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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 2 months ago
    What I'd most like to see is a positive step toward organizing a Gulch somewhere.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
      "positive step toward organizing a Gulch somewhere."
      I like to fancy one is already started, and I just haven't heard about it. It starts as a zona franca where a startup put its headquarters so founders and employees from several countries can bypass immigration issues and all work in the same office. We only hear about it when they have a successful IPO, and some of the founders set up an incubator and angel fund and invest in an mentor other startups in the zone. At that point the host country starts looking for ways to tax the jobs and wealth generated without killing the goose laying the golden eggs. The people there then have a struggle on their hands: How much liberty can they keep? Only at this point it becomes a news story. I fancy it's happening right now, but I won't hear about it until the IPO and subsequent political/legal battle starts.
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      • Posted by MacontheRock 8 years, 2 months ago
        Circuit Guy is the only creative one on this thread. I will go further to suggest this fictional storyline: A Little-known maxed out campaign donor for Ted Cruz campaign convinces Kellyanne Conway (a Cruz operative) now Trump insider, to convince Trump to build Atlas Shrugged freight train from San Diego to Brownsville Texas atop of 50 foot Bulwark that includes a natural gas pipeline and MRI tunnels that traverse the superstructure for 1900 miles south to north and vice-versa, making America Great again by a single idea. The trains themselves includes TheWillies because they arrive on time while making several stops along the way creating large distribution hubs and urban centers employing millions over decades. The best part of competing with the Panama Canal with the expedient distribution of cargo & LNG to both oceans it must cut and dredge through the drug tunnels along the border states to pour the concrete for the foundation for the rail line. This includes the opportunity to incorporate all types sensors beneath the ground and above ground. The Protagonist Galt is a having an extramarital affair with the wife of the Texas Senator who is a player on Wall Street who underwrites the US Infrastructure Bank that privately funds the entire development. As they lobby the backroom deals to push the most exciting civil works project since the Hoover Dam, all hell breaks loose as Ranchers and Indians on the vast open spaces on the border are opposed to construction. Cowboys using the herds fight back as cattle raids overwhelm the right of way to disrupt development, while Indians on horseback, sniper shoot construction workers with the old bow and arrows, like an old western movie.
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  • Posted by KRUEG 8 years, 2 months ago
    Movies. Definitely NOT Politics!
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Aside from the overdone ideological back-and-forth, there is actually a reason to discuss politics in the Gulch this year. Many of Trump's appointees and advisors, along with a few congressmen and senators, have publicly stated their admiration for Ayn Rand. Even though most of them are not closely associated with the Objectivist movement, it will be interesting to track their political activities and see to what extent their actual policies match their words.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
        I am a little concerned that Trump and some of his appointees will be mistakenly called Objectivist or Randian.
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        • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 2 months ago
          Any publicity comes with the risk of misinformation. Ayn Rand has been misrepresented for decades by conservatives and liberals alike. It's important that we point out such misrepresentations in regard to the policies of Trump's appointees, but it's also important to publicize instances in which they get it right. I think there will be quite a few reasons to celebrate in the coming four years (starting with the dismantling of Obamacare).
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 2 months ago
    Hello richrobinson,
    I think the politics are covered sufficiently now. I would like to see more about movies or better yet a series. We could definitely use more articles about objectivism and philosophy in general. I am working on a few ideas. :)
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
      I would say we all got a bit of a reprieve for 4 years, hopefully, from advancing socialism. We should use this time to combat socialism as an ideal (very difficult I would say). Atlas Shrugged didnt do it, and I am not sure we can be successful. Once this 4 year stint is done, I suspect another big time socialist will be president and the pendulum will swing back to teh left
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      • Posted by Maritimus 8 years, 2 months ago
        Socialism has failed every time it has been tried. Every new attempt is based on the idea "we will do it better this time". Which has never truly worked. Typical for a utopia, which it is.

        I would suggest a two-pronged approach.

        One, develop a first class analysis, based on unimpeachable data, that in quantitative terms demonstrates that socialism is destroying individual freedom, imposing a slowdown in productivity growth, stifles innovation and prevents rewarding the most successful entrepreneurial ideas. In addition, debunk all the excuses that these failures regularly invoke.

        Two, start implementing a radical remodeling of education systems, from kindergarten to graduate school, to focus on teaching how to think and eliminate every attempt to teach what to think. Electronics has made enormous parts of human knowledge readily available. It is the skills of using facts and think effectively that need to be taught. Everybody should be free to challenge the teacher's opinion. Finally, make the system adaptive to the skills of the students. You cannot successfully teach in the same class a genius and a quasi retarded individual. Make sure the system allows the late bloomers to switch to a richer track and the failing students to switch to a track where they will succeed.

        This is hard? Winning WWII was hard also.

        Best wishes.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
          Interesting, but I do not remember EVER being taught how to think or learn. Schools today just pound into us what THEY want to teach, without ever considering what WE want to LEARN
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          • Posted by Maritimus 8 years, 2 months ago
            I accept that you may need persuasion (not forcing) to learn something. Thinking and learning are volitional actions, I think.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
              I had to learn how to learn somehow. Memorization doesnt work for me at all. I have to understand the framework of what I am trying to understand, and then fill in the details. I think a lot of people just "feel" things and dont feel comfortable thinking.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
          "You cannot successfully teach in the same class a genius and a quasi retarded individual."
          The way public schools in my area handle this now is crazy. They have elementary school student with such severe developmental issues that they will never speak or respond to people beyond a 1-y/o's level, yet they are in regular classes with kids their age.

          They also have kids with autism-liked problems that cause occasional episodes of outbursts. Instead of taking the kid having the outburst away, they have all the other students leave the classroom until the outburst passes.

          Apparently the theory is kids with special needs used to be relegated to the basement, hidden away. Now the pendulum has swung the other way, and we're putting them in mainstream classes, sometimes with one full-time person dedicated to managing them and walking them through a class they cannot follow.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 2 months ago
      I agree.

      I don't mind how politics can affect philosophy, but I think we're going to see enough US tax relief and shrinkage of government that the angst that has driven a lot of us to this forum is going to probably at least minimally subside for a while.

      I'm not a protectionist either, but we've been swinging too far for too long in the direction of helping everyone but ourselves.
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      • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 2 months ago
        I'll believe it when I see it. After all, Trump is more of a deal-maker than anything else, and even Reagan was entirely unable to cut back Washington's bureaucracy because he compromised too much. We need to be all over Trump at every opportunity to ensure he keeps his promises to gut or kill agencies. Especially EPA.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 2 months ago
          Indeed, the politics to me, is a foundational part of the battle, in that it is often rooted in a lot of the concepts people talk about others (such as doing violence on others, taking from one to give to another, the lack of honesty and truth, and the impact they have on ones self, when nothing was asked for). It is such a powerful weapon and so misused, it ends up rearing it's ugly head multiple times a day as you see one violation of our freedom and rights after another. I do hope Trump will do as he said, but I do not hold out hope.
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  • Posted by rjkford 8 years, 2 months ago
    The Series. The movies were good, but too disjointed. The time between them and the different cast could be overlooked by us in here, but we need to appeal to the general population. A 6 to 10 part miniseries on something like the History Channel or the like could be a venue that could reach a much larger audience.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 2 months ago
      Hi rjkford, edit for unwanted spell correct
      My wife and I have been watching AS part 1,,2,3
      This week and she has a hard time with the characters being played by different actors.
      Doesn't bother me to much as I am trying to see which I liked the best.Overall 2 thumbs up.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 8 years, 2 months ago
    On Facebrag there's a page called Romanticism Watch that has become a favorite haunt - and elements of rationality and anthropocentrism, civilization-centrism (linguists please assist - there has to be a word for this,) can be found in pop culture as in the more obvious places within the fine arts. I'm a big fan of wringing the maximum enjoyment out of pop culture and of the adventure that is searching for it, so make this my vote for more of that - posts on Objectivist-friendly finds within pop culture - music, books, movies, TV, comics and anime, etc.
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  • Posted by Stormi 8 years, 2 months ago
    I am for Objectivism, or any philosophical discussions. Also, how to get young people to come to the ideas of Rand, while the schools work to stop it. Freedom of speech as it pertains to scientific discussions, and how we can make sure it stays free.Politics as it is needed is fine. We need to keep each other alert to any threat to capitalism or property rights as well.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 2 months ago
    Objectivism, living as an Objectivist, AR based movies or series (if they're real possibilities). I'm done with politics as a subject though I'm highly interested in anti-human and anti-Individual Natural Rights government actions by any or all actors.

    And we mustn't leave out Kilts or the proper application of whip tips. :>)
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    • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
      Proper kilt training is a must. I want to see if the MSM tries to make Trump out to be an Ayn Rand type figure. I think they may try to make that link in order to try and discredit Objectivism. I still think he was a better choice than Hillary but he is no Hank Reardon.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 2 months ago
        No, he's no Hank. I'm still trying to figure out what he is, other than a generator of really great progressive angst and outrage. I agree that the MSM comparison to AR is waiting in the wings. Progressives, liberals, and socialists of all stripes can't find a better free market villain. 2017 stands a good chance to be more fun than 2016. Glad I've lived
        long enough to see it. That kilt training is essential, especially when you're expected to give a full torso bow, at least for those to your rear.
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