whenever, to whomever until he is stopped. But that's up to the Senate, more or less. And we know where their noses always are.
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
          Yes of course...we intend to strategically maneuver to go into Syria with the French. I read somewhere the secret plan is to pummel the Syrians with white flags. It will be cost effective--no post-apology tour necessary.
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