There are over 60 million displaced persons around the globe, and the element in this country so earnestly trying to destroy the institutions that made us successful claim that any or all of those displaced persons should have the right to enter the U.S. We need to find a way to deactivate the activist courts like the "9th Circus" that promote these delusions.
All of my ancestors arrived here from 1650-1750, and fought for survival (only lost one to Amerindian raids) and to be a part of this unique republic. We bled for the country in every war since the French and Indian conflict, so I have a pretty strong opinion about what justifies becoming a part of our society.
I went to high school with descendants of the original Californios (Spanish colonists), and worked the fruit orchards with the migrant agricultural workers. I respected the legacy of the colonial families, and the strength and tenacity of the braceros, who kept California farming successful.
I believe we can solve our invader problem in part by expanding the migrant agricultural worker program, allowing foreign workers to buy a work permit. That would be cheaper and less risky than paying a coyote to sneak across the border, the license fees would help build the wall (with the beautiful door), and allow the border patrol to focus on the drug and sex slave traffickers.
He seems to forget the contributions the multitude of foreigners have made to the country and also conveniently forgets the many "Americans" who make negative contributions to America. I would gladly exchange some of the foreigners for some of the negatively contributing Americans. How many Americans are killing their own people in comparison to the terrorists? I assume more overall than the terrorists. What is Trump doing to protect his own citizens against his own people?
Most of the homicides in the big municipalities are products of drug cartel activities. Many of the worst murderers are illegals from Honduras and Guatemala, members of gangs like MS-13. These are foreign invaders, not American citizens. Black Americans have been caught up in the gang activity, creating "war zones" in the inner cities, which is the situation President Trump wants to change.
I thought we might return to real country status with the defeat of Hillary and election of Trump. Now I see that the "never Trump", which means "never a free country", is NOT dead at all. The liberals appear to be out to fight the constitution at every turn until half the country gives up.
I am ready for a revolution, where essentially the country splits into two- One run for the benefit of the liberal socialists (and paid for by only them), and the other half run by our original constitution. Tell me where the dividing line will be and I will move quickly. The liberals are out to use up all of Trump's "drain the swamp' time on nonsense, so he gets nothing done. Its disgusting.
For instance, this is why it is useless to attempt to debate with a Liberal/Leftist: they do not use legitimate arguments. 1. They engage in sophistry in an attempt to prove falsehoods, and in DeLeon's case, 2. He is appealing to your emotions, not your capacity to reason,
3. He is attempting to instill guilt in the guiltless. A favorite tactic of female thinkers.
I have said REASON is our weapon in the fight---the metaphorical Final Battle, that Ignacio Silone envisioned---against Leftist/Liberalism.
And it is working, because they are becoming frightened and are resorting more and more inane and emotional "arguments".
Yoo-hoo, Mr. De Leon, all my Swedish, Irish and French ancestors for family came over legally.. So half of illegal yours can just go back to make room for those who want to come in the right way. And you can go with them for all I care. Bye-bye! Bon voyage! Don't drink the water over there! I am dino! Hear me ROAR!
Some people think they are more SPE-CIAL than others. Even those being punished for law breaking think that way. I know for now retired from being a state prison corrections officer for 21 years. Quickly thrown out of federal court were three falsehood filled crybaby lawsuits filed against me by inmates who thought they were SPE-CIAL.
The following is based on what I overheard back during the 90s~ Whiner: Mama, I want a Happy Meal. Mama: No, Whiner, let's get you something healthier than a Happy Meal. Whiner (explodes): WAH! WAH! I WANNA HAPPY MEAL! I WANNA HAPPY MEAL! OH,BOO-HOO-HOO! HAPPY MEAL! WAH! I WANNA HAPPY MEAL! Mama: Hush, Whiner, you can't have a-- Whiner: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I WANNA HAPPY MEAL! I WANNA HAPPY MEAL! WAAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Mama: Okay! Shut up! You cam have your damn Happy Meal. Whiner: Sniffle! Mama: Hope you're happy now.
Hearing a kid screaming and crying for a Happy Meal struck me as so ironic that it really plugged into my memory banks. I rarely stop by a McDonald's these days. A quarter pounder is easy to eat while driving a five hour trip to a family reunion lake in the Florida Panhandle. Last summer there wasn't one of those.
A reward for bad behavior. It not only teaches kids that it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, it reinforces their desire, or need, for attention.
I shouldn't believe what I heard except that the source is in California!
The maternal side of my family came from Ireland, Scottish granted land in Count Tyrone by William of Orange, in 1836. My paternal grandmother was born on a ship between Germany and Baltimore (where her father jumped through all the hoops required or be sent back to Germany where charges of treason might be waiting) in 1873, her husband came later and they married in 1889, he became a citizen in 1899, the certificate hangs in my hallway. They waited their turn, they followed the rules, they were patient!
Now we have people reveling in the fact that they are illegal and should be entitled to (demanding) all the benefits accorded citizens just by their being here. This nation has always been accepting of the 'tired, the poor' etc. but we live in perilous times where generosity and reality are clashing.
Lawlessness, exactly. If a law is unjust change the LAW, not some politicians interpretation of it. Wild interpretations of the law are not laws at all and therefore are impossible to obey or enforce. We have no law that says if you don't like some particular law just ignore it. Ignorance is no excuse for the law either. And if we don't enforce our laws, we might as well just take them completely off the books.
Back to the basics, laws & enforcement, abolish everything else and we might survive as the best country on this planet. Ignore the laws as too many politicians suggest today and we'll just be giving up our freedoms to compensate for their interpretations of everything else. We definitely need term limits because people (particularly politicians) eventually become basically bad (greedy and corrupt), usually for their own benefit (power and reelection). Can you just imagine the legal and moral progress this country could have made without many of California's continually reelected representatives, and especially one in particular from Nevada? There ought to be a law.
There was always a big difference between becoming American and assimilation as opposed to coming to take advantage of America and refusing to be American hanging onto to their lifestyles. Take pride in your heritage but take pride in being an American first- if this is where you want to be.
To alleviate the assimilation problem, I think they should learn English first before they come here...knowing our constitution would help also....Oh, That's the Real constitution, not the liberal progressive version.
Instead of appealing to your emotions, DeLeon should be using arguments founded on reason to inform the rest of the country why sanctuary cities will not interfere with either the constitutional right Americans have for "domestic tranquility" or the "provision of the common defense."
Of course, the Leftist/Liberals can engage in rioting and then say that sanctuary cities are the only means to combat the rioters, and thus secure domestic tranquility.
Similar to the mayor of Baltimore giving the rioters "room to destroy".."Give them what they want and they won't hurt you". Assbackwards.
And the corollary to my previous posts is that if your family is capable of following the law (which apparently they are not, since they came here illegally), they should be trying to improve their own country, not bring the idea that it is okay to break the law, because they are, or have been, "poor and oppressed." Why doesn't Pope Francis advise them of this, instead of making law-abiding American citizens responsible for their care?
DeLeon, if half your family is here illegally, then maybe half your family needs to legitimize by returning to Mexico, or whatever 3rd world country they came from.
2. It is you and other Leftist/Liberals who "are pitting one group against another", not those who actually believe in the "rule of law".
3. Stop it with the cry-baby, matriarchal (feminist), go-nowhere activities of your culture. It won't work with me.
All of my ancestors arrived here from 1650-1750, and fought for survival (only lost one to Amerindian raids) and to be a part of this unique republic. We bled for the country in every war since the French and Indian conflict, so I have a pretty strong opinion about what justifies becoming a part of our society.
I went to high school with descendants of the original Californios (Spanish colonists), and worked the fruit orchards with the migrant agricultural workers. I respected the legacy of the colonial families, and the strength and tenacity of the braceros, who kept California farming successful.
I believe we can solve our invader problem in part by expanding the migrant agricultural worker program, allowing foreign workers to buy a work permit. That would be cheaper and less risky than paying a coyote to sneak across the border, the license fees would help build the wall (with the beautiful door), and allow the border patrol to focus on the drug and sex slave traffickers.
I am ready for a revolution, where essentially the country splits into two- One run for the benefit of the liberal socialists (and paid for by only them), and the other half run by our original constitution. Tell me where the dividing line will be and I will move quickly.
The liberals are out to use up all of Trump's "drain the swamp' time on nonsense, so he gets nothing done. Its disgusting.
1. They engage in sophistry in an attempt to prove falsehoods,
and in DeLeon's case,
2. He is appealing to your emotions, not your capacity to reason,
3. He is attempting to instill guilt in the guiltless. A favorite tactic of female thinkers.
I have said REASON is our weapon in the fight---the metaphorical Final Battle, that Ignacio Silone envisioned---against Leftist/Liberalism.
And it is working, because they are becoming frightened and are resorting more and more inane and emotional "arguments".
So half of illegal yours can just go back to make room for those who want to come in the right way.
And you can go with them for all I care. Bye-bye! Bon voyage! Don't drink the water over there!
I am dino!
Hear me ROAR!
Even those being punished for law breaking think that way. I know for now retired from being a state prison corrections officer for 21 years.
Quickly thrown out of federal court were three falsehood filled crybaby lawsuits filed against me by inmates who thought they were SPE-CIAL.
Whiner: Mama, I want a Happy Meal.
Mama: No, Whiner, let's get you something healthier than a Happy Meal.
Mama: Hush, Whiner, you can't have a--
Mama: Okay! Shut up! You cam have your damn Happy Meal.
Whiner: Sniffle!
Mama: Hope you're happy now.
I rarely stop by a McDonald's these days. A quarter pounder is easy to eat while driving a five hour trip to a family reunion lake in the Florida Panhandle. Last summer there wasn't one of those.
The development of the second-hander.
The maternal side of my family came from Ireland, Scottish granted land in Count Tyrone by William of Orange, in 1836. My paternal grandmother was born on a ship between Germany and Baltimore (where her father jumped through all the hoops required or be sent back to Germany where charges of treason might be waiting) in 1873, her husband came later and they married in 1889, he became a citizen in 1899, the certificate hangs in my hallway. They waited their turn, they followed the rules, they were patient!
Now we have people reveling in the fact that they are illegal and should be entitled to (demanding) all the benefits accorded citizens just by their being here. This nation has always been accepting of the 'tired, the poor' etc. but we live in perilous times where generosity and reality are clashing.
Back to the basics, laws & enforcement, abolish everything else and we might survive as the best country on this planet. Ignore the laws as too many politicians suggest today and we'll just be giving up our freedoms to compensate for their interpretations of everything else. We definitely need term limits because people (particularly politicians) eventually become basically bad (greedy and corrupt), usually for their own benefit (power and reelection). Can you just imagine the legal and moral progress this country could have made without many of California's continually reelected representatives, and especially one in particular from Nevada? There ought to be a law.
To alleviate the assimilation problem, I think they should learn English first before they come here...knowing our constitution would help also....Oh, That's the Real constitution, not the liberal progressive version.
Of course, the Leftist/Liberals can engage in rioting and then say that sanctuary cities are the only means to combat the rioters, and thus secure domestic tranquility.
Similar to the mayor of Baltimore giving the rioters "room to destroy".."Give them what they want and they won't hurt you". Assbackwards.
That would be scary.
By my studied estimation, Cave man was smarter!
Funny,but I am not joking...
And they are not.
Why doesn't Pope Francis advise them of this, instead of making law-abiding American citizens responsible for their care?
2. It is you and other Leftist/Liberals who "are pitting one group against another", not those who actually believe in the "rule of law".
3. Stop it with the cry-baby, matriarchal (feminist), go-nowhere activities of your culture. It won't work with me.