I resigned from the Portland Community College Board

Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 8 years, 1 month ago to Education
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I wouldn't normally share something like this, but I feel very close to many of you and wanted to spill my guts, so to speak. I spent 7.5 years as a College Board member of PCC, and like any role, there were time when things were going well and of course there were times where things didn't go well. In general, I rolled with the punches because I felt the overall good being provided by the Board and by the College outweighed the political BS that came with the role. Early in 2016, I (and the Board as a whole) was blindsided by an effort on the part of the College to support a "grassroots" effort to put on a "Whiteness History Month" event (more here: https://www.pcc.edu/about/diversity/c... ). Silly me, I felt that the purpose of an institution of higher education was to educate students, not to indoctrinate them. Fast forward to November 2016. Another "grassroots" effort on the part of "the students" came forth to demand (not request) that the College be deemed a "Sanctuary College". While there is no legal definition of that term, it clearly carries a political meaning that I do not personally subscribe to nor could I get behind. The Board consists of seven members, and from my conversations I knew there were four members in support of this request, so this was going to pass no matter what. If there is some comic relief to be had from the Board's vote to affirm that declaration, it was that the Students in attendance at the Board Meeting were angry that the Board didn't go far enough for their liking. https://www.pcc.edu/about/administrat...

The College is making two major mistakes, in my opinion: (1) they are perceiving the voice of the students to be the voice of the majority, but instead it is the voice of a very vocal minority of students; and (2) they feel that the student, as the customer of the College, is always right, but as we know the customer is NOT always right.

Below is the letter of resignation I sent to the President and College Board on December 20:

President Mitsui and Board members,

I have spoken to each of you, so it should not be a surprise that I was not aligned with the College's decision to deem itself a "sanctuary college". As I've shared with you, I felt that the decision to use the term "sanctuary college" politicizes the college, places risk on the backs of the 40+ percent of the college's students that receive Pell grant monies (and ultimately on the college's Federal funding), and alienates a percentage of voters as we approach the college's next bond campaign. From my Intel career, I understand and have embraced the importance of "disagree and commit" in order to provide a one-voice on matters. However, on this issue I cannot commit. For that reason, I am resigning my position as Board Chair and as Board Member serving Zone 6.

I wish the Board and the College well.

Best regards,
Your_Name_Goes_Here (smile)

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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 1 month ago
    Hi Your_Name_Goes_Here ,
    I wish to congratulate you for your action. BTW the link doesn't work. I did snoop a little on the adoption ofTake5 strategic plan initiated in 2014
    as part of the business plan and policy-making. My thought is run from that place don't walk.
    PCC take 5 as follows

    1. The centrality and intersectionality of race and racism.
    ----- CRT asserts that racism is a permanent component of American life.

    2.The challenge to dominant ideology.
    ----CRT challenges the claims of neutrality, objectivity , colorblindness , and meritocracy in society.

    3.the commitment to social justice.
    -----CRT is a frame work that is committed to a social justice agenda to eliminate all forms of subordination of people.

    4. The centrality of Experiential knowledge.
    ----CRT asserts that the Experiential knowledge of people of color is appropriate , legitimate and an integral part to analyzing and understanding racial inequality.

    My addition :Experiential knowledge is a knowledge of particular things gained by perception.

    5.The Interdisciplinary perspective.
    -----CRT challenges ahistoricism and the unidisciplinary focuses of most analyses and insists that race and racism be placed in both a contemporary and historical context using interdisciplinary methods.

    What a crock of sh-t
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 1 month ago
      All of this social justice bs is nothing more than the loser whining that he doesn't have wealth in spite of the fact that he refuses to do what's necessary to gain it (because of his "culture"), followed by an assertion that someone else should provide it. The constant complaining about slavery, when one is proposing exactly that betrays a complete lack of logical thought.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      Hi Dobrien, Sorry about the broken link. Apparently the right parenthesis incorrectly became a part of the hyperlink. Oops!

      Total alignment with you on CRT - what a crock of shite! The same people who tell me that we shouldn't judge people on the basis of our skin color (and I agree with that) just put an asterisk on that statement. Their rationale is that we have a higher percentage of black males imprisoned because of white culture. Really? What about because they made poor life choices and chose to violate the law? But I digress...

      Honestly, my initial feeling on the resignation was mixed. A part of me was just pi$$ed that the College would adopt such a position, and a part of me felt that I was giving up. As I've reflected on it more over the past couple of weeks, I've come to the same conclusion as you - RUN! :)
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      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 1 month ago
        OK the link works. To me this is all about providing a free education for illegal aliens. They basically will break the law by protecting illegal aliens but They will protect a students privacy unless the law requires it, then they won't break the law. They would receive benefits that an out of stater or a legal citizen doesn't.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 1 month ago
        I was reluctant to say that because I did not want to disrespect you... So thanks for that.
        When I see the CRT as a pillar of the foundation the integrity is gone. You as a voice of reason likely felt you could make a difference. They have taken reason out of the equation.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 1 month ago
      And I keep going back to the MLK "Judge a man by the content of his character" statement. I guess a black mans opinion is never valued by the educational elite? And yet they obfuscate and dissemble with vague terms and made up definitions to justify their own insecurities. As Mccannon01 says: A crock.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
    Individual actions like this are as important ad what happens in Washington. The Sanctuary College thing seems like a political statement with no real meaning. It sounds like you're forcing them to face that and showing not everyone will go along with it.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 1 month ago
    Shaking my head ever since this idiocy started. Just goes to prove that those that come up with this nonsense are the least human, the least conscious and the least educated and might as well be considered retards; and...to blame the rest of us for their stupidity, (not to mention the fact that they are the one's that have created much of the problems in this world) is shear lunacy.

    To base Anything upon skin color, a chemical so minute in the body it would fit on the head of a pin with a whole lot room left over, is just plain stupid. As the actively conscious know, it's not the color of one's skin that matters, it's the working order of the contents under that skin that matters.

    As to the ignoring of the rule of law and sanctioning those that break it over those that obey it is another matter to shake one's head upon.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 1 month ago
    I sincerely hope the Trump administration is hard-nosed about withholding Federal funds to any state, municipality, or educational institution that declares it will not cooperate with Federal law regarding lawless invaders (I refuse to call them "immigrants"). There's power in the pocketbook, if it's managed properly. They better hope Soros has lots of cash to spread around.
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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 1 month ago
    so, after almost 8 years on the Board, are you still frustrated with what happened or do you get some peace from your decision? and Bravo
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    • 11
      Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      Thanks, khalling.

      Actually I am at peace with the decision. As long as I felt that I could be a positive influence in College policies, I was able to remain engaged and endure the BS one expects in academia. When the College bypassed the Board with the Whiteness History Month, and when the Board ultimately agreed to the student "demand" to declare PCC a "Sanctuary College", I recognized that being positive influence was no longer possible. So rather than having the environment eat away at my soul, I chose the path of resignation.
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  • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
    When Clinton (Bubba) left office all the W's on computers were missing. We were all relieved the "adults" were back in charge of the Presidency. When Dubya left office the keys were handed over without a public hiccup -- the adults had done their eight years in office (though the Congress started acting like children/Democrats toward the end and the natural and logical consequence of a economic tsunami hit the world), Now the pouter in chief is stirring up all the mud at the bottom of the pond for Trump to take over and make it harder for his administration to steer us back to to a sane course (I will not be surprised to hear that when the Trumps move in the keyboards are all missing the T's). The point here is American culture sees the children acting out at the highest levels. Now, this college is turning over it's public persona to the real children. As a college instructor of Adolescent Psychology I point out that adolescence used to end at about 18; now most consider it goes to 24 or so.
    Educational institutions are there to teach children how to be adults. Portland CC (and so many other venerable institutions) seems to have it backwards. They, the college administration seems to be learning how to be ignorant and immature. Create a valid product of education and you (PCC and other CC's and Universities, etc.) will not have trouble filling all your classrooms -- as example I offer Hillsdale College.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 1 month ago
    Congratulations, Your_Name_Goes_Here, on taking a rare and principled stance. I wish you the absolute best in whatever endeavor you choose as your next path in life!

    I'm thoroughly disgusted at this "whiteness" propaganda. It looks like the creators of it have never studied a single thing regarding Western Civilization and all the struggles it went through to reach this point. It is the "New Jim Crow" on steroids meant to indoctrinate and intimidate a whole generation of innocent young people. It is an example of the complete betrayal of the civil rights movement of the '60s.

    Others have already expressed my thoughts on the "Sanctuary" stance. I only hope the incoming administration pulls the plug on Federal Funding.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 1 month ago
    You are and Intel person? And in Oregon? I never knew that. I am in Aloha, at AFO. As far as your actions, excellent move, one of integrity and understanding beyond the immediate political "survival" that drive politics, especially in Oregon. Your point is exactly right, the kiddees (and that is my characterization of anyone foolish enough to think they need to show their value by some obscure philosophical effort, that is poorly researched or thought out) are once again just doing "something" to make noise and declare their "goodness". Apparently, their free ride education is not enough to satisfy their need for attention, so they latch on to whatever silly idea will get the most attention. What would be the point? Their goal? To have a whole bunch of undocumented students there? Let a band set up camp on the grounds? Free room and board? I would have expected this kind of brilliance from Charlie Hale and company...apparently, bacteria does spread, and his kiddees are at PCC....
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      Yes sir, Intel at JF-5. I retired May 2015 before the company got totally crazy (I'm speaking only of Intel outside of TMG as I never had a lot of visibility into that group other than working with Mark Bohr a few times).
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 1 month ago
        Oh, well the TMG world has always been a dichotomy of 2 things that continually conflict with each other. However, it is still a somewhat steady, and predictable environment, until the outside world decides we need to "reduce" and then it is hatchet time with no idea of the impacts. The last round is still reverberating and making some things barely functional. Made me wonder what ever happened to data based decisions...but it is not limited to Intel, it is the basic American business model: :Keep the mangers, fire the workers, and profits naturally will go up" never seems to work for some reason...need to hire 5 more Phds to work on why, I am sure the paper they write will be ready in 5 years and answer it all..(snicker...)
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
    What would one expect from a "community college" basically funded by the liberal government. Most colleges today are just worthless. I wouldnt recommend anyone go to a state sponsored college at all.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 1 month ago
      We have had that discussion several times, and it always is a focus for the fact colleges today are not education institutions, but political institutions with some misguided concept that they exist for some higher calling us poor peasants can't understand, and then have emotional meltdowns when their view is not imposed on the majority. After the DC swamp gets drained and cleaned, they need to start on that group....
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
        I can see some big changes in colleges in the future as young people rebel from the high costs and limited workplace benefits current colleges offer
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