'Leftist Fight Club' trains UCF students to fight Republicans

Posted by richrobinson 8 years ago to The Gulch: General
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Can there be any justification for this? Objectivism states "no initiation of force". I believe it is because the one who initiates force has lost the battle of ideas.
SOURCE URL: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8741

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years ago
    At the start of the second paragraph, me dino read "In response to the record number of hate crimes--"
    and at that point I envisioned Islamic terrorists doing terror, BLM rioting and wanting dead cops and ninja-disguised rioting students throwing fire bombs.
    Then I read on and said to myself "When did all of all this right wing havoc happen since "the rise of Donald Trump?""
    Trump supporters have been attacked a number of times--not the other way around.
    Today I read an article about a little boy who got ganged up on and beaten in a school bus. His crime? Wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap.
    All the rise of Trump violence has been started by the left wing.
    So in view of all I've seen and read and if I was article writer Lauren Cooley's editor, I would change the title to 'Leftist Fight Club' Trains UCF Students To Attack And Beat Up Republicans.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years ago
    UCF is my regional competition. I may spread the word to help drum up support for my university.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      Hi Jb. I am curious to see what the powers that be at UCF do in response to this. Hard to believe any of their students would leave their safe space long enough to take part in it but it is troubling.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years ago
        This is the first protest at UCF of anything other than a tuition increase that I can remember. UCF and FIT are the only two universities that started after 1950 that are in the top 200 in the world now. Other than this, I have a lot of respect for their accomplishments.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 8 years ago
    Harumph. This article and call for "fight" is as if a contemporary Joseph Goebbels is calling a contemporary Winston Churchill of being a "Nazi". It's truly laughable and is the hysteria of true fake news - Goebbels style. It's a call to train more brown shirts to tear down the republic the same as done in the late 20's and early 30's to bring the REAL Nazis to power, which who these socialists really are. As I watched the so-called students at Berkley smash windows the thought that came to mind were old newsreels of Krystallnacht from 1938 Germany. They are becoming increasingly desperate to paint Trump and anyone conservative with a "Nazi" brush, when it is they themselves who are the true modern Nazis. Their ideological and physical takeover of the U.S. suffered a setback this past election and this is the results. Shields up! Things are getting hot.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years ago
    The most absurd conspiracy theory being floated (by Robert Reich, no less!) is that the Berkeley rioters were paid stooges of Breitbart, to make the "peaceful" demonstrators look bad. That phony premise also justifies the fight club, since supposedly these "fascist thugs" would naturally begin attacking leftists. As usual, the media is circulating this fake news, with not a scintilla of evidence to support it.
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    • Posted by starbird56 8 years ago
      We are too busy working to start any fights. It would be nice if these students would put as much effort into studying. That would make grading their papers much easier for me.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 8 years ago
    Of course there is justification for this. How else can you force someone to go along with ideas that any reasonable person would find repugnant?

    The Right is FINALLY refusing to allow the Left to walk all over them; therefore, the only recourse that the Left has left is force.

    My question is how long before the Right returns force with force? I will predict not much longer.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
    What I found particularly disturbing is the flier, depicting several utter fallacies. The first is the equation of fascists with the alt-right. There is no such thing as the alt-right. It is completely made up (meaning both invented and constituted of) by leftists. It's a straw man of epic proportions. The second is that they totally mask what fascism is here: fascism is the utter denial of free speech (see Germany of 1935-1945). The last one is that some 90 lb girl is going to whup a 250 lb guy. Ronda Rousey and Lucy Lu are awesome, but good fighters know not to fight when they give up their own body weight in sheer mass - and even moreso when outnumbered. The true equalizer in such situations is a firearm, but you can bet these wacko leftists aren't going to promote that kind of equality...
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      People are going to die if the left doesn't dial it down a notch. I'm starting to think that is exactly what they want.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
        Why do you think they have been supporting the riots at Berkeley and BLM? It's an excuse to invoke martial law and suspend all Constitutional protections. You can bet that if Hillary had been elected, that the tensions would be stoked fast and furious (pardon the pun) so that in only a few years they could orchestrate a complete collapse of our nation's system of government.

        What we really need in these kinds of situations is for the governors to call in the National Guard to deal with these outbreaks. Lock everyone up who is violent and prosecute them. And lock up anyone obstructing traffic and normal business operations as well like at LAX or the freeways.

        But really, what they need to do is prosecute George Soros for racketeering in providing these rioters money. One of the revelations that came from the Hillary email scandal was tied to leaks from the DNC where rioters were paid to assault Trump supporters, etc. As soon as Jeff Sessions is confirmed, I want him to actively prosecute those who are paying for violence. You can bet it will die quickly as soon as the money runs out.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago
          What I find amazing is that when you see footage of these attacks the police just stand by and let it happen. I must be missing something. So, if some coward runs up behind me if I'm walking down the street with my kid and he intends to hurt us but I knock him out instead (surprise, somebody who'll fight back) will I be arrested? What's going on here? That's why my plan is to do the best I can to avoid these situations. Don't want to be in them in any way. But, 20 years ago before wife and kids I'd probably not avoid this as much. I'd just go wherever I wanted. Not in new America, though...
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          • Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago
            You aren't missing anything. What you are seeing is government-enabled violence, i.e. tyranny. It is the same thing we saw in the French Revolution with the beheading of the nobles, the Russian Revolution with the tyranny of the Bolsheviks, the tyranny of communism when Mao took over China, etc. Those desiring power seek to incite a revolution knowing that they can seize power in the confusion and they really don't care who gets killed in the process because it isn't them.
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            • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago
              Now that you mention it...This does remind me of what I read about khmer rouge a little bit. If this is allowed to escalate this is going to be pretty bad.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago
    Interesting. I'm heading into the boxing gym tonight right after work.

    Honestly...I find all this talk of left wingers being assaulted very confusing. Is there any evidence of it? I've seen plenty of things like people showing up to hear the speaker at UC Berkeley being horribly assaulted by leftists. There is so much footage of that kind of thing on youtube now. What is reality? Is this some sort of double-speak? Either way, my approach is to keep the boxing skills sharp, avoid places where leftists might assault people, and walk softly (keep a low profile). Sure, that's what they're banking on. So be it. They can have it. I'll go Galt before I fight for this.

    Reminds me. I have had a few people I've known for a long time, people I considered friends, say terrible things to me in social media this past year. I just eliminated any presence I had in social media. These people I'm thinking of are really, really ticked off.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
      "Is there any evidence of it? "
      I think it's made up form whole cloth by people itching for excitement.
      "say terrible things to me in social media this past year."
      They've always existed, but it was more complicated to buy time on a radio station or print out a 'zine to say terrible things as they do now. I think you're right to ignore them. It's a shame social media give them a vehicle to be dicks to someone who might otherwise have been their friend.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago
        Yeah. Social media surely seems to bring out the worst in people. That and golf...golf brings out the worst in people too (haha!).

        Your comment reminds me of something I heard Michael Savage say at least a decade ago. He said that leftists are really into the double-speak, with the example, "I stab you and I'm the victim. I shoot you and I'm the victim." I laughed when I heard that, which is why I remember it. Now, it's clearly what we're talking about.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
    Their right. I'm in, as a libertarian. Love to see how these little boys do with an old guy physically and verbally. Boxing is useful, but no real fight stays that pretty. That cute boy with the abs is more likely an underwear model than a threat.
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  • Posted by Seer 8 years ago
    "...in order to help the socialist students better protect themselves from potential hate crimes performed by those sympathetic to “Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis.”

    They are fighting an imaginary enemy.
    They can't seem to realize that one should not create more enemies than he can handle.

    Their real enemy is reason and human nature.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years ago
    It's no justification, but they sound like kids who don't realize how bad things can get. I wasn't clear if they were joking about physically fighting, not just arguing, but it appears they mean physically.

    If there were something to be taken seriously, I'd say they should reach out especially to Republicans. Most Republicans are not thuggish, and most Democrats are not either. These kids should find something else to brawl over, like soccer rivalries.
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 8 years ago
      They're snowflakes that can be easily manipulated by the real thugs, socialists, and anarchists. I went Galt 5 years ago when I saw this coming. It's not going to end well. Or soon.
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