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Indeed. But we're watching. We know President Obama's critics and I find a $400 billion structural deficit dangerous. I wonder how much it has to drop before President Obama's critics are satisfied. I would be satisfied if it went down 20%, so that we're on track for a balanced budget, even if a recession occurs, within eight years.
I don't have any children in school and don't want to pay for someone else's children to be educated. How I withdraw? Can I get a voucher. The only way to stop the alphabet soup of tyranny is to dissolve all of the bureaus completely. As long as there are any parasites in the system they will fight to maintain their lives to the very end.
There are basically two ways to get an education. Public or private.
Now for a little storytelling, possibly not entirely factual. Back in the old days many, many, many children got little or no education because, a) Ma and Pa never got no larnin' b) Children were needed at home to work the farm or to go to work somewhere else to help support the family-leaving no time for school c) There were no schools for children to attend.
So in order to put a stop to the endless cycle of poverty it was made law that all children should attend school until age 16. And to accomplish that there needed to be schools available. At time I don't think private schools were much of a factor and so, as had been done, towns set up their own schools. Soon it became obvious that some type of standards and enforcement were needed to educate our kids so some type of governing organization needed to exist and who but the government had the power and scope to do that? So the individual towns, counties, and states organized and began collecting taxes for the establishment of schools, purchase of books, and the hiring of teachers. Nothing new, just on a larger and more organized scale. And somewhere along the way, as is always the case the Feds got involved, good or bad. But all in all, the intent was good. Everyone paid their share in what is now called paying it forward.
But today we have people that don't want to pay their share. Their education was paud for by those that came before them but they don't want to do that for those that come after them. I don't know why. Cheap ass tightwads? Perhaps. To me it seems pretty fair. I'm paying to educate the people that are going to take care of me when I can no longer take care of myself, the ones that will pay into Social Security (as I did) so I can recieve the benefits I paid for when I was working, the ones that will run this country. I most certainly don't want a bunch of uneducated idiots working minimum wage jobs (which is largely what we have today) paying little or nothing into SS, or running the country. No, I want well educated men and women making big bucks, paying lots of taxes and SS and running this country as it should be run. So I'm okay with the way our school system is financed for the most part, although I'm not a big fan of what is being taught today and how.
Charter schools and vouchers are simply a way for someone to take the portion of money that would be spent on their children and send it to a charter school instead of a publuc school. I personally think it will improve the overall education system as it gives public schools some competition and a reason to improve and I just don't see how that can hurt our kids edycatiins. In fact, in my own area I have already seen improvements in our public schools due to decreasing the overcrowding of classrooms, and increasing the quality of education in publuc schools.
"Get out of our way".
I always thought the liberal elite should educate their kids in the public hell hole of schools in this country . No , those who represent to want all equal and all inclusive . They Seek the most exclusive
Private schools.
One can imagine turning the educational system upside down and having groups of teachers follow the model of doctors and lawyers and start a school where they hire the support staff. A side benefit of this would be teachers who were aware of free market principles and the need to be competitive -- it would be their 'practice', after all. This would undoubtedly have an effect on the lessons they taught.
This dish will go well with one of my favorite cabernets, *Carnivor"
My voices said I just had to write that or else.