Obama’s End of the USA via Fomenting Foreign Invasion
Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 7 months ago to News
Great article. Also, regarding the illegals pouring in, I wonder if the MSM will report the uptick in TB cases, scabies & other diseases? Who'll hold their breath?
Please recall there was an oil emergency in his 2nd year. On the advice of the IEC, headquartered in Belgium, Obama decided to release oil from our strategic oil reserve. He did not consult with congress or any US government entity. He made the decision at the behest of a foreign agency. He also sent American Military assets to Libya, with no consultation. The treaty he favors, written by the UN, is another example of setting aside our best interests in favor of the world. Finally, let's not forget the apology tour. These have been trial balloons to ascertain if anyone cares enough to call him down.
Now come the children of the world. With all of the guilt a mooch can muster, how could we send them home and do nothing. My answer would be the same as the vacuum cleaner salesman that rings the doorbell unexpectedly. GET OUT, I DID NOT INVITE YOU TO MY HOME!
Yes, I know I am heartless and selfish. And I do make my decisions based on my own personal self interests. If our citizens do not wake up to the incremental progression of the socialist agenda, we will all become subjects to the Czar of America.
10 years ago I told my best friend we should learn to speak Spanish. He was heated up about illegal immigration. I state simply, "There are too may votes and too much tax money at stake to make these people leave. Besides, our government could not get 20,000 people out of New Orleans that wanted to leave (Katrina), how are they going to get 20,000,000 people out that want to stay?"
For years elections have been swung by the moderates or undecided votes. If you immigrate enough people in the name of the Democrat party, you can permanently change the vote and make the undecided votes insignificant.
All of this goes to the progressive agenda.
Adam Smith argued "the invisible hand" of equilibrium will cause cash flows and prosperity to even out between Nations. In this era that means, Chinese will live more like Americans and Americans will live more like Chinese. He argued that gov't involvement kept this from coming about. I doubt he ever imagined a government would purposely upset it's own economic pyramid to be more equal with 3rd world nations.
Finally, I doubt that a "New World Order" will ever exist other than in the minds of it's inventors. In modern history the Soviet Empire was close to 1wO. Except, the satellite nations yearned to be free. With one sentence a real leader broke the will of that government; "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!" Even within Nations people want their own autonomy, consider Iraq with it's various religious sects. They can't have one gov't ruling one nation.
The point is, I am going to do my life and business as I need to do, regardless of what some well positioned Islamic Socialist President says on TV tonight. The truth is I will listen and take a contrarian course of action because it seems to work for my situation.
I would offer this for your consideration. A real leader, in the highest office of this Nation, could turn this around in a matter of months. He would have a Pen and a phone too, and all of EOs and chrony BS could be wiped out in a single day. Then reform tax law, and de-regulate. With the right speech that leader could remind people of the greatness this Nation once so rightly deserved, and ask them to put their backs into it and help regain that place in history. He could remind them, in Capitalism, a portion of all they earn is their's to keep!" With incentive and polite patriotic encouragement the world would be astounded at what America could do. They have astounded before, it can be again, because we know how it's done.
There are too many tentacles on this subject and it is too contrary to my mindset to be brief. I have thought about it, at length, for may years. As the story goes, I am getting old and the old tongue like to wag! I will bow out now and let others add to the arguments.
loyal opposition is so loyal that a Reagan would be
drummed out by acclamation.
our best choice may be a Ron Paul/Ben Carson
combination leadership adventure, with the added
foreign policy knowledge of John Bolton as a close-in
adviser. we old guys need to work on this. -- j
It's the "loyal opposition" that GOT us Reagan, and we were just as adamant as the "loyal opposition" is today.
The establishment Republicans, like the Democrats and pretty much everyone else, have moved to the left, which is why a Reagan isn't enough anymore.
Suggesting that the "loyal opposition" is so intolerant that we wouldn't support a Reagan, simply because we won't support the progressives they keep pushing at us, is like, oh, I dunno... treating a global jihad like a criminal investigation.
We've compromised and gone with the lesser of two evils for so many decades now that there's no choice but to become adamant and try to force the party *back* to its alleged principles, making the establishment walk the walk it talks about but never follows.
This is the only time I've ever heard "loyal opposition" used as a substitute for "the party base".
It is clear by the actions at the Mexican border alone that the Obama regime Is anti-America. Anyone who refuses to see that, not to mention all the other scandals and events is either anti-America also or a fool.
Perhaps it is time for a peaceful revolution.
It is now possible for the producers among us to establish off-grid, independent self-sustaining communities. I have designed a solar micro-grid energy system that will economically provide water, electricity, air-conditioning, hydrogen, etc. ( all of the energy and water requirements of an OffGrid Community) visit www.offgridtexan.net
When the economy collapses and the Grid goes down, the members of such a community will survive. Producers will be invited to participate in these communities and moochers will not.
Our government has left us. It no longer represents producers.
When someone hangs an adjective in front of their own label themselves...they are the adjective.
When Bush proclaimed himself a compassionate conservative...
the second word became meaningless since the first one was his focus.
"You can't get a man to eat a whole can of peas at once. But you can get him to eat a whole can of peas... one pea at a time."
Congress generates law and the President signs or appends a veto to the bill. Basic Civics.
If you would like to apportion blame for the law, it rests with congress. After all if the bill never makes it to the President;s desk they cannot sign OR veto it.
Blame for exploiting it right now rests with the President doing the exploiting.