UCLA bans book defending free speech

Posted by ewv 8 years ago to Education
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UCLA administrator helps "protestors" physically block access to book deemed "inflammatory": Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism: From George W. Bush to Barack Obama and Beyond, which defends free speech against Islamo-fascist bigotry.

SOURCE URL: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/education/319100-ucla-banned-my-book-on-islam-from-a-free-speech-event

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  • Posted by 8 years ago
    UCLA recants university official's book suppression::

    "In a letter to ARI, the UCLA School of Law issued a formal apology for the incident, and it explained that the decision to ban the book was inconsistent with its vigorous commitment to freedom of speech and respectful debate. Moreover, the school admitted that it had fallen short of its own commitment to apply policies in a content-neutral manner. The administration detailed steps it is taking to prevent such incidents in the future." https://ari.aynrand.org/blog/2017/02/...

    Why should a university "policy" on freedom of books in a "content-neutral manner" be necessary at all and why was it not obvious to officials that their suppression was wrong from the beginning?
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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
    Higher education has become higher brainwashing,the getting in touch with your feelings is more important than connecting thought with reason.

    "This shameful incident reflects a wider phenomenon on American campuses. At university, students should learn to think, to engage with different views, and thus to grow intellectually. But increasingly, students learn to put their feelings above facts. Some students demand to be protected from what they merely believe, without evidence, are uncongenial views. They demand that non-orthodox views be silenced. And such universities as UCLA willingly coddle and appease them."
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      It's a continuation of the New Left campus takeovers and violence from the late 1960s and early 1970s -- except now they are entrenched in university administrations and faculty. When they can't run the government or completely control who and what books are allowed on a campus they take to the streets Alinsky-Ayers style. It's more serious than ignorant students getting in touch with their feelings -- the values causing the feelings of the activists are corrupt, which is fanned by their teachers.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
        We're witnessing a repeat of history here. The German National Socialists of the '20s and '30s weren't relegated to the beer and union halls. Those brown shirts were quite active on university campuses within the faculty and student bodies alike and a host of useful idiots followed their lead. Censorship of opposing views was constant and often brutal without much dissent from the faculty. Tearing down and desecration of the symbols of the Republic became common and the swastika was raised in their place (hammer and sickle symbol is not different, IMHO). I have to laugh when these idiots refer to Trump as "Nazi" or "Fascist", as here they are at the university level and are clueless as to the history and true meaning of those terms.
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        • Posted by 8 years ago
          The left has been denouncing people as "fascists" ever since they had to clamor for support of the Soviet Union when the Hitler-Stalin pact broke up and they had to pretend that communism and fascism were different.

          For the intellectual similarities between the US and the rise of fascism in Germany see Leonard Peikoff's book The Ominous Parallels. The book grew out of a series of lectures he gave in the 1970s on the parallels between the New Left violence of the time and Germany of the 1930s that you refer to.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years ago
    Totally end taxpayer funding of "educational" institutions, and the problem goes away.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years ago
      Absolutely, why are the tax payers in this country funding this insanity!
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      • Posted by 8 years ago
        Because the left has taken over control of most education, including universities, and the public sees no challenge to the wrong ideas and policies. Most of the damage in education is not from outbursts of brown-shirt mentality, but from professors spreading anti-Enlightenment ideas of altruism, collectivism, statism and irrationality, including but not exclusively in the classroom.

        The public that supports tax-funded "education" does not see that and doesn't know what it's about. A lot of people do not support the violent outbursts on campuses, but are torn between that and subsidizing "education" because they don't understand the intellectual battle and don't understand why statist support of education, including their own children's, is wrong and is leading to the violent 'protests'.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
    Maybe if we insisted the government stop supporting academic trivia classes, and stop offering student loans for these classes, it would send a clear message about the purpose of higher learning. Most of this PC crap has its roots in classes like "human sexuality" (not a medical class for psychologists, BTW), or the many variations on ethnic studies (hotbeds of promoting prejudice). There are no real labor markets for degrees based on these type of studies, only drones hired to promote "community organization" or equally unproductive government leeches.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      The academic 'trivia' counterculture classes are a consequence, not the cause. They are a result of the anti-rational, anti-cognitive trends in philosophy and therefore education. The 'trivia' classes aren't intended to prepare anyone for thinking and knowledge in a career, they are indoctrination to substitute for rational thought.

      See Leonard Peikoff's Teaching Johny to Think: A Philosophy of Education Based on the Principles of Ayn Rand's Objectivism, edited by Marlene Trollope from the original 1985 lecture series Philosophy of Education https://estore.aynrand.org/p/64/philo... and 1984 Ford Hall Forum lecture Why Johny Can't Think. (The original lecture series is better stylistically than the book; the separate Ford Hall lecture is the same as in the book, taken from the published version he did himself for The Objectivist Forum.)
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years ago
    IMO, it was just seeing the words "Islamic Totalitarianism" put together in the title that initially repulsed UCLA.
    So would the same concept expressed as "Worldwide Caliphate" despite that being the end game dream of Muslim clerics.
    For some perverse reason, Islam is the only religion the left goes out of its way to coddle, though somehow that reminds old dino of Pentecostal "most don't bite" snake handling.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
      Howdy Dino!

      I think the reason normally atheistic leftists always rush to give Islam a pass, regardless of what heinous acts are perpetrated, is because Islam has shown the way on how to convert large swaths of the population into mindlessly obedient slave-like automatons, which is the Mecca of leftist ideology. No pun intended, of course.
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      • Posted by 8 years ago
        It has nothing to do with "atheism". Leftists, many of whom are religionists either traditionally or as their counter-culture, are collectivist-statists. It isn't based on not believing in the supernatural whether or not they do.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
          Not all atheists are collectivist-statists (as evidenced here in the Gulch), but many collectivist-statists are atheist and spend a great deal of energy (see the ACLU) in stamping out some religious beliefs and symbolism. However, when it comes to Islam, they suddenly decry Constitutional religious freedom and give Islam a "pass". Why is that? What's with the hypocrisy? I chose "atheistic leftists" because it illustrates more strongly the hypocrisy (side note: As I was growing up -way back when- the far left was atheistic. Perhaps not so much today).
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          • Posted by 8 years ago
            They are multiculturalists on an ethnicity binge. They associate American Christians with the "ruling class" of "Whites". Likewise for their hatred of Israel despite that fact that it is more socialist. Primitive savages are their heroes. That is the source of the apparent hypocrisy. Their atheism, when they are that at all, doesn't have anything to do with it -- one can't base an ideology on what it does not believe. Their irrationalism and altruism comes from centuries of religion taken up by counter-Enlightenment philosophy.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years ago
        What mystifies old dino is how the left evidently tolerates the Islamic male domination of women.
        Isn't "misogynist" a favored word libs like to use to put their opponents down?
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        • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
          To a leftist, their own hypocrisy is only a minor inconvenience. The MSM covers it by ignoring it or by saying, in so many words, "move along, nothing to see here". Yes, this boggles a rational mind!

          It's almost as if the leftists and Islam are two crocodiles on the loose devouring their common enemy, which is individual liberty. In the end one would have to devour the other. I wish there was a way to just shoot both of those beasts and get it the hell over with.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years ago
            Looks like me dino is trying to to figure lib irrationality with reason. That can't be done.
            Well, I got words to describe those name-callers such as bent, broken, emotionally disturbed, perverse, deranged, idiotic, control freak egotists, fascists in denial who instead call themselves libs if not full blown socialists.
            I could go on. Got other stuff to do. .
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          • Posted by 8 years ago
            Shooting people does not replace bad ideas.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
              Not shoot people. Shoot bad ideas. The crocs, in this context, are metaphors for the leftist and Islamist ideologies. "I wish there was an easy way to just shoot..." meaning how does one shoot a bad idea? I suppose with a better idea, but based on historical and current events that doesn't seem very easy does it?

              Aha, I see where I may have misled you. Using the word "leftists" in my second paragraph does refer to people, but it wasn't meant to. My mistake. A better choice should have been leftism or statism. I'll be more careful in the future.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years ago
    If I had a son or daughter of college age, I would definitely NOT pay for college in this country and would seriously encourage them to learn things they can actually use somewhere else.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      You would have to be very careful about what college you chose, aiming for a worthwhile professional education, not 'finding yourself' in four years of partying, 'protesting', and indoctrination. You're right about how serious this is.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years ago
        In a way I am glad I dont have kids in this day and age. Its just easier on me. I am very concerned that our country will degenerate due to the crazy things our schools teach, and the lack of concentration on the things that made our country great to start with.
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