We cannot assimilate all that want to come without losing that which is the allure to begin with. The people of the world must stand up and create tolerable conditions in their own nations.
Particularly when they have no desire to assimilate, but merely to institute their own society here. As you say, that will cause what they sought to be lost.
I lived and operated a business in ElPaso for close to 8 years and I can tell you this much, the percentage of Mexicans in this country who want to assimilate is far lower than even you know. IF there was a call for a separate "country" by Mexicans living in the US, the numbers would amaze everybody.
When the last great immigrant surge from Europe took place just before and after WWI we saw (historically speaking) saw those families requiring no more than one generation to assimilate into our society, become fluent with English, hold good jobs, open businesses and become productive members of our society.
I'm very familiar with what it took since some of my mothers family (some of her grandparent's sisters and brothers) was among those who arrived a few years before that.
Yet it's not unusual to find third generation Hispanics in El Paso who are unable to function in english. Or who do not have a high school education, or hold a job paying much more than min. wage. I had a lot of these apply for jobs with my company and even if I hired the occasional one, they would never work out because they lacked the work ethic we demanded. I mostly employed people who were 5th or more generations or on occasion people newly arrived who another employee vouched for and assured me that they wanted to work AND be an American.
And just FWIW, I didn't allow Mexican flags around my business either. If some employee put one on their car and I saw it in MY parking lot, they got "the talk". And they parked outside my gate. Inside my gates was pure US territory, bought by the blood of patriots, defended by men such as myself. while I would never discourage their free speech or expression, I would let them exercise it all they wanted - outside my gates. Pretty soon I didn't have to even call them in, the other men took care of it for me. I was all about OPPERTUNITY and that flag represented oppression.
Very well said. My family had to. It was the only way to succeed here. But they knew that, and didn't expect favors or handouts or any other thing they didn't earn themselves. Not that difficult of a concept to understand.
Puzzlelady's argument is well written but... puzzling. Galt's Gulch would cease to exist if it faced what the southwest is currently facing. In AS, the so called "selfish" ones outlasted the looting government and moochers by hiding the Galt's Gulch from the government and looters, thus saving the world. It would be a great mistake to think the United States couldn't cease to exist. I vividly remember one morning when I turned on the TV news to find out that the Soviet Union simply ceased to exist.
Ann Coulter is a provocateur of the religious Right. (See the cross on her necklace.)
As the world's unrest grows, we will see more and more refugees. Not all refugees are freeloaders wanting to cash in on the U.S.'s misguided welfare system. Many are decent people willing to work hard to earn their way.
Imagine the desperate state of parents willing to send their children out to save them. Jews did the same with their children during the Holocaust. Sending the Hispanic kids back could be a death sentence. My family were refugees of WWII, running for our lives as American and British bombs blanketed Europe. We were some of the lucky ones to survive.
Eventually we immigrated to the U.S. and became naturalized citizens. Even then, decades ago, there were bigoted people who would say things like "why don't you go back where you came from", not realizing there was nowhere to go back to once conquerors take over one's homeland.
It would be far better for U.S. policy not to create drug wars and nation-size prisons and brutal sanctions to keep people from supporting themselves through free trade in an atmosphere of peace. Government hand-outs, no. Voluntary (individual) charity, yes. We should all be able to hire anyone who wants a job, native or alien.
Good fences make good neighbors. But building barbaric walls is a dreadful idea. Think of the Berlin wall. Such wounds take a long time to heal. Those who want to keep immigrants out, because immigrants might horn in on the goodies the natives have, are operating on the most primitive level of animal territorialism. All such disasters are a result of forgetting the second part of the equation: "... nor ask another to live for mine."
The Berlin Wall was an artificial political wall between two areas of the same country by a conqueror almost immediately after taking control. Any "wall" along the southern border of the US with Mexico is a defense against unchecked illegal immigration. Compare the US now and the US before the 100 million that have already illegally crossed that border. I see a significant decline and I think there is a positive correlation. (I recognize there are other causes, too.) Legal immigration can be a great benefit because the numbers are controlled and immigrants must show they can contribute and often modify their behavior to comply with the customs of the country. The US population is 100 million higher than the economy can prosperously support, and the difference is uncontrolled illegal immigration. (Agree with your comments on free markets, drug wars, prisons, and free trade.)
I never like the "population to support argument. It is first and foremost welfare state. If that did not exist, they would not come. I will be right out there and say it. Here the black community screaming? they want their "rightfuls". Food fight
It's not just the welfare, no matter how much you think that's all there is to it.
It's also the regulation, which creates a black market. Minimum wage, housing rules, OSHA, tax loopholes, a thousand and one ways that people can make a profit off of illegitimate labor... and as for the labor, even under minimum wage, even below what we consider poverty conditions, living here was *still* better than where they came from.
So, welfare state, regulation creating market opportunities, prosperity difference. A three-legged stool.
Huh? Where did you learn your history? The Berlin Wall didn't go up until Aug 1961, in part as a challenge to the new President and in part as a retaliation for the Bay of Pigs fiasco. This was a full 16 years after the end of the war in Europe.
As for the 100 million more than the economy can support, how do you figure? We're certainly not 100 million more than we were in 2004, and we were certainly prosperous then.
Got me, my mistake on the timing of Berlin wall but the timing isn't crucial to the point. It was territory seized recently in the war and a completely different situation from defending a border annexed as states 100 to 170 years earlier.
Perhaps we differ in defining prosperity. Debt creation isn't prosperity. I guess someone "prospered" from all the debt created to pay for the war on false pretenses, and debt created on marginal real estate to hide the economic weakness in productive industry, but it's not what I call prosperity. While the dollar loses its value, the US loses what's left of its honor, and manufacturing disappears? Sounds like prosperity as defined by a politician running for office who doesn't care what happens after election day.
Perhaps we could look at more data and consider when the US economy was last a strong one and not puffed up by government spending, or internet share price insanity, or debt creation unsupported with security or production.
The gov't deficit spending had little effect on the economy - if it had, then the trillion wasted in 2009/2010 should have had a bigger impact. No, the prosperity was more a consequence of the Baby Boomers at their peak spending years.
My comment on govt spending was referring to the broader search for real prosperity post 1960's, not specific to 2004. (No time or interest to research 2004 further.)
I don't concede 2004 was prosperity. Debt creation give illusion of prosperity but is not prosperity We define prosperity differently and I doubt we will agree with further discussion.
Look at the Gov't Spending as % of GDP graph here http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/us_2... The decline from 1990 through 2000 was largely due to the BB's spending and increasing the GDP.
Robbie, I just don't get your point here. BB??? Gov % gdp only shows 2009-2012 and tells me nothing about the topic I was discussing. If you want to argue against my comment then address debt creation as it is central to the recent economic "prosperity" as I made clear in 2 previous postings above. If you want to make a point about govt spending vs gdp then lets start a new topic and discuss it there because it is not relevant to my comments here; that is another topic.
Overall GDP was increasing and gov't spending as a % of GDP was decreasing => thus the overall prosperity of the nation was increasing not as a function of gov't spending.
Where did you learn YOUR history? East and West Germany remained divided in 1961 because the conqueror to whom freedomforall refers, the USSR, wouldn't surrender its conquered territory.
Historians disagree with you on the cause for the Berlin wall. There was no call for East Germany to be given back so that led to the wall. In fact, at the time, there was very robust travel and trade between east and west Berlin.
o.O No call for East Germany to be "given back"? The Soviets repeatedly rejected plans to re-integrate the Germany halves.
In point of fact, if it weren't for people who refuse to hate evil (hi there), there was no need for Germany to be divided. But the Soviet backwoods trash had to have their egos assuaged, just like the Afghan trash, and Iraqi trash.
I remember my father telling me about having to wait 3 weeks for the Soviets to take Berlin, and then the 3 days he spent loading ammunition trucks in preparation for going to war with the Soviets over 3 American prisoners they wouldn't turn over to us. Back then, we still had a tiny sliver of nationalism left.
If it weren't for the scumbag anti-American politicians, I can't even call them "Democrats", because that internationalist suckbutt Eisenhower was as much behind appeasing our enemies as anyone, Germany wouldn't have been divided.
You'll note that in 1961... Japan was regaining prosperity and no longer occupied by the evil United States, the sole power who occupied Japan.
So don't give me this crap about how the Berlin wall wasn't an attempt to keep the victims of communist aggression from escaping. We treated the Soviets like a civilized nation when in fact it was a 3rd world craphole. The result was millions dead, a massive waste of money on nuclear armaments, and a communist victory by way of the White House, half of SCOTUS and most of Congress.
If you would read what I wrote, I said that that wall wasn't a consequence of calls for rejoining the halves of Germany. It was, as you say, a means of preventing defections to the west, and a "punishment" for BoP and as a challenge to a new president that they thought was weak.
What gives you cause to believe that I don't hate evil?
The Berlin Wall was built through a city. It wasn't between two sovereign nations. Those people flooding our border are coming here because they wrongly assume the American people will welcome them with open arms. A giant fallacy perpetrated by a power-drunk "leader". They SHOULD have been stopped by Mexico at its southern border, but clearly that didn't happen. The American people are now left holding the bag. This wasn't an arbitrary fence that has been put up. It's along an existing border. I have no issue with it.
I don't want a wall like Israel's. I want a wall like China's.
Rome built a wall to keep the barbarians out, and at the wall civilization stopped.
China built a wall to keep the barbarians out.
I would design a double-wall system. It not only would be topped with razor-wire, but razorwire would be attached in strips along the southern face of the both walls. Between the first wall and second wall a man-made swamp ("wetlands" we call it now) with gators and water moccasins and leeches. Have the distance between the two walls be 300 feet.
Guard towers every half mile or so, detached from the wall. Gun emplacements in the towers. Have the walls narrow into a wedge at the top, with a channel in the middle. High pressure conduits connected to a source of propane under pressure, along with kerosine nozzles within the channel, with cameras on remote towers within the swamp, and radio remote controls so that if the sensors or cameras detect anyone crossing the wall, the guards can press a button and for half a mile light up the top of the wall in flame.
That doesn't include the murder holes and oubliettes I would install.
We don't keep them out because we don't really want to. Well, let me rephrase... cause y'all don't really want to as badly as I do.
Wow, if someone had the ability using their own mind and body to get through all of that without dying would they get to stay? I would be pretty impressed by that.
Depends on how they got through it. If they got through it by traversing the swamp leaving the walls intact, I don't have a problem with them staying, providing they pass a background check.
Going just by the title... that could be perfectly true, that he's unintentionally sending more home... but that doesn't mean the population is decreasing.
Try an experiment. put a bucket under the faucet of your sink. Turn the water on about 1/4 way. Now bail the water out with a spoon.
Okay, now turn the water up to 1/2 way. Start bailing with a cup.
Then turn the water on full blast, and keep bailing with the cup.
The Israeli government's policies of racial apartheid are one of the worst crimes against humanity currently being perpetrated by any state, and are a big reason why Israel is receiving so much heat and criticism from its neighbors, as well as from the rest of the world, including Europe. To introduce those same policies in the U.S. would create the same kind of violence here that Israel is currently experiencing. Peace requires open borders, not a wall. Walls create violence.
Ann Coulter is a fascist, and should be repudiated.
Well, that open border thing isn really working for us, is it? I don't care what Israel does. It's their business. It's not our job to police them. It's our government's job to keep our country safe from an overwhelming influx of illegals ridden with illness and diseases. Also the gang members and various others who are of no benefit to our country are roaming freely, o e of which has come back 4 times, and raped a little girl. He's a convicted sex offender. How do you think that family is feeling about the effectiveness of our government in response to this influx?
I saw this on Urban Survival this morning and thought it an interesting take on the situation: If you’re trying to make sense out of the world (and we were talking about rule sets as one of the three major approached to artificial intelligence applications to make scads of money in the markets for Peoplenomics readers this weekend) we can now proudly present the following Monday Morning Truth Table:
If you lob rockets into a country, the offended country will respond with an invasion and killing those who did the lobbing. If, on the other hand, you lob children into a country, the offended country will not be offended at all, and will go out of its way to reward the lobbers so that the flood increases.
But... drugs are not legal. That is a separate issue - therefore a diversion. Also cold comfort to raped children and their families. We are not living in Fantasyland; we go by the points on the board.
Gang or no gang, it is rational, ethical and proper to control the entry of each and every immigrant to this country in context of: criminality, terrorism (a different form of criminality,) seditious/revanchist/irredentist ideology (ditto,) also health and self-sufficiency - and eject "any and all" who fail those criteria with extreme prejudice. Prejudice having nothing to do with the trivia of racial derivation, BTW (which latter is another diversion.)
What we are seeing is apparently Obama's stab at accelerating the UN's Agenda 21 plan for global collectivist serfdom within this century - the obliteration of American sovereignty by dilution, via people from adjacent nations who not only have **no** desire to assimilate as Americans but harbor a seething hatred of both America and Americanism. Much like... Mr. Obama.
There is a valid, individualist case for open borders, but "open borders" does not mean indiscriminate acquiescence to invasion. It means letting into the country any individual who is **not**: a criminal, seditious, a terrorist, a revanchist, an irredentist, carrying a deadly communicable disease, a parasite on his way to the nearest welfare office - to build his own life for himself, unmolested by others, and not molesting others - figuratively or literally.
The facepalm-irony of it all is that Mexico could and should be one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, with a real problem of Americans sneaking south across the border in search of a lucrative living. It's sitting atop one of the largest petroleum fields on the planet (albeit of a less-"sweet" grade of crude that requires more refining.) But it's laboring under generations of corruption, a substandard Constitution, decades of neglect by American politicians in fostering improvement in those conditions, and a current American Administration populated by collectivist vandals.
To posit that none of this would be much of a problem if it weren't for the "war on drugs" virtually precludes a response beyond laughter. .
So, I suppose you leave the doors to your home open for anyone to come and go as they wish. Never mind if members of your family get slapped around from time to time and you're expected to keep the fridge and medicine cabinet well stocked at all time so the "visitors" don't go hungry and have ample medical care.
But wait, according to you, an unlocked open unguarded door would only mean friendly and peaceful folks would enter your home and they wouldn't take or disrupt a thing. Closed doors would make your home a violent place. uh-huh.
You're an idiot. Israel's so-called apartheid is rather strange since at least a third of its citizenry are Muslim, and Muslims are in the Knesset which is their congress. In the heat of battle, they give advance warning to the people living in an area about to be attacked. Even the USA doesn't do that. The fact is, you don't have a problem with Israel, you have a problem with Jews. I guess I shouldn't recriminate you, as the Gulch already gave you a -11, so I probably shouldn't have opened up your little hate-O-gram.
Maph has a problem with anyone that values private property rights - which is essentially what a national border is. He's a collectivist of the worst sort.
I don't have a problem with property rights at all. In fact I fully support property rights, as I think it's pretty obvious and self-evident that there can't really be any real prosperity unless people can have a place of their own. I just abhor racism.
Yet you would force a company to do business with clients not of their choosing. You would force medical professionals to provide services to which they morally object. You would insist on taking from my pocket so as to put into the pocket of another, merely because they stepped across a line. You're a hypocrite of the worst sort.
I have absolutely nothing against Jews. My issue is with the actions of the government of Israel. All governments must be subject to criticism. A state does not become except from criticism simply because it happens to be run by members of the Judaic faith.
Making untrue statements is not criticism, it is calumny. Calling Israel an apartheid state is an outright lie. Apartheid was coined about conditions in South Africa where blacks were not allowed any say in their fate, let alone being able to participate in government. I assume you are talking about Muslims in Israel, who are allowed equal citizenship, own property and even sit in the Knesset which is their congress. That's some apartheid.
Not Muslims necessarily, but Palestinians, who could potentially be Christian, and often are. There's a documentary called "The Stones Cry Out" which discusses the issue in great detail. You can watch a trailer on the official website:
Seen it, read it. So slanted and full of lies and half truths that I'd be ashamed to call myself rational if I went along with it. First of all, there's no such thing as "Palestinians." There never was a Palestinian state. Upon the founding of Israel all people whatever their ethnicity were invited to stay and become citizens. However, the Arab states said they were going to demolish the new country and most Arab/Muslims left on their own accord. As I recall 4 countries invaded the new little country of Israel and like David and Goliath, Israel not only survived, but won. If they had kept the territory they won along with the 1967 seven day war, they'd own the Sinai, Lebanon and a chunk of Syria. Did you ever hear of a conquering country fiving back territory it won in war? And when it gave back the Golan as an attempt at peace, what they get? Hundreds of rockets per week. There's a classic story of the Muslim family who in 1948 loaded up their truck to get out of the about to be beaten Israel, but their truck wouldn't start. They were forced to stay. They had a small business which thrived and they became wealthy and not treated like the so-called Palestinians who didn't stay. And by the way, while tiny Israel took in literally millions of refugees, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt refused the now homeless "Palestinians" in order to create a ongoing huge refugee situation.. That's the truth in part, the other stuff is B.S.
1) Yes they do. There's a documentary called "The Stones Cry Out" which discusses the issue in great detail. You can watch a trailer on the official website:
2) Fascism is right-wing. Any and all attempts to reclassify fascism as supposedly being left-wing are nothing more than historical revisionism and propaganda perpetrated by right-wing fundamentalists who don't want to accept the fact that their ideology leads to tyranny and despotism. It's no different than the right-wing's attempts to cast Adolf Hitler as an atheist, even though he was actually a Roman Catholic.
3) Technically yes, I suppose you're right on this point. The violence did come first. After all, you can't build a wall around stolen territory unless you first clear the land of its original inhabitants, which is an act that requires violence.
"Fascism is right-wing. Any and all attempts to reclassify fascism as supposedly being left-wing are nothing more than historical revisionism and propaganda perpetrated by right-wing fundamentalists who don't want to accept the fact[sic] that their ideology leads to tyranny and despotism." *snort*
Aside from the pregnant question as to why a goose-stepping collectivist is spending lots of time posting unintentionally-amusing comments on an individualist forum - and aside from the equally-unintended irony in "propaganda" - it might be time for someone to have a trip back to some textbooks for a little study on "collectivism and its variants," vs. individualism.
Every tyranny in history, every despotic state in history, has been collectivist. Period. Full stop. Everyone out of the pool.
You may offer proof to the contrary in a very simple way: Name one individualist tyranny or individualist despot.
Fantastic response. I'm just here smiling and doing a little happy dance. This has long been an issue, and it is draining to muster a response drenched in logic, when all it will ultimately do is sink like a stone into the murky swamp waters of the collectivist cesspool.
Everyone is a collectivist. Collectivism simply means a group of people working together and sharing a common goal or ideology. Every human society is based on the principles of collective group action, even capitalist societies. Every company and corporation is a collective. Do you believe in teamwork and cooperation? If so, you're a collectivist.
Maph, you missed the point yet again. Read this. It answers exactly the differences in Collectivism vs Individualism. I am an individualist! I will NEVER BOW TO COLLECTIVISM.
collectivist ideologies place the whole, the collective, above the individual. With the ultimate collective being a totalitarian State where the individual owns nothing and has no control over his life, but does, says, eats, and goes where the collective, either through democracy or oligarchy, decides he must.
Rand's "Anthem" gave a very accurate, and very chilling example of collectivism taken to its logical extreme.
Another point: The "everyone is a collectivist" line is an attempt at logical sleight-of-hand, and not a very good one - in this case an attempt to dodge the respective identities of collectivism and individualism and jump to a conflation of collectivist politico-economics with voluntary social interaction and division of labor per se. It's the kind of thing that might have worked in a high school bull session - or maybe in one of those game shows they're calling "Presidential debates" - but not here.
The reason collectivist regimes kill people in large numbers is precisely because they are collectivist. The reason collectivist philosophy is vicious in theory and invariably deadly in practice is because there is an inescapable contradiction in logic at its core:
The concept "collective" - whether "society" or "crowd" or "group" or "mob" - has no referent in reality. It is a figure of speech we use to denote two or more... __________s.
Collectivism's irrationality lies in its attempt to enforce, at gunpoint, the supremacy of an abstract concept (some collective,) via the negation of that very concept's constituent referents (individuals.) It cannot be done - in logical theory or in political practice - which is why collectivist regimes cannot succeed economically without a capitalist or at least semi-capitalist host to parasitize, and why the only products collectivist regimes turn out in abundance are human corpses.
Collectivism simply means a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. It's true that nothing massively evil can be accomplished without a large group all working together to bring it about, but it must also be remembered that nothing massively good can be accomplished without the cooperation of a large group, either.
Pretty much every large corporation can be called a collective, yet I sincerely doubt that many people here would call corporations evil.
I don't care about that documentary; there are racially Arab people living in Israel as citizens. As has been pointed out, Israelis are technically Arab.
There was no stolen territory.
You can't have it both ways, Maph. You can't be opposed to borders and at the same time claim people 'stole' territory.
It is not necessary for people to have different racial heritage for them to steal territory from each other. It's entirely possible for Arabs to steal territory from other Arabs.
Apartheid doesn't always have to be based on race. It can also be based on religion or nationality. But regardless of what the basis is, it's always wrong.
Maybe Irael's problems relate to the fact that the winners of WW2 (US, England, USSR) stole the land that is now Israel from the Arab ALLIES that helped defeat the Axis powers. The Japanese were treated better after WW2 than the Arab allies of the US.
Ann loves being on camera and is quite entertaining, like Rush Limbaugh, but that is all. She is not a bright spot of advanced thought or accumulated wisdom.
She isn't. I agree. She tends to fan the flames. However, they do need to get sent back home. Immediately. Because they are being dispersed throughout the country. And if any person believes they will show back up for their immigration hearing, I have a bridge to sell to them.
Somebody forget that the Israelites *are* an Arabic tribe? I know it's not a popular sentiment because, after intermarrying with fairer-skinned races they look more European than their Palestinian neighbors, and a lot of those don't like to look at their darker-skinned co-inhabitors of the area and say "our roots are the same"...but they are. A=A.
You can't say "It belonged to the Israelites long before the Arabs had any claim to it" because, gasp, they are (other than religious differences and ethnic intermixing with "outsiders" by the Israelites) the same peoples. They are of the same ethno-geographical stock, all have the same geographical "roots".
The Arabs are descendants primarily from Abraham's first son Ishmael. The Israelites are descendants from Abraham's second son, Isaac.
The primary conflict arose when because of jealousy between Isaac's mother, Sariah, (Abraham's wife) and Ishmael's mother, Hagar (Sariah's handmaiden and concubine to Abraham), Ishmael and his mother were sent away. According to tradition, the birthright passed to the first son of the first wife, so Isaac - regardless being the younger of the two - was the birthright son and heir. To Abraham, the Lord promised the land of Canaan (which includes modern day Israel) as a possession. However, the descendants of Ishmael grew into a mighty nation of their own and ignored Isaac's claim. Then you also have to throw in Jacob (son of Isaac) and his twin brother Esau - from which another mighty nation was born.
Has there been some intermingling between the two? Even the Bible admits this to be the case, but states very clearly that it is religion that truly separates them. It should also be noted that the Jewish faith dates back at least to Abraham. Both Ishmael and Esau forsook that religion and went their own ways.
It should also be noted that the vast majority of "Arabs" no longer existed after about 800 AD, as they had been forcibly converted to Islam by Mohammed and his followers, who both for ideological and heritage reasons have adopted a hate for those of Israelitish descent.
I remember the story from Sunday School... but I'm also talking physiology. And tribal relations. And genetics. Even relating to the Sariah/Hagar story - they're the same tribal people.
And whether they're Jewish or Islam or Christian or even follow the ancient Roman religious rites they're all descendants of the same GENETIC STOCK, e.g. the same peoples. Regardless of one familial split some 4000 years ago. Or some prosthetylization effort some 1300 years ago.
The descendants of those living on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean some 10,000+ (or if you insist, 5300 years ago) have the same roots. Regardless of some political subdividing that's been going on there for some 2000+ years.
You could tell the same thing to the Normans and the Saxons. Or the Gauls and the Goths. Or the Greeks and the Spartans. Or the Bosnians and the Serbs. Or the Chinese and the Japanese. Or the Indians and Pakistanis. Or dozens of other related ethnicities throughout the history of the world. If you go back far enough we're ALL related eventually.
I think the relevant part is who the parties identify with TODAY - family, religion, etc. The political subdivides are not inconsequential to these matters.
Modern Israelis are *culturally* Western European, at least in part. Because the modern Israel was largely populated by refugees from Europe. Whose ancestors got to Europe during the many Diasporas the Jews experienced over the millennia. While the Arabs who remained in the middle east are primarily middle eastern, culturally.
So don't play anti-semitic games with me. I long ago learned who, historically, the good guys were and who the bad guys were. The Roman Legionnaire, the British Tommy, the American G.I. Joe, the IDF soldier... all pushing the envelope of civilization. All fighting against barbarians to defend islands of civilization.
"Hitler used tanks to conquer France; we used tanks to liberate it. NOT the same thing" - George Will in response to Phil Donahue trying to inply a Nietzschean equivalence between us and the Iraqis during the Gulf War
As I pointed out, the Israelis are not practicing racial apartheid.
Somebody forget that the Israelites *are* an Arabic tribe? This is the same logic that calls Canadians and Mexicans "American". Technically correct, but in practical terms, a rhetorical split hair.
Iran (later called "The Bridge of Victory") supported the Allies in WW2 as did almost all the countries in the region. Iraq supported Allies, had a coup which supported Axis but was overthrown and then supported Allies again. Lebanon, Syria, and Morrocco were French controlled so when france surrendered so did they, but were liberated by Allies (including Arab fighters) later.
From Wikipedia, but generally in line with the history that I was taught about WW2: From 1939 to 1941 Iran's top foreign trade partner (nearly 50% of its total trade) was Germany, which helped Iran open modern sea and air communications with the rest of the world.[12]
In 1941, the Allies forced Reza Shah to abdicate the throne to his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. His pro-Nazi followers in the Iranian government such as Fazlollah Zahedi [13] and Mohammad Hosein Airom shared similar fates. The British believed that Zahedi was planning a general uprising in cooperation with German forces. He was arrested, where he was found with German weapons and correspondence from a German agent. He was interned in Palestine.
Not really an ally, but a "conquered" nation. And from what I remember, there were quite a few Iranians during the war that provided covert support for the Nazi's.
Also from Wikipedia (which is sometimes reliable, sometimes not;^) : In August 1941, the British and Soviet troops invaded Iran (Operation Countenance) and, in September 1941, forced Reza Shah Pahlavi to abdicate his throne. He was replaced by his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was willing to fight the Axis powers. Within months Iran entered the war on the side of the Allies and became known as "The Bridge of Victory".
Iran's geographical position was also important to the Allies. It provided a 'blue water' supply route to the Soviet Union via the port of Bandar Abbas and a specially constructed railway route. The supply routes were known collectively as the Persian Corridor. Soviet political operatives known as "agitprops" infiltrated Iran and helped establish the Comintern affiliate Tudeh Party in early in 1942.
By January 1942, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union agreed they would end their occupation six months after the war's end. --------------------end wiki quote-------------- "Conquered nation" may depend on which historian is writing the history. My guess is the Iran people just wanted to be left alone and the rulers (father and son) disagreed on which side offered the biggest potential for profit and power in the future. Was the father a Axis puppet and the son an Allies puppet? Maybe we both learned a little more history here.
That depends on which Arabs you're referring to. Some middle-eastern countries sided with the Allies, and others sided with the Axis. So there were Arabs on both sides of the conflict.
Uh, I think you mean WW I, and during war, land frequently changes hands. In this case, the British had been fighting the Turks/Ottomans. See "Lawrence of Arabia" for more. Britain took the territory in 1917 just as colonialism was beginning to ebb, and then used it in 1945 via the UN to create the new Jewish State of Israel. The British even stationed troops there for the first three years as the nation of Israel was getting started to promote the peace. This was 1945 (right after WW II) and the British had forces all over the Middle East in power.
Then the British left. Two months later, Israel got invaded by Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt in which they survived only by a miracle. In 1967, the Arabs tried again, and again, Israel survived by a thread.
I would also point to the ENTIRE history of that part of the world as to claims of ownership, as it has gone back and forth due to military conquest for thousands of years. Most of the "claims" you are referring to are very recent in nature and mask the true nature of the conflict: two warring religions who both believe that specific site to be holy ground to them.
A LOT of people have claimed that little chunk of the Eastern Mediterranean for their own over the millennia. I remember this story about some Roman Prelate - I felt bad for him, actually - who got stuck governing a real tinder box - maybe he pissed off somebody in Rome, or drew the short straw for postings, or something - and ended up getting written (in an unfavorable light) into one of the most famous history books of all time for doing his job - as he had done for years, trying to keep the peace in a non-peaceful part of the world, and dispensing Roman justice - and wanting to get it over with and go back home. Just as others had done before and after him.
While the 3 who were nailed and hung on Golgotha on that fateful day are the ones we all know and remember, how many others were put up there on that hill and nailed to the wood before and after, by not just Pilate but the other Governors there trying to quell the tinderbox... The actions he took weren't some "special, one time only" gig, it happened all the time. And had there not been a band of chroniclers there to record it, the story of this one "radical" would have been as lost as most people who were crucified on Golgotha. (Other than the 3 on the hill that day, can you name ANYONE else who met their end on a cross on Golgotha? I know I can't...)
I'm just musing here, however... I wonder if Christ had been born in, say, the province of Britannia rather than the province of Judea, and a similar uproar came about, whether Aulus Platius (the Roman Prelate in Britain at about the same time) would have been written about as much as Pontius Pilatus.
Or better... what if Pilate had said, "I declare today is a "gift of the Emperor" and there will be no punishment meted out, further, I shall declare that ALL those condemned in holding are hereby pardoned and freed"... Think of the impact on history *that* would have had... ;-)
Saw it a while ago (years now)... I actually thought it was kinda cute... Especially the prospect of Oldman attempting to bring Buddhism to Judea. And the reaction of those In the room to this.
Brings up a point - especially (and sadly) evident here - It just shows what happens when the touch of true divinity touches the inner essence of humanity... rather than becoming one, loving all, forgiving all, the knowledge and thereby self-righteousness sparks anger, retribution, and violence (and thumbs down). They become all knowing, all seeing, all demanding, all condemning... because *my* way is the *only* way... and there must be NO tolerance for ANY OTHER THOUGHT!
Agreed. Thought? Thought is absent from the discussion by closed minds. The portrayal in the film was pretty true to life (present day life, as that is what I can comment upon. I also can't accept the content of the bible as unadulterated truth as it was written by men and altered by later men and interpreted by more men -and finally women, too.)
That wasn't going to be. The Sanhedrin had it out for the prophet, and since they were key to Pilate maintaining control over a significant portion of the workforce, he would do whatever they wanted to keep them placated so that the workers didn't cause an uprising.
Oh, I at first thought you were talking about "Vespasian's Monkey"... General Silva, who besieged Masada.
"I wonder if Christ had been born in, say, the province of Britannia rather than the province of Judea, and a similar uproar came about, whether Aulus Platius (the Roman Prelate in Britain at about the same time) would have been written about as much as Pontius Pilatus. "
How could He have been? There were not an overabundance of Jews in Britannia during the Roman colonial occupation of that island. There was no Judaic culture in Britannia, if by some miracle Christ had been born there.
There may have been many individuals in Britannia during the Roman colonial occupation who preached pacifism, compassion, industry and honesty. But they didn't have the Judaic culture to make anything of it.
"what if Pilate had said, "I declare today is a "gift of the Emperor" and there will be no punishment meted out, further, I shall declare that ALL those condemned in holding are hereby pardoned and freed"... "
Not as much. There would have been chaos in Judea, and lots of Roman legionnaires would have died putting out brushfires. It would be the equivalent of Obama's declaration of amnesty for illegal aliens. There's a reason Pilate washed his hands. He saw the political winds, and followed Roman policy of letting the locals rule themselves as much as possible. In feeding Christ to the powers that be in Judea, he helped keep the lid on the tinderbox, as you put it (forgive the mixed-metaphor).
Blarman, All that is true, and the point remains that the non-owner Allies created Israel on land that they didn't own and couldn't control. They ignored the claims by Arabs who supported the Allied cause and fought alongside the troops from England, Australia, and US. Would there have been invasions by all those Arab countries if the state of Israel had been created in Guam or Puerto Rico or BVI/USVI, for example? I agree completely that historically the claims on the mideast region are varied based on might makes right (and imo irrational religious beliefs in holy ground.) The founders of the US wisely tried to keep religion separate from actions of state. The "claim" issue does not justify the idiotic action that has and will continue to cause animosity to the US in the region. (Yes, there have also been more recent idiotic acts by the US that add to the animosity.)
"couldn't control"? What makes you think we couldn't control that land?
There was no reason to recreate Israel anywhere but in Israel; suggesting it be recreated in Guam or Puerto Rico is just silliness. As has been pointed out, Israelis are historically Arabic; therefore they belong in the middle east.
Of course, all this turmoil since WWII could have been avoided if we'd just helped the Nazis wipe out every Jew on the planet.
By the same argument you're proposing, the world would have been better had the U.S. not occupied the unused land in the North American continent to build a western civilization. Better we continue to huddle on the east coast, or go and form societies in Cambodia or the Congo.
Correct. Most all of the world has seen it's territory taken over by others due to conquest. China and Siberia are about the only places that I can think of that don't have a long history of change in rulers due to conquest. There might be more (and even parts of China have been conquered by the Japanese, Mongols, etc.), but I can't think of any.
The people of the world must stand up and create tolerable conditions in their own nations.
When the last great immigrant surge from Europe took place just before and after WWI we saw (historically speaking) saw those families requiring no more than one generation to assimilate into our society, become fluent with English, hold good jobs, open businesses and become productive members of our society.
I'm very familiar with what it took since some of my mothers family (some of her grandparent's sisters and brothers) was among those who arrived a few years before that.
Yet it's not unusual to find third generation Hispanics in El Paso who are unable to function in english. Or who do not have a high school education, or hold a job paying much more than min. wage. I had a lot of these apply for jobs with my company and even if I hired the occasional one, they would never work out because they lacked the work ethic we demanded. I mostly employed people who were 5th or more generations or on occasion people newly arrived who another employee vouched for and assured me that they wanted to work AND be an American.
And just FWIW, I didn't allow Mexican flags around my business either. If some employee put one on their car and I saw it in MY parking lot, they got "the talk". And they parked outside my gate. Inside my gates was pure US territory, bought by the blood of patriots, defended by men such as myself. while I would never discourage their free speech or expression, I would let them exercise it all they wanted - outside my gates. Pretty soon I didn't have to even call them in, the other men took care of it for me. I was all about OPPERTUNITY and that flag represented oppression.
As the world's unrest grows, we will see more and more refugees. Not all refugees are freeloaders wanting to cash in on the U.S.'s misguided welfare system. Many are decent people willing to work hard to earn their way.
Imagine the desperate state of parents willing to send their children out to save them. Jews did the same with their children during the Holocaust. Sending the Hispanic kids back could be a death sentence. My family were refugees of WWII, running for our lives as American and British bombs blanketed Europe. We were some of the lucky ones to survive.
Eventually we immigrated to the U.S. and became naturalized citizens. Even then, decades ago, there were bigoted people who would say things like "why don't you go back where you came from", not realizing there was nowhere to go back to once conquerors take over one's homeland.
It would be far better for U.S. policy not to create drug wars and nation-size prisons and brutal sanctions to keep people from supporting themselves through free trade in an atmosphere of peace. Government hand-outs, no. Voluntary (individual) charity, yes. We should all be able to hire anyone who wants a job, native or alien.
Good fences make good neighbors. But building barbaric walls is a dreadful idea. Think of the Berlin wall. Such wounds take a long time to heal. Those who want to keep immigrants out, because immigrants might horn in on the goodies the natives have, are operating on the most primitive level of animal territorialism. All such disasters are a result of forgetting the second part of the equation: "... nor ask another to live for mine."
Any "wall" along the southern border of the US with Mexico is a defense against unchecked illegal immigration. Compare the US now and the US before the 100 million that have already illegally crossed that border. I see a significant decline and I think there is a positive correlation. (I recognize there are other causes, too.)
Legal immigration can be a great benefit because the numbers are controlled and immigrants must show they can contribute and often modify their behavior to comply with the customs of the country.
The US population is 100 million higher than the economy can prosperously support, and the difference is uncontrolled illegal immigration.
(Agree with your comments on free markets, drug wars, prisons, and free trade.)
It's also the regulation, which creates a black market. Minimum wage, housing rules, OSHA, tax loopholes, a thousand and one ways that people can make a profit off of illegitimate labor... and as for the labor, even under minimum wage, even below what we consider poverty conditions, living here was *still* better than where they came from.
So, welfare state, regulation creating market opportunities, prosperity difference. A three-legged stool.
As for the 100 million more than the economy can support, how do you figure? We're certainly not 100 million more than we were in 2004, and we were certainly prosperous then.
Perhaps we differ in defining prosperity. Debt creation isn't prosperity.
I guess someone "prospered" from all the debt created to pay for the war on false pretenses, and debt created on marginal real estate to hide the economic weakness in productive industry, but it's not what I call prosperity. While the dollar loses its value, the US loses what's left of its honor, and manufacturing disappears? Sounds like prosperity as defined by a politician running for office who doesn't care what happens after election day.
Perhaps we could look at more data and consider when the US economy was last a strong one and not puffed up by government spending, or internet share price insanity, or debt creation unsupported with security or production.
I don't concede 2004 was prosperity.
Debt creation give illusion of prosperity but is not prosperity
We define prosperity differently and I doubt we will agree with further discussion.
The decline from 1990 through 2000 was largely due to the BB's spending and increasing the GDP.
Gov % gdp only shows 2009-2012 and tells me nothing about the topic I was discussing.
If you want to argue against my comment then address debt creation as it is central to the recent economic "prosperity" as I made clear in 2 previous postings above.
If you want to make a point about govt spending vs gdp then lets start a new topic and discuss it there because it is not relevant to my comments here; that is another topic.
Overall GDP was increasing and gov't spending as a % of GDP was decreasing => thus the overall prosperity of the nation was increasing not as a function of gov't spending.
East and West Germany remained divided in 1961 because the conqueror to whom freedomforall refers, the USSR, wouldn't surrender its conquered territory.
The economy isn't what it was in 2004.
No call for East Germany to be "given back"?
The Soviets repeatedly rejected plans to re-integrate the Germany halves.
In point of fact, if it weren't for people who refuse to hate evil (hi there), there was no need for Germany to be divided. But the Soviet backwoods trash had to have their egos assuaged, just like the Afghan trash, and Iraqi trash.
I remember my father telling me about having to wait 3 weeks for the Soviets to take Berlin, and then the 3 days he spent loading ammunition trucks in preparation for going to war with the Soviets over 3 American prisoners they wouldn't turn over to us.
Back then, we still had a tiny sliver of nationalism left.
If it weren't for the scumbag anti-American politicians, I can't even call them "Democrats", because that internationalist suckbutt Eisenhower was as much behind appeasing our enemies as anyone, Germany wouldn't have been divided.
You'll note that in 1961... Japan was regaining prosperity and no longer occupied by the evil United States, the sole power who occupied Japan.
So don't give me this crap about how the Berlin wall wasn't an attempt to keep the victims of communist aggression from escaping.
We treated the Soviets like a civilized nation when in fact it was a 3rd world craphole. The result was millions dead, a massive waste of money on nuclear armaments, and a communist victory by way of the White House, half of SCOTUS and most of Congress.
What gives you cause to believe that I don't hate evil?
I want a wall like China's.
Rome built a wall to keep the barbarians out, and at the wall civilization stopped.
China built a wall to keep the barbarians out.
I would design a double-wall system. It not only would be topped with razor-wire, but razorwire would be attached in strips along the southern face of the both walls.
Between the first wall and second wall a man-made swamp ("wetlands" we call it now) with gators and water moccasins and leeches.
Have the distance between the two walls be 300 feet.
Guard towers every half mile or so, detached from the wall. Gun emplacements in the towers.
Have the walls narrow into a wedge at the top, with a channel in the middle. High pressure conduits connected to a source of propane under pressure, along with kerosine nozzles within the channel, with cameras on remote towers within the swamp, and radio remote controls so that if the sensors or cameras detect anyone crossing the wall, the guards can press a button and for half a mile light up the top of the wall in flame.
That doesn't include the murder holes and oubliettes I would install.
We don't keep them out because we don't really want to. Well, let me rephrase... cause y'all don't really want to as badly as I do.
For the truth go here. It's amazing how the right is telling things so they sound exactly opposite of the reality: http://www.conunderground.com/obama-send...
Try an experiment. put a bucket under the faucet of your sink. Turn the water on about 1/4 way. Now bail the water out with a spoon.
Okay, now turn the water up to 1/2 way. Start bailing with a cup.
Then turn the water on full blast, and keep bailing with the cup.
The bucket will continue to fill.
Ann Coulter is a fascist, and should be repudiated.
I saw this on Urban Survival this morning and thought it an interesting take on the situation:
If you’re trying to make sense out of the world (and we were talking about rule sets as one of the three major approached to artificial intelligence applications to make scads of money in the markets for Peoplenomics readers this weekend) we can now proudly present the following Monday Morning Truth Table:
If you lob rockets into a country, the offended country will respond with an invasion and killing those who did the lobbing.
If, on the other hand, you lob children into a country, the offended country will not be offended at all, and will go out of its way to reward the lobbers so that the flood increases.
Link for the entire article: http://urbansurvival.com/point-and-to-th...
Gang or no gang, it is rational, ethical and proper to control the entry of each and every immigrant to this country in context of: criminality, terrorism (a different form of criminality,) seditious/revanchist/irredentist ideology (ditto,) also health and self-sufficiency - and eject "any and all" who fail those criteria with extreme prejudice. Prejudice having nothing to do with the trivia of racial derivation, BTW (which latter is another diversion.)
What we are seeing is apparently Obama's stab at accelerating the UN's Agenda 21 plan for global collectivist serfdom within this century - the obliteration of American sovereignty by dilution, via people from adjacent nations who not only have **no** desire to assimilate as Americans but harbor a seething hatred of both America and Americanism. Much like... Mr. Obama.
There is a valid, individualist case for open borders, but "open borders" does not mean indiscriminate acquiescence to invasion. It means letting into the country any individual who is **not**: a criminal, seditious, a terrorist, a revanchist, an irredentist, carrying a deadly communicable disease, a parasite on his way to the nearest welfare office - to build his own life for himself, unmolested by others, and not molesting others - figuratively or literally.
The facepalm-irony of it all is that Mexico could and should be one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, with a real problem of Americans sneaking south across the border in search of a lucrative living. It's sitting atop one of the largest petroleum fields on the planet (albeit of a less-"sweet" grade of crude that requires more refining.) But it's laboring under generations of corruption, a substandard Constitution, decades of neglect by American politicians in fostering improvement in those conditions, and a current American Administration populated by collectivist vandals.
To posit that none of this would be much of a problem if it weren't for the "war on drugs" virtually precludes a response beyond laughter.
But wait, according to you, an unlocked open unguarded door would only mean friendly and peaceful folks would enter your home and they wouldn't take or disrupt a thing. Closed doors would make your home a violent place. uh-huh.
Israel's so-called apartheid is rather strange since at least a third of its citizenry are Muslim, and Muslims are in the Knesset which is their congress. In the heat of battle, they give advance warning to the people living in an area about to be attacked. Even the USA doesn't do that. The fact is, you don't have a problem with Israel, you have a problem with Jews. I guess I shouldn't recriminate you, as the Gulch already gave you a -11, so I probably shouldn't have opened up your little hate-O-gram.
Former president Jimmy Carter also has a book about the issue titled "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."
2) Ann Coulter can't be a fascist, she's not far enough to the left.
3) if that kind of violence occurred here, within days or weeks we'd have a full-blown civil war.
The walls didn't create violence; the violence created the walls, as it usually does. As usual, you have it completely backwards.
2) Fascism is right-wing. Any and all attempts to reclassify fascism as supposedly being left-wing are nothing more than historical revisionism and propaganda perpetrated by right-wing fundamentalists who don't want to accept the fact that their ideology leads to tyranny and despotism. It's no different than the right-wing's attempts to cast Adolf Hitler as an atheist, even though he was actually a Roman Catholic.
3) Technically yes, I suppose you're right on this point. The violence did come first. After all, you can't build a wall around stolen territory unless you first clear the land of its original inhabitants, which is an act that requires violence.
Aside from the pregnant question as to why a goose-stepping collectivist is spending lots of time posting unintentionally-amusing comments on an individualist forum - and aside from the equally-unintended irony in "propaganda" - it might be time for someone to have a trip back to some textbooks for a little study on "collectivism and its variants," vs. individualism.
Every tyranny in history, every despotic state in history, has been collectivist. Period. Full stop. Everyone out of the pool.
You may offer proof to the contrary in a very simple way:
Name one individualist tyranny or individualist despot.
Waiting .....
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This has long been an issue, and it is draining to muster a response drenched in logic, when all it will ultimately do is sink like a stone into the murky swamp waters of the collectivist cesspool.
Rand's "Anthem" gave a very accurate, and very chilling example of collectivism taken to its logical extreme.
Waiting . . . . . . . . . . .
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(Hello? Is there anyone in there?)
Another point: The "everyone is a collectivist" line is an attempt at logical sleight-of-hand, and not a very good one - in this case an attempt to dodge the respective identities of collectivism and individualism and jump to a conflation of collectivist politico-economics with voluntary social interaction and division of labor per se. It's the kind of thing that might have worked in a high school bull session - or maybe in one of those game shows they're calling "Presidential debates" - but not here.
The reason collectivist regimes kill people in large numbers is precisely because they are collectivist. The reason collectivist philosophy is vicious in theory and invariably deadly in practice is because there is an inescapable contradiction in logic at its core:
The concept "collective" - whether "society" or "crowd" or "group" or "mob" - has no referent in reality. It is a figure of speech we use to denote two or more... __________s.
Collectivism's irrationality lies in its attempt to enforce, at gunpoint, the supremacy of an abstract concept (some collective,) via the negation of that very concept's constituent referents (individuals.) It cannot be done - in logical theory or in political practice - which is why collectivist regimes cannot succeed economically without a capitalist or at least semi-capitalist host to parasitize, and why the only products collectivist regimes turn out in abundance are human corpses.
So now it's...back to the waiting . . . . . . . . .
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Pretty much every large corporation can be called a collective, yet I sincerely doubt that many people here would call corporations evil.
There was no stolen territory.
You can't have it both ways, Maph. You can't be opposed to borders and at the same time claim people 'stole' territory.
Black South Africans could not have racial apartheid against other blacks. They might could have apartheid, but it couldn't be racial.
It's called "anarchists".
Ann loves being on camera and is quite entertaining, like Rush Limbaugh, but that is all. She is not a bright spot of advanced thought or accumulated wisdom.
That said, send them back.
The Japanese after WWII were more civilized than the Arab allies of the U.S.
And not all the Arabs were our allies.
You can't say "It belonged to the Israelites long before the Arabs had any claim to it" because, gasp, they are (other than religious differences and ethnic intermixing with "outsiders" by the Israelites) the same peoples. They are of the same ethno-geographical stock, all have the same geographical "roots".
The primary conflict arose when because of jealousy between Isaac's mother, Sariah, (Abraham's wife) and Ishmael's mother, Hagar (Sariah's handmaiden and concubine to Abraham), Ishmael and his mother were sent away. According to tradition, the birthright passed to the first son of the first wife, so Isaac - regardless being the younger of the two - was the birthright son and heir. To Abraham, the Lord promised the land of Canaan (which includes modern day Israel) as a possession. However, the descendants of Ishmael grew into a mighty nation of their own and ignored Isaac's claim. Then you also have to throw in Jacob (son of Isaac) and his twin brother Esau - from which another mighty nation was born.
Has there been some intermingling between the two? Even the Bible admits this to be the case, but states very clearly that it is religion that truly separates them. It should also be noted that the Jewish faith dates back at least to Abraham. Both Ishmael and Esau forsook that religion and went their own ways.
It should also be noted that the vast majority of "Arabs" no longer existed after about 800 AD, as they had been forcibly converted to Islam by Mohammed and his followers, who both for ideological and heritage reasons have adopted a hate for those of Israelitish descent.
And whether they're Jewish or Islam or Christian or even follow the ancient Roman religious rites they're all descendants of the same GENETIC STOCK, e.g. the same peoples. Regardless of one familial split some 4000 years ago. Or some prosthetylization effort some 1300 years ago.
The descendants of those living on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean some 10,000+ (or if you insist, 5300 years ago) have the same roots. Regardless of some political subdividing that's been going on there for some 2000+ years.
I think the relevant part is who the parties identify with TODAY - family, religion, etc. The political subdivides are not inconsequential to these matters.
Modern Israelis are *culturally* Western European, at least in part. Because the modern Israel was largely populated by refugees from Europe. Whose ancestors got to Europe during the many Diasporas the Jews experienced over the millennia.
While the Arabs who remained in the middle east are primarily middle eastern, culturally.
So don't play anti-semitic games with me. I long ago learned who, historically, the good guys were and who the bad guys were. The Roman Legionnaire, the British Tommy, the American G.I. Joe, the IDF soldier... all pushing the envelope of civilization. All fighting against barbarians to defend islands of civilization.
"Hitler used tanks to conquer France; we used tanks to liberate it. NOT the same thing" - George Will in response to Phil Donahue trying to inply a Nietzschean equivalence between us and the Iraqis during the Gulf War
Somebody forget that the Israelites *are* an Arabic tribe?
This is the same logic that calls Canadians and Mexicans "American". Technically correct, but in practical terms, a rhetorical split hair.
In 1941, the Allies forced Reza Shah to abdicate the throne to his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. His pro-Nazi followers in the Iranian government such as Fazlollah Zahedi [13] and Mohammad Hosein Airom shared similar fates. The British believed that Zahedi was planning a general uprising in cooperation with German forces. He was arrested, where he was found with German weapons and correspondence from a German agent. He was interned in Palestine.
Not really an ally, but a "conquered" nation. And from what I remember, there were quite a few Iranians during the war that provided covert support for the Nazi's.
In August 1941, the British and Soviet troops invaded Iran (Operation Countenance) and, in September 1941, forced Reza Shah Pahlavi to abdicate his throne. He was replaced by his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was willing to fight the Axis powers. Within months Iran entered the war on the side of the Allies and became known as "The Bridge of Victory".
Iran's geographical position was also important to the Allies. It provided a 'blue water' supply route to the Soviet Union via the port of Bandar Abbas and a specially constructed railway route. The supply routes were known collectively as the Persian Corridor. Soviet political operatives known as "agitprops" infiltrated Iran and helped establish the Comintern affiliate Tudeh Party in early in 1942.
By January 1942, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union agreed they would end their occupation six months after the war's end.
--------------------end wiki quote--------------
"Conquered nation" may depend on which historian is writing the history. My guess is the Iran people just wanted to be left alone and the rulers (father and son) disagreed on which side offered the biggest potential for profit and power in the future. Was the father a Axis puppet and the son an Allies puppet?
Maybe we both learned a little more history here.
Then the British left. Two months later, Israel got invaded by Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt in which they survived only by a miracle. In 1967, the Arabs tried again, and again, Israel survived by a thread.
I would also point to the ENTIRE history of that part of the world as to claims of ownership, as it has gone back and forth due to military conquest for thousands of years. Most of the "claims" you are referring to are very recent in nature and mask the true nature of the conflict: two warring religions who both believe that specific site to be holy ground to them.
While the 3 who were nailed and hung on Golgotha on that fateful day are the ones we all know and remember, how many others were put up there on that hill and nailed to the wood before and after, by not just Pilate but the other Governors there trying to quell the tinderbox... The actions he took weren't some "special, one time only" gig, it happened all the time. And had there not been a band of chroniclers there to record it, the story of this one "radical" would have been as lost as most people who were crucified on Golgotha. (Other than the 3 on the hill that day, can you name ANYONE else who met their end on a cross on Golgotha? I know I can't...)
I'm just musing here, however... I wonder if Christ had been born in, say, the province of Britannia rather than the province of Judea, and a similar uproar came about, whether Aulus Platius (the Roman Prelate in Britain at about the same time) would have been written about as much as Pontius Pilatus.
Or better... what if Pilate had said, "I declare today is a "gift of the Emperor" and there will be no punishment meted out, further, I shall declare that ALL those condemned in holding are hereby pardoned and freed"... Think of the impact on history *that* would have had... ;-)
Brings up a point - especially (and sadly) evident here - It just shows what happens when the touch of true divinity touches the inner essence of humanity... rather than becoming one, loving all, forgiving all, the knowledge and thereby self-righteousness sparks anger, retribution, and violence (and thumbs down). They become all knowing, all seeing, all demanding, all condemning... because *my* way is the *only* way... and there must be NO tolerance for ANY OTHER THOUGHT!
The portrayal in the film was pretty true to life (present day life, as that is what I can comment upon. I also can't accept the content of the bible as unadulterated truth as it was written by men and altered by later men and interpreted by more men -and finally women, too.)
"I wonder if Christ had been born in, say, the province of Britannia rather than the province of Judea, and a similar uproar came about, whether Aulus Platius (the Roman Prelate in Britain at about the same time) would have been written about as much as Pontius Pilatus. "
How could He have been? There were not an overabundance of Jews in Britannia during the Roman colonial occupation of that island. There was no Judaic culture in Britannia, if by some miracle Christ had been born there.
There may have been many individuals in Britannia during the Roman colonial occupation who preached pacifism, compassion, industry and honesty. But they didn't have the Judaic culture to make anything of it.
"what if Pilate had said, "I declare today is a "gift of the Emperor" and there will be no punishment meted out, further, I shall declare that ALL those condemned in holding are hereby pardoned and freed"... "
Not as much. There would have been chaos in Judea, and lots of Roman legionnaires would have died putting out brushfires. It would be the equivalent of Obama's declaration of amnesty for illegal aliens. There's a reason Pilate washed his hands. He saw the political winds, and followed Roman policy of letting the locals rule themselves as much as possible. In feeding Christ to the powers that be in Judea, he helped keep the lid on the tinderbox, as you put it (forgive the mixed-metaphor).
I agree completely that historically the claims on the mideast region are varied based on might makes right (and imo irrational religious beliefs in holy ground.) The founders of the US wisely tried to keep religion separate from actions of state. The "claim" issue does not justify the idiotic action that has and will continue to cause animosity to the US in the region. (Yes, there have also been more recent idiotic acts by the US that add to the animosity.)
There was no reason to recreate Israel anywhere but in Israel; suggesting it be recreated in Guam or Puerto Rico is just silliness.
As has been pointed out, Israelis are historically Arabic; therefore they belong in the middle east.
Of course, all this turmoil since WWII could have been avoided if we'd just helped the Nazis wipe out every Jew on the planet.
By the same argument you're proposing, the world would have been better had the U.S. not occupied the unused land in the North American continent to build a western civilization. Better we continue to huddle on the east coast, or go and form societies in Cambodia or the Congo.