Here's a quote from "Freehold" you all might enjoy (the heroine is taking the Oath of Resposibility):
I, Kendra Anne Pacelli, before witness, declare myself an adult, responsible for my actions, and able to enter contract.
I accept my debts and duties as a
Resident of the Freehold of Grainne.'
Short, sweet, to the point.
I, Kendra Anne Pacelli, before witness, declare myself an adult, responsible for my actions, and able to enter contract.
I accept my debts and duties as a
Resident of the Freehold of Grainne.'
Short, sweet, to the point.
Okay. Yes, it is a book. I have the paperback which means I probably got it long after the hardbound had left the shelves. The story is copyrighted 2004 so it's practically ancient history by now. The author is Michael Z. Williamson, who has several books out. His takes on what military training should be are truly interesting. Remember the old adage, "Train like you fight, fight like you train"?
Well, he thinks you should do that and boy does he. I bought it Barnes and Nobles about 3-4 years ago ( I think. Could've been longer. My memory is spotty sometimes.) Yes, it is sci-fi. Never found the genre to without Objectivist thought except where the antagonist government is a collectivist/fascist/socialist form. Let's see. Have I answered everything? If not, I'm SURE you'll let me know.