Plot Holes, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 7 years, 11 months ago to Government
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The real story isn’t Russia. Do you mount a “soft coup” over policy differences when, after all the Washington give and take, those policies will, at worst, marginally affect your influence, power, and payola? Doubtful. (Keep in mind Trump wants to increase military budgets.) If, on the other hand, you’re facing complete disgrace and ruin, including a long stretch in a penal institution, there’s nothing you won’t do to save yourself.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the link above.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
    I think the deep state is weak and inept, a long chain of useless idiots that couldn't follow a plot even if there was a naked women on it's back.

    We have seen often, because of their brain sets instead of mind sets that their plans are of mice instead of men, this comes as a result of their basic dishonesty which causes them to constantly trip over their own foot steps. It's a game of ego's and less a game of idiotology.

    They are, you must remember, the Great Unwashed, constantly avoiding measured inspection for fear they are unwanted.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 11 months ago
    I figured that there would be a contract on him from day one. No one could be more unwelcome in Washington than a man no one owns and can'tbe bought. What every President finds when he enters the oval office would curl your hair and the bet is that he, despite his party affiliation, is corrupt or corruptible enough to be relied upon to not spill the beans is what keeps it all together. An outsider that already has all the money and power he wants has not been anticipated. Trump would be wise not to ride in any open limos.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 10 months ago
    I believe you're correct Robert. Just I would see all the bad Dims thrown down the capital steps, the intelligence swamp to to be drained and the slimeys exposed to the public. They judged and sentenced by the public for their obstruction.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 11 months ago
    This article has interesting speculation about possible machinations involving President Trump fighting governmental bureaucratic inertia. It does not address why, i.e. what new policies or actions he would like to initiate that the bureaucracy would resist?
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    • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
      I'm not talking about fighting bureaucratic inertia. I'm talking about investigating people and putting them in jail because they're trying to take down his presidency. If he wants to get anything done, he's going to have to do this.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 11 months ago
        "If he wants to get anything done, he's going to have to do this."
        Why? The word "anything" seems technically incorrect. If he wants to get things done roughly in the way the gov't leaders have done things in the past, he can work within the existing power structure. If he wants to a radical change of some sort, he has to put up with resistance. It doesn't matter if the change is good or bad.

        If we're talking about investigating crimes, which crimes?

        This all seems so incredibly nebulous. Specific would be: President Trump wants policy A. Official B had been committing crime C. Policy A puts B at risk getting caught for having done C. So President Trump must confront B directly or cut a deal with B assuring he won't get caught.
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        • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
          What is nebulous about: "Fishing expeditions for leaks of classified material; a crack team of auditors rooting through accounts and contracts, especially those of the military, the intelligence agencies, and their legions of subcontractors; vigorous prosecution of child pornography and molestation, making deals with small fry in exchange for testimony against bigger fry; Jeffrey Epstein and his Caribbean island; disclosures from intelligence agency archives of deception and illegality stretching back to the Kennedy assassination and Vietnam; disclosure of those 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop; pay to play at the Clinton foundation—the list is endless and who knows what they’ll find." Those are the crimes I'm talking about. Any of which you are unaware please Google.
          What is nebulous about dirty and corrupt people in Washington who are scared to death that Trump may investigate them and who are doing everything they can to stymie and depose him? I don't know how I could have put any simpler than I did, and you're going off on trivial tangents.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 11 months ago
            I think I need you to spoon-feed it to me. Are you saying President Trump has specific knowledge of crimes? I know graft exists, and I know sometimes people get caught and other times get away with it. I know gov'ts are deceptive. They declare things secret for national security reasons, but often the real reason is to hide that their friend made a mistake or did something unethical or illegal. What on earth does this have to do with President Trump?
            Sorry I'm slow to get it.
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            • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
              Long ago, after extensive research, I concluded government is organized crime. Not just the above board, commonly accepted theft like the income tax, central banking, crony capitalism, bailouts etc., but sub rosa stuff that took much digging to uncover. I would recommend The Devil's Chessboard, a biography of Allen Dulles, as a good primer to the Deep State and its many crimes. I would also recommend The CIA as Organized Crime, by Douglas Valentine, for extensive information on Operation Phoenix in Vietnam and as the prototype for CIA operations--repression and drug dealing--in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.

              For one of the earliest, and still one of the best, exposures of the Warren Commission fraud, check out Mark Lane's Rush to Judgment, in which he uses the Warren Report itself to discredit the commission. More speculative is The Man Who Killed Kennedy, by Roger Stone, but it also makes mincemeat of the government's story. Once mincemeat is made, one must confront the terrible probabilities that the assassination was a conspiracy and probably a coup.

              More currently, the Clintons are clearly up to their eyeballs in illicit and illegal garbage, and have been since their Arkansas days. For a good book on that, see Ron Brown's Body, by Jack Cashill. Check the index for the name Tom Parsons; he's a close friend of my brother's and he was in fact railroaded in the way the book says he was. The book raises the strong possibility that Ron Brown and the other people in the plane were murdered to stop Ron Brown from exposing the Clinton's many illegal fundraising schemes.

              What I'm saying is that the federal government has been deeply corrupt for a long time. I can give you much more material if you'd like, but what I've mentioned would constitute a good start. Does President Trump have specific knowledge of crimes? Undoubtedly some of them, and vigorous investigation on a variety of fronts will yield abundant evidence that he can use both as leverage and as a way to get rid of people intent on discrediting him and making it impossible for him to implement any part of his agenda. This is a big part of contemporary politics--get as much incriminating information as you can on both your friends and enemies. People tend to respond more agreeably to threats of prison and ruination than they do to logical argument. As I said in my article, President Trump has vast powers to investigate and prosecute, and I'm fairly certain he will use them to his full advantage. If he doesn't and leaves the corrupt elements of the Deep State in place, they will destroy his presidency, as they are clearly trying to do now.
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              • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 11 months ago
                If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the Federal Government provides a fertile field for those looking for corruption. The problem is that it is our fault. We vote for all the wrong things and all the wrong reasons. Fear of unknown cultures. Utopian nanny states. Free phones. Sexless bathrooms. Moral sanction for abortions. Controls on everything to relieve us of uncertainty. Put all this power in anyone's hands and you get gargantuan doses of corruption.

                Our experiment was based on individual rights and freedom with the most minimal government to help preserve them. There are hundreds of societies experimenting with different concepts so by observation we should be able to see which has performed best and how adaption of less successful principles has advanced or retarded our progress. Drain the swamp.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 11 months ago
                Thanks for the detailed answer and book recommendations.

                Could I summarize your claim as saying there is a great deal of crime in the gov't and covering up one another's crimes in not just an occasional thing but is something that an informal institution within the gov't does? The nature of this criminal institution is that it's made up of people who hold legal levers of gov't power, but they're using them illegally for the benefit of members of the cabal.

                Assuming all this were true, how did the cabal and President Trump become bitter enemies. The very nature of the cabal is it works with people who control legal levers of power, like the POTUS. So why are the cabal and President Trump enemies?
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                • Posted by 7 years, 11 months ago
                  Excellent question. I'm not 100 sure that Trump and the cabal are enemies, but I am about 85 percent sure. If you listen to Trump's inaugural address, and his speech at the Al Smith dinner (if you Google it YouTube has the video), you can see and hear Trump's loathing of the mainstream media and the establishment within the government, and I don't think it's feigned. Where does it come from? Probably Trump's years as a businessman dealing with the government. Does he act against this perceived cabal? That's the hope of many who voted for him. If there truly is irreconciliable opposition, and Trump can't be bought off, it seems clear he'll will have to oppose the cabal or they will stymie him every step of the way, and probably continue to try to depose him. My suspicion, which I alluded to in my article, is that many of the cabal do not have clean hands, which gives Trump an opening to investigate and prosecute, and consequently neutralize the cabal. We'll see if that's the way it plays out.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 10 months ago
                    The deep state is used to playing both sides.
                    Clinton was supposed to be a shoe in and with her losing. The state dept where she presided is laden with her dealings. The deep state started to panic after Podesto's emails revealed a crude evil
                    Ritual that is insane to the average person. From that story "fake news" was introduced to give the
                    Impression that their deplorable morals were just made up stories. Trump maybe the other side to play or maybe not it , seems as if he is the cabals
                    Enemy but actions and time will tell. Heads may roll.
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