Trump to revoke citizenship from flag burners

Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Trump just demonstrated one of the reasons I could not vote for him, even though I agree with him on quite a few things.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 10 months ago
    Hello jbrenner,
    I can't help but feel that the collectivists that burn the flag and treat it in other disrespectful ways are deserving of contempt. The action is an insult to many, ignores all the sacrifices and good of our nation the flag represents. It is pure provocation and foolish. Some protesters have legitimate concerns and should use their right to assemble and petition. There are so many other ways to protest that do not insult and outrage so many.
    That said: It is not something we should criminalize. It is something we may find offensive and should use our first amendment right to denounce. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it," - "The Friends of Voltaire" (1906) written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, writing under the pseudonym S[tephen] G. Tallentyre.
    The POTUS-elect is entitled to his opinion, but he should never be empowered to unilaterally enforce his view. It is only offensive speech that requires first amendment protection. Universally approved of speech has no need.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      The basic problem is automatic citizenship by birth. I think citizenship needs to be earned by showing that you want to be a part of the country- by things like agreeing to the constitution, language, and culture. If you burn the flag, that says it all, and citizenship should be not allowed.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 10 months ago
    I suggest an alternative. Beating the crap out of a flag burner should be classified as a misdemeanor punishable by a $10.00 fine.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 7 years, 10 months ago
      Yes, and the "crime" is expunged from your record, upon payment of the fine. Then, you can go right out and find another flag burner...

      I like it!
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      • Posted by NealS 7 years, 10 months ago
        I'm fairly confident that you'll find agreement from most Vets, and especially those that saw any of their comrades give their life for this flag. I disagree with the ten dollar fine however, it should be the same as the new presidents salary, one dollar, to represent fairness.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
      Careful...Is Flag burning any different than Koran burning [in Pakistan]?
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 10 months ago
        Aside from the fact that the flag is a political symbol and the Koran is a religious document probably not. If the political system is a theocracy there isn't any difference.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
          In the Muslim world (that's why I presented the example of Pakistan), the Koran is a symbol of everything, political and religious. Just as we are abhorred by the Islamic punishments for desecrating the Koran, we should be as abhorred by any possibility of our legal system meeting out the same for the desecration of our symbols. The act (flag burning) is abhorrent, and should be treated as such, but strictly by individuals, and not by the legal system, e.g., government.
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
        If citizenship wasnt granted just by being born inside the border, but was granted upon agreeing to the consititution and language and culture of the country, then it could be revoked if one didnt agree with the basic tenets of the country.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
          No, surely you're not suggesting of stripping citizenship from the entire political class?..
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          • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
            I havent thought a lot about this, but my first reaction is that the problem is rooted in citizenship by birth. If we want to have a country with a constitutional basis, all of the members should agree to be on board in some elemental way. I mean- what does citizenship really mean if not that?
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            • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
              Of course, Robert Heinlein addressed this. This is a difficult subject, as not all members of the society mature at the same time, and not all are necessarily active politically, or should be. Should a brilliant biologist who discovers a vaccine lose a citizenship due to lack of participation in the voting process? You can see how hairy this becomes. On the other hand, moochers should not hold the keys to the store, either. I think that the original Constitution addressed this fairly, by granting citizenship at birth, with its protections, but limiting the voting to only those that have been adding value to the society.
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              • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
                It is complex, but citizenship by birth doesnt seem very good at this point in time. It gives citizenship to babies of illegal immigrants, which doesnt seem right.
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                • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
                  Seems to me that addressing the root cause is the proper response - illegal immigration. Or, we can delve deeper - back to Woodrow Wilson, and eliminate the reasons for illegal immigration - welfare. Then, only (or mostly) people that add value to the society will be coming to America. No welfare - no issue with immigration. If they are not criminals, not subversives and not moochers - welcome!
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                  • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
                    There is absolutely zero data to suggest that the reason people are ignoring the limits set on annual "allowed" immigration and coming here anyway is welfare. They can't get welfare if they aren't a citizen. They would have to obtain fake documents and risk being caught.
                    The overwhelming conclusion of studies done on the subject suggests that immigrants who ignore our immigration quotas do so to find jobs, not to mooch off of a welfare system.
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                    • Posted by strugatsky 7 years, 10 months ago
                      The only reason that illegal immigration is a problem and, in fact, that it is illegal in the first place, is due to the quota system that was introduced following Woodrow Wilson's embryonic welfare system. Prior to government handouts, all who came to the US came at their own risk and expense and had to produce to survive. Thus, there was no limit on immigration, as all immigrants added value to the country. The issue today is that people that come to the country often add much less than they consume - in healthcare, education, housing and a host of other "benefits" which they receive, while often paying only minimal taxes (sales?, but not many other taxes). Many immigrants do work, but on the balance cost the country more than they produce.
                      As to "zero data," I would disagree. The term "anchor baby" should mean something to you. Being "caught" hasn't been a problem for years. They just have to cross the border again.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 10 months ago
    So, if I decided to move overseas in order to escape income taxes on my production, all I have to do to escape is burn a flag?
    Great idea!
    (For those who are not aware, the feds impose a large penalty tax on anyone who wants to take the production he has legally kept after taxes and relinquish his US citizenship (economic slavery) status to move to another country.)
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      That was Clinton's legacy. It is slavery.
      On another subject, welfare that the minorities are so in favor of is really modern slavery by the white man. The white man gives a few crumbs that will be taken away if one goes out and work and keeps slavery alive. I read that somewhere.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
    I never heard him say this, and he can't do it. So move on to things of consequence. This is another snowflake issue.
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
      Then you haven't been paying attention. It was a tweet (why is he STILL tweeting??) on 11/29/2016.
      Quote "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!"
      And this isn't some millennial whining. This is a first amendment issue.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
        As I said above, "I never heard him say this, and he can't do it. So move on to things of consequence. This is another snowflake issue."
        Even so, big deal. He says "perhaps" and it can't happen, so who cares? Don’t get your amygdala in a knot of inconsequentials. Move on.
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        • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
          I'm not sure what you meant by "snowflake issue" so I assumed you meant it was millennials whining about not being treated like precious unique little snowflakes. If you meant something different, then I apologize for misunderstanding. I just hadn't heard that exact phrase before.
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          • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
            The I use the term snowflake as an overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own and/or get fixated on a single issue to the exclusion of more important issues.
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            • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
              Well, then I think your use of it, in this case, was inappropriate. Who was being overly sensitive? Was anyone ignoring a valid topic of conversation that you or someone else brought up because of this?
              I can surely imagine that there are a few examples of this, but they are not the majority in this case.
              And this is not a minor issue, it reveals a complete lack of understanding of what the first amendment actually means, especially when you take into account his view of journalists and how we should change libel and slander laws to make it easier to sue others.
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              • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
                What I said was I thought the burning flag issue was a snowflake issue, not the person bringing it up. To me it is simply another press tactic to point attention some other place and attack Trump about something that, in law, is a non-issue.

                The press now has a special exemption and that exemption should be removed so they cannot report as fact what is only their imagination is. Anyone, other than the press, would be successfully sued under existing law. Trump, as I understand it, only wants to remove their Special Interest exemption.
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                • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
                  1) Fine. But it was only brought up because Trump tweeted something dumb. Again.

                  2) Absolutely not the case. He wants libel and slander laws to be like in the UK where the party who needs to "prove" their case in a lawsuit is not the person bringing the lawsuit, but the person defending.
                  Example: I claim that Trump is an authoritarian.
                  Trump sues me. He must prove that such claims are false. If he cannot, then I lose and pay him damages.
                  Trump sues me. He does not need to prove such claims are false, and even if I prove they are true as long as he can prove that he lost money, as a result I must pay him money. It essentially prevents people from telling the truth if it might harm someone.

                  Another way I have heard it put is that in the US, the tortfeasor must prove a claim to be true (that someone is lying about them). In the UK, the defendant must prove it false.
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                  • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
                    I believe you are incorrect as to the law. As to Trump, I have not hear him expound about UK libel law. I am a retired lawyer who held law licenses in the UK and two US states (libel law varies by state) but did not handle libel cases. Generally, in the US, if you make true statements for malicious purposes you can be successfully sued. The press, though gets an extra "pass" on this and, my understanding, is this is what Trump wants to end. The UK does not, to my knowledge, require a defendant to prove a negative and the burden of proof lies upon the plaintiff.
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                    • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
                      This is the second time you've said "I have not heard" when a single Google search could have found the exact instance for you.

                      As to this article's interpretation of the law, I will not stand by it. But Trump has said that he wants our US laws to be more like the UK's. That is a fact. He wants it because it is easier to sue a reporter/newspaper there.

                      In my search of the internet, however, I have found that the general consensus is that in the UK all you have to prove are damages and that a statement was made. In the US, you have to prove that a statement was made, that there were damages, and that the statement made was untrue, maliciously made, knowingly untrue (a lie), or some combination of the above. Basically, in the UK if you say something true and it harms someone's reputation in some tangible dollar amount, you can be successfully sued for defamaiton.
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                      • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
                        I will say the famous question by Rand: So what? Even if true, this is so far "down the list" of important issues that I don't want to spend any time on it. Plus, it is not a federal issue, it is a state-by-state issue. And to make the law "more like" UK is not make it the same. Even the UK modified its law on this in 2013 because it was so ill-conceived. Why not discuss issues closer to the top of list?
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                        • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
                          Why not discuss all of them? I do.
                          Secondly, it is not without precedent, nor something Trump himself has not already suggested, that something that is currently decided by the states raises to the level of federal jurisdiction through the actions of a zealous politician.

                          IMO the most pressing issue is the war on drugs. It is by far the most expensive and expansive problem with our government today.
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        • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
          "Can't happen" is very tenuous right now. Many people would have said Trump couldn't get elected President only a few months ago. I wouldn't put anything past a narcissist like him empowered by the precedent of executive overreach of the last one (or two) administrations.
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          • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
            If the flag (or Bible) is my property, and the conditions are otherwise safe, I can legally burn the flag. If the flag belongs to somebody else or the conditions are unsafe (as in a dry grass field, for example), then I cannot burn the flag or Bible and to do so is illegal. SCOTUS, no matter who is eventually appointed, and certainly none of the 21 Trump named, will not change this. But, assume SCOTUS does, what is the worst-case scenario? Will you have to stop burning all those flags you bought? My point is time, the only truly non-renewable resource, is better spent on more serious issues.
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            • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
              I have enough time to discuss this. It is not preventing me from discussing others. Now, if this goes on for weeks and is all anyone talks about, then fine. We should start thinking of moving on. But in this moment it is important to point out when a president-elect is showing not only ignorance but outright contempt for our government's founding documents.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      True. I do have to say that I enjoyed seeing and hearing people support hillary. Now I know what they really think about individual rights, corruption, and my right to property. I have decided to eliminate all hillary supporters from my "circle of trust". Flag burners also are telling me who they are, and I would rather know.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 10 months ago
    Tuesday this week me dino heard Rush Limbaugh tell a caller that Trump is just blowing smoke about what he said about flag burners.
    Paraphrasing. Don't recall his exact words.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 7 years, 10 months ago
      Yes, Dino, I heard the same thing. I kind of got the idea that Rush was saying that every time there is a flag burning incident, a lot of people in the country will be angry and remember what Trump said, which would basically mean more support for Trump even though there is not much that Trump can do or will do about flag burners. BTW, in 2006 the Hilldebeast said much the same thing that Trump is saying.
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  • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 7 years, 10 months ago
    If he keeps tweeting, we are going to have to be careful to distinguish between tweets and actual legislative proposals. I note the media is currently considering his tweet about illegal votes as more worse than actual lawsuits for recounts. But then, it's the media.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      A lot of his tweets are just him saying the things that a LOT of us are thinking. Not necessarily what we would ACT on. If my neighbor burned his flag in the front yard, I would be pissed off, would want nothing to do with him, and would prefer that he move away. Doesnt mean I would string him up in a tree.

      At least Trump tells us his reactions to things like this. Now we have to evaluate things and decide what to DO, if anything.

      Citizenship shouldnt be granted by birth in the first place. It should be earned.
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  • Posted by NealS 7 years, 10 months ago
    I had a whole bunch of reaction to this post but will keep most of it to myself, it gets too long. As a combat Vet that saw friends die before my eyes, burning the flag is extremely "deplorable" to me and should be harshly punished. Apparently the flag seems to mean something different to veterans, especially combat veterans. Burning it shows a complete disrespect to my friends that came home covered with one of our flags. However I also believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, as these are evidence of things I believe I fought for. I think Trump's comments also reflect what's in his heart (he’s a patriot), but he would not actually push any legislation against it either (as long as his advisors remember to remind him).

    My suggestion on flag burning and other deplorable demonstrations would be to require a permit or a license to demonstrate. It would only be fair to the rest of us where it’s the requirement of the government for us to get permission (a permit or license) to parade, to hunt, to fish, to drive, and all the other things requiring approval and documentation. Perhaps we should add a documented (or badged) individual registration in order to parade, demonstrate, etc., like that for fishing, driving, and the likes. The purpose of a registration/permit/license would be to properly identify those that participate and make them liable for the consequences of their actions, especially in the event of destruction of property or wrongful injury or death. It’s only the “fair” thing to do. Demonstrate without that registration/permit/license, go to jail as a fisherman can do. He can also lose his tackle and gear. The Fish and Game here also carry side arms. Demonstrations that destroy could be financed by sending out a bill to all registered demonstrators that they could share as restitution when their peers that caused damage could not be specifically identified. This would make it fairer to everyone.. OR, just revoke their citizenship and ship them out of the country..
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  • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trump seems to be one of those who confuse an idea with symbols of the idea. Should everyone who does not respect the wishes of those who believe that a flag is some kind of religious article to be held accountable and even beaten as a couple joked about here in the Gulch. There are millions of flag symbols destroyed by burning, burying, discarded, etc. each year and no government priest has come along to remove the flag-ness from them. When I was young, before flags were everywhere, the teachers would teach some nonsense about how to treat a flag and other symbols of pretend patriotism. Those who value the USA do not need anymore than the ideas involved and whether it is still relatively free to want to defend it. The rest of the stuff is just feel good or feel bad depending upon who is acting. Grow up children and become rational adults.
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  • Posted by $ KahnQuest 7 years, 10 months ago
    I agree with those who think Trump is goofing (or perhaps goosing) the left. There may be a little more, though. I heard (on radio, in passing, so not sure who it was saying it) that he's doing this on purpose to get the libs fired up and screaming about free speech. Then they can be proven the hypocrites they are.

    I don't think it will work; after all, the realization that one is a hypocrite and should shut the hell up requires a rational mind. The left proves consistently that the collective does not possess this asset. However, if it is going to be screaming about something, it may as well waste its energy on this.
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  • Posted by Mountie1 7 years, 10 months ago
    I took it as a tongue in cheek comment. Everyone is so politically correct sensitive, that they can't see the real comment there. This is the greatest country ever created in the world and every citizen should embrace that. Burning the flag provides nothing to this society.
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
      Providing something to society is not a prerequisite to existing, being a US citizen, being ethical, or even being considered a good person. Stop asking people to act in accordance with self-sacrifice. It's collectivist and disgusting.
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    • Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago
      I agree it was "the greatest country ever created" and it is a pity the US now ranks #23 in the world freedom rankings in the latest Freedom of the World report. Down 4 positions in one year.
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  • Posted by tdechaine 7 years, 10 months ago
    This is not the first example of Trump wanting to deny freedom of speech or individual rights. Whether or not he could ever make this law, he shows his ignorance by even suggesting it.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      But it makes less sense to have citizens who say in such a graphic way that they have no respect for the principles we stand for- BUT want to stay here and enjoy the benefits of our society. I say they shouldnt be citizens either.
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  • Posted by AMeador1 7 years, 10 months ago
    I am not for the idea of hate speech laws or the idea that the left has been pushing to make comments arguing things like global warming being a fraud as justification for fines and imprisonment.

    But, to play devils advocate, if they want to push these kinds of speech regulation laws, I think they are opening the door for new arguments to classify flag burning as a form of hate speech as well. The previous supreme court rulings were before this new line a regulations against hate speech.

    I think it would be funny if this blows up in their faces and they now will have to argue against the idea of these stupid hate speech regulations. Even better, if Trump pushed the issue, they sue, and the supreme court rules that the hate speech bs is unconstitutional and then throws it all out.

    Not that I am in favor of flag burning and fully understand Trump's irritation at this action. But I think if it is your property and you want to burn it, then you should have that right - it's not really an issue of freedom of speech. It is a matter of personal property laws and the fact that I should be allowed to do with my property as I see fit.

    Now, if these protesters take a flag from a poll somewhere, and it is not theirs - or there are open fire regulations in the area where they are, then get them for theft or open burning - but not simply because people don't like it.

    People on the left have to get used to the idea of hearing things they don't like without trying to silence the other side, rioting and destroying other peoples property, etc... just as those who think this should be banned have to accept the same.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 years, 9 months ago
    I know that it is a Constitutionally protected right to burn the Flag and in my head I would never support changing this. It is a slippery slope to go there. With that said as a Vet and a VERY patriotic person it stirs my heart to hear that Trump feels this way. I can want to do something and still restrain myself from doing it.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 7 years, 10 months ago
    I'm one of those who believes in the symbol, our flag, and what represents, more than I do our government. That said, I do not support the flippant statement DT made on twitter. And that's all it was a statement to setoff the left and get ahead if the media. Reagan kept the media off balance too (no deliberate comparison) - recall his "accidental" mic check that terrified the Soviets and the world.
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  • Posted by kkeen842 7 years, 10 months ago
    No he is not - he is simply stating his opinion, which happens to agree with 80+% of the population! Flag burning is protected, unfortunately!
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
    Why would one set fire to the USA flag and still want to be a citizen here. Isnt that like having your cake and eating it too? If you want to be a citizen of a country as opposed to a visitor or someone who just works and lives here , then act like it. If you dont want to be part of a country, leave.

    Intentionally burning the flag of the country of which you are a citizen is a pretty strong indication and message that you dont want to be associated with the country and should leave it.

    I think citizenship should be something that is earned by agreeing to the constitution and accepting the language and culture of the country. It shouldnt be a matter of birth anyway.
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  • Posted by unitedlc 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trump's Tweets are more often ridiculous than not, but I do agree with the sentiment that flag burning is about as disgraceful a way to practice the 1st Amendment as I can imagine. Perhaps the way to end the practice would be to pass laws making it a crime to burn ANYTHING in protest on public lands/streets. You know, for safety reasons... Don't want people having accidents with fire, so make it a significant crime to burn a flag, effigy, car, store, etc.
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 10 months ago
      Hello unitedlc,
      I have wondered why existing laws regarding incitement and disorderly conduct are not applied.
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      • Posted by unitedlc 7 years, 10 months ago
        I participated in one physical protest my entire life. I went to the first Tea Party protest we had at the capitol in Oklahoma City. It looked nothing like the protests happening today. Yes we had signs, we had someone on a bullhorn, we were angry, but we stayed in one place in front of a capitol building. We espoused rational, thoughtful, concrete objections to government policy. We even spoke about actual solutions to problems. We didn't burn anything. We didn't loot. We didn't attack anyone. We didn't even scream at people. There were no more than 2 or 3 police officers on hand, with hundreds of protestors. I am pretty sure there were over 1000 people there. 2 cops. This happened all across the country, with the same result. Why is it OK for the left to not follow law and order? It makes no sense to me.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      better to let them burn things so we know where they stand, rather than hide in the backwoods with their feelings. But, actions have consequences, and I would rather not have people who burn the flag be fellow citizens of this country. They should go somewhere they feel comfortable, and let ME feel comfortable here.
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      • Posted by unitedlc 7 years, 10 months ago
        The funny thing is, they don't even understand what they are doing when they disrespect the flag or even the national anthem. The flag stands for the ideals and pursuit of freedom, justice, and basic human rights. When they make a comment about our nation being racist, or sexist, or Islamophobic, etc., they sound like idiots. The "nation" is none of those things. Sometimes, people within a nation can do or say things that are bigoted, but the United States itself is against every aspect of that by the Constitution. The flag is the one thing they SHOULD be respecting, representing the ideals of liberty. They can protest against people, or laws, or oppression of course, but they really don't understand that our country is founded on freedom and equality. "People" have been the problem, not the core values of the nation. "People" decided that blacks weren't human enough to have rights. That was a disgusting mischaracterization of reality. It was certain people who did that, not the nation. To burn the flag means that you don't believe in the pursuit of liberty and justice. Complete idiots.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 10 months ago
    Flag burning, while a patriotic issue is not a substantive issue. Yes, it is protected speech. Yes it is despicable. But, with all the substantive issues to be dealt with that affect people's lives it can be discussed and dealt with after the first 100 days. However, it may get done sooner more as a symbol than anything else.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
      Our citizenship and immigration rules should be changed. If they want to live here and enjoy the benefits of our society, then respect the country. If not, then leave and go somewhere else. If you want change within this country, you make your ideas known and hope the freedom the flag represents will allow that change.
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      • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
        Your suggestion is not possible and not really a great one either, so I think its time to drop the "no citizenship from birth" issue. Not only is it harmful to human beings, it will have no positive impact. It is both practically flawed and philosophically bankrupt.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 10 months ago
    The link to a video on the CNN the Clinton news network is from a fraudulent news organization. The que of stories from Trumps visit with Obama to this hack job is 85% negative. Saying or giving his opinion about an issue is his right. If he acts with an executive order to punish flag burners I'm buying stock in flag makers as both coasts will light up like a bonfire and I will agree with you it would be an attack on freedom of expression. Creating a law through congress about flag
    burning is likely a low priority.
    Just like I suggest to my snowflake collectivist myopic bleeding heart apologist acquaintances Trump will only spend 1/2 his time promoting bigotry.(sarcasm).
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
      Good point about his likely inability to enact his view. But as intellectuals, we should disavow his expression of such a horrendous viewpoint, even if we cannot see a path to him enforcing it just yet. Never fail to pronounce judgment.
      I also an appalled that anyone should even suggest that citizenship should be revokable!
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      • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
        Citizenship shouldnt be automatically granted by birth. It should be more like a drivers license- agree to the common rules of the road, or you dont get the license. Agree to our constitution, language, and societal norms here, or dont be a citizen.
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        • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
          The only reason I have to oppose that is because it reduces the number of humans who are guaranteed basic rights. I'm more in favor of increasing access to the protections of the US Constitution than reducing it. This just seems to be a method of reducing rights to "fix" a perceived problem, like only allowing property owners or men to vote. While I do agree that the votes of a populous that "agreed to" the constitution would likely be better than the current populous, this smacks too much of pragmatism for me to support.
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          • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
            i think the guarantee of basic rights would be part of being within the borders of the country, regardless of citizenship. The benefits of citizenship and the responsibilities to maintain citizenship would be a great topic for this forum actually.
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            • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
              Good point! But the rights that the constitution says it will protect only applies to citizens, not just being within our borders. There would have to be a third status, like pending citizen. Have all the benefits except voting. But then you don't have to pay taxes. Hmm. I just don't see it as a tenable system.
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              • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
                Maybe the third status would be a limited duration visa with a price tag. Anyone here would be protected by our constitution and paid for by the visa fee. Might work
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  • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 10 months ago
    Trum just demonstrated why I voted for him. He says what he believes and is not shy about it. It is possible thaty with the new court with conservative justices that the ruling could be over turned. It is not the first time that a ruleing has been made and then overturned by a subsequent ruling (How about Dread Scott for example). Bad decisions have a way of being rectified as time passes.
    BTW I'm not saying the two cases have the same leal merit but am saying both were bad decisions and needed to be changed.
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 7 years, 10 months ago
      Flag burning should NEVER be made illegal. No one's rights are violated, so go pound sand if you think it should be disallowed. If that is your view, you are assigning mystical powers to an inanimate object that it simply does not have. You are asking for government intervention over concern for the irrational feelings of some people. They are irrational because there is no actual harm done to them by a flag being burned, nor by their witnessing of it online or in person. If they imagine harm, then their feelings are out of sync with reality and are therefore irrational. We can be considerate of the feelings of those when they are rationally held, but changing the way we act, or expect others to act, based on the irrational feelings of others is appeasement.

      Plenty of people are unafraid to say what they think, and they do it without sounding like an orangutang. Having a big mouth and no filter is not a virtue. What Trump lacks is tact.

      From the Ayn Rand Lexicon:
      "Do not confuse appeasement with tactfulness or generosity. Appeasement is not consideration for the feelings of others, it is consideration for and compliance with the unjust, irrational and evil feelings of others. It is a policy of exempting the emotions of others from moral judgment, and of willingness to sacrifice innocent, virtuous victims to the evil malice of such emotions.

      Tactfulness is consideration extended only to rational feelings. A tactful man does not stress his success or happiness in the presence of those who have suffered failure, loss or unhappiness; not because he suspects them of envy, but because he realizes that the contrast can revive and sharpen their pain. He does not stress his virtues in anyone’s presence: he takes for granted that they are recognized."

      Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution “The Age of Envy,”
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      • Posted by unitedlc 7 years, 10 months ago
        Agreed entirely. With that being said, I can simply choose to ignore the dips*%ts who burn the flag. They either believe that liberty and justice (what our flag stands for) are bad, or they are uneducated imbeciles. I would bet on the latter. The act of punishing a moron for being a moron doesn't seem right... ;)
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      What I like about Trump is that he is not afraid to say what he thinks. His failure to appreciate fundamental rights like freedom of speech and expression are what I don't like about him.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 10 months ago
        I have to wonder if he's goofing the left on this. He's getting them to argue for free speech. I find it kind of funny. (But, then again - I think America's probably finished anyway)
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        • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 10 months ago
          I don't think America is down. It is on wobbly knees holding onto the ropes but not down yet. She has survived other salamities and come back and I firmly believe she will this time.
          Not sure she would have if the Hill had won. a third Obama term (or worse)would have put the USA on the mat. NOt sure it would have been a KO but it certainly would have been very bad and very close.
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          • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 10 months ago
            I think we're on the edge. We must immediately take serious steps to fight debt, reduce regulations, secure our borders. A Hillary victory, I was sure, would have probably damaged the country to a point that I'd never see it come back to what it was during my younger years. I've taken a breather from planning my escape. But, it's not off the agenda.
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        • Posted by mminnick 7 years, 10 months ago
          I don't think America is finished . On wobbly knees and holding onto the ropes, but not down yet.
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          • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 10 months ago
            I think that America is a very robust and healthy organism that is not and has never been on a death bed. In it's 240 years of existence it has had a number of diseases from which it has recovered. It has had self inflicted wounds, which have healed and has the scars to show for it. When a mild virus like Obama causes gastronomic distress, the world seems dark and gloomy but that does not lead to death. Trump is like Kaopectate and will bring some relief for some but will cause other symptoms as he thrusts about trying "To Make America Great Again."

            The strength of America is that our founders let the cat out of the bag and established a nation based o individual rights and it survived. It is not always on the right path in the short run but it will take a lot more than a blip here and there to divert the path of 320 million individuals. We do not always agree, nor do the right thing but there is little reason to believe that any of our little failures will lead to its demise, just like our planet is not going to die because we exhale co2 from our bodies and our machines.

            Individual, adult life spans are short terms in the measure of events and like looking at a graph of your investments over time, there is a big difference in your mood when looking at the month, year, 5 year, 10 year and from inception trend lines. Sometimes when you are in an uncontrolled skid you can recover by taking your feet and hands off of the gas and wheel so the vehicle will self correct. To the degree that Trump is willing to do this we can unleash the force of the free market with pent up energy like we have never seen before but few are crazy enough to just let go. So far, The Donald looks like he might be wise enough to throw some chum in the water for the sharks to go unnoticed and cutting the ropes restraining the forces of recovery. In any case he can do no worse than the past 40 or so captains of this ship.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 10 months ago
              To a degree, I agree with you. But one should also recognize that the fundamentals that made this country great never changed even though the country itself has drifted away from them. Your analogy that the nation is similar to an organism isn't a bad start, but the organism representing our nation is significantly different today than it was 200 years ago - and that is where the analogy falls apart. It isn't that our nation is facing disease as much as it is trying to alter its nature to be something other than what it was created to be and those dichotomies and contradictions are proving to be terminal.

              I'd rather say that our nation is like a giant building. In the beginning it was created with a solid foundation that as long as we built above the foundation, the building would remain strong. The problem is that we've not only built skyways and balconies of massive sizes, we've actually chiseled away at the foundations themselves, undermining the great strength that should have allowed for significant, measured expansion. Thus the building is horribly lop-sided and out-of-balance with weakened foundations similar to the Tower of Pisa. They have taken physical steps with that building to shore up the foundation because the ground it was built upon is liquefying under it and threatens to tip it completely. Our nation is in similar straits, but we have made little or no effort to shore up the foundations and none at all to eliminate the dead weight that threatens to topple it completely.
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            • Posted by Zero 7 years, 10 months ago
              There IS one existential threat to America - the National Debt.
              Our economic collapse is not only inevitable, it is imminent.
              Already gross manipulations have irrevocably altered our economic foundations.

              Banks no longer loan out money held in depositor's accounts.
              They now loan money borrowed directly from the Fed.

              Why? Because who keeps money on deposit when a "high yield" savings account offers 0.95% interest.

              Remember when "CASH" was one of the three pillars of your investment portfolio? When Money Market Funds were considered a valid option? When you maintained a mix of Stocks, Bonds and Cash?

              That has changed in just the last 20 years and it will not come back. It cannot come back.

              We have already passed the point where market forces could make us behave.
              Years ago demand for the T-Bill softened to the point we had to start "creating" money to buy our own bonds.

              But they cannot turn back. Only by manipulating interest rates to impossibly low levels can we continue to afford even the interest on that mountain of IOU's.

              And no one, NO ONE, is talking about this.
              Only a Balanced Budget Amendment has any hope of saving us, but no politician ever will ever curb his own spending.

              I love America. But we are living at the end of the First American Experiment.
              Oh, it will still be called America - but the Constitution as we know it will be gone. Set aside as a racist white-man's folly to be rebuilt in the modern Socialist Model.

              The future is still bright. Wisdom learned will not be lost.
              I am optimistic about the Big Picture Future. But not ours.
              THIS America is lost.
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              • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 10 months ago
                Well I'm now going to shoot myself. All is lost!

                Maybe not. In Atlas Shrugged the pins were pulled out from the economy and the country fell flat. The land, resources, people, technology and will to be free still existed. How long to rebuild? 240 years, doubtful.
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