Who and how

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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This morning my brother and I were discussing all the medical staff and caretakers at the facilities housing all the border crossing kids. The reports are that the staff have been ordered not to talk. The question is then; who ordered them not to talk and what are the consequences if they do, and why aren't they anyway? Don't say it's HIPAA because it only applies if the individual is identified.

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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
    Hey, here is the thing: not only don’t I buy the story that most of these kids have abused (says who because we can’t talk to them) There is something extremely screwy about third-world parents who may be working here in cheap-labor coming up with thousands of dollars per head, per child.

    There is no doubt in my mind somebody in THIS country in POWER is paying for this invasion.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 7 months ago
      The surname "Soros" immediately jumped out of my memory banks. I had the same imaginative mental phenomenon when those white women were accusing Herman Cane of hitting on them.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
      There was a guy on Huckabee last night who has been there and been doing research on the invasion.

      Many of the kids have admitted to criminal activity in their home countries, drug use and gang membership.

      Coyotes have been offered (or given) $50k a head to smuggle middle-eastern types into the country.

      As for the 3rd world parents coming up with the thousands to pay for the kids... this guy pointed out that while we're chasing down and dealing with these kids... the drug smugglers (and worse) are sneaking past. What could be paying for the kids is the people using them as a distraction.

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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 7 months ago
    Those who believe their road is paved in Gold. I was on a blog this morning checking out the opponents aggression against a person running for U.S. Senator in Michigan and the bull was getting deep while they piled on the Koch bros. I kept my cool all the way through and hopefully made some points. Then I did not and I mean did not get a final response from this blog on an invitation to Galt' Gulch. It has been quiet for 3-4 hours.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 7 months ago
    I also wonder who the heck was telling congressmen when they could or couldn't visit a government installation and what they could or couldn't take photos of. If I had been the congressman told that in session [I cant remember who it was but I saw it on TV] I would have asked the pencil necked geek government functionary...Who the heck are you to tell me this...under what authority?????
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 7 months ago
    We're all a bunch of conspiracy people, dontcha know? We're always looking for the motive behind the action. Actually, we're always seeking the truth. There can be no doubt that there is a motive and a power behind this children's crusade. If you think it "just happened" you'll probably believe that the Swiss grow cuckoo clocks in a cuckoo clock garden. This is right out of the Alinsky playbook. If you choose to read up on Alinsky, you'll know your enemy and you'll realize what motivates BHO. With all of his mouthings about what he is going to do, what has he done in any meaningful way? Nothing. And he will continue on the same path of inaction as he has successfully done in the past. Each time a scandal breaks out, he relies on the short memory of the citizens. What we who are ordinary citizens must do is to get those who represent us to stop talking and start acting. Forget about whether or not you'll get re-elected and do the right thing. That will be a greater re-election motivator than you can possibly imagine.
    Upon reading the above, I realize that I switched from talking to the Gulch to talking to our representatives. I do that when I'm angry, and I better start watching the old blood pressure.
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