Milo Yianoploues. Mr. Hate?

Posted by WDonway 7 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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MILO YIANOPOULES. He has risen to the top my list of "individuals about whom I know NOTHING, but have read more than 1000 attacks on their ideas, morality, sanity, and status as human." (The media goes into action VERY rapidly against their most threatening enemies.)

Well, we can't have that, can we? One problem is that Milo's (I don't mean to be chummy, just avoid spelling his last name) first book, "Dangerous," isn't even available until March. One day after Simon and Schuster announced the $250,000 book deal, and the "Chicago Review" declared it would enter a nunnery for a year, in mourning), "Dangerous" hit #1 on the Amazon best-seller list and has stayed there.

I went sniffing around the Amazon book page, and GoodReads, and other book sites; very little is available about the book. Goodreads has dozens and dozens of "reviews," but not by anyone who knows what the book says. Just a ratings war based on what they have heard about Milo.

Milo Yianopoules was born to a Greek father and a Jewish mother and grew up in the excruciatingly English town of Kent. He adored his mother and was terrorized by his father. He claims to have lost his virginity at age 13 in a "five way" sex scene.

Milo is gay. But, Oh Christ that this should ever be!" declares that he wishes he was not, that being gay is a "disorder," and that he would try "conversion therapy" if he thought it would work. That is enough, providing your voice is heard, to incite battles on dozens of campuses to which Milo has been invited, because students want to hear him speak, but which ultimately closed to him because of potential violence by the left, concerns about student "safe space," and bans on "hate speech."

Interestingly, Milo sought refuge from the sex-culture wars, early in his career, by specializing in writing about technology, technology start-up companies, and science. He started several online publications with entrepreneurial partners that instantly claimed large audiences, but became embroiled in controversy and suits over payments to contributors. At the end of many court battles, when his latest start up was acquired for significant payment, it is reported that Milo paid the stiffed contributors out of his own pocket.

Recently, he became the Tech editor of Breitbart News, focusing on his specialty, but obviously things got out of hand. Becoming involved with "third wave" feminists, rejecting the "transgender" or "sex-assignment surgery movement, and attacking the anti-white-male agenda of the New-New Left, he became embroiled in the battle over "Postmodernism"--read "neo-Marxist class warfare, political correctness, has no name, as yet...the suppression of all dissent against progressive leftism as "hate speech.:

Why is Milo execrated, banned from campuses on three continents, and condemned as Mr. Hate? Because he is the exceedingly rare public intellectual, today, who simply WILL NOT be nice. He will not spare the feelings of those who cannot stand to have their feelings questioned.

Today, if a young man, usually bombarded with gay propaganda, declares that he "feels" like a woman trapped in the body of a man, he will enter a system of counseling that encourages him, prevents his parents from interfering, condemns psychiatrist who might discuss the validity of his feelings. He may be subjected to hormone therapy to prevent his sexual maturation until he is old enough to decide on sex-re-assignment surgery. When he does, he will be castrated and subjected to lifelong hormone treatments to make biological reality conform with his feelings.

Milo has attacked the scientific validity and commonsense of this movement. After all, if our feelings are primary, sacred, and if reality must be made to conform with them, then psychiatry to treat conflicts, misconceptions, feelings in denial of reality is useless.

No lobby today is more politically powerful than the gay and lesbian lobbies. In New York State, they easily persuaded the intellectually clueless Governor Cuomo to deny all insurance reimbursement to any mental health worker who even DISCUSSES the desire to become the opposite sex as a psychiatric issue.

In this McCarthyite intellectual atmosphere, the man who speaks brazenly, unapologetically, with moral conviction and a sense of outrage against the dictates of what is unthinkable, cannot at all costs be heard by the young on college campuses.

Hate speech is speech that we hate.

And Milo is Mr. Hate Speech. He is 32 years old.

He told CNN: "People are tired of being told how to live, how to speak, what language they can use," he said. "The strength of feeling in my crowds, the enthusiasm for me from the audiences is the same -- the same instinct, the same sort of motivating force (that) put Trump in the White House."

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  • Posted by mgarbizo1 7 years, 11 months ago
    Interestingly, the more hate press and negative attention this man receives, the more coverage his ideas and works will spread to the masses, which will drive up demand for his speech's that even Clinton could not rival!
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 11 months ago
    Thanks for posting this, with all the fuss, I agree with your comment: He has risen to the top my list of "individuals about whom I know NOTHING, but have read more than 1000 attacks on their ideas, morality, sanity, and status as human."

    So I'm starting to pay attention. I have yet to read something he said that I actually think is more than just provocative.

    The article, on the other hand, is kind of scary. When someone talks about speech as "gateway speech" it's incredibly scary. If you can't point to anything the person says as sufficiently "evil" you claim that people who hear him will go on to saying much worse -- so he must be silenced.
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