Nikola Tesla: Experiments and Discoveries
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 4 months ago to Books
Nikola Tesla: Experiments and Discoveries
Book Review
Author Nikola Tesla, Introduction by W. Bernard Carlson with a brief biography and other un-credited notes, 133 pages
ISBN 978-1-4351-6037-8
Dear Reader,
In his time, Nikola Tesla was the man that created the motor! He was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia in what was then the Austrian Empire. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. Before dying in New York in 1943, he discovered, invented and created the foundation necessary for many of the electric devices we take for granted today. His list of patents is purported to be in the hundreds.
Though an enigmatic figure, with eccentricities and even a nervous breakdown in 1905, this book only briefly goes into his personal story. It is primarily composed of a lengthy lecture and some illustrations of his experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency as well as a shorter examination of the transmission of electric energy without wires. The bulk of the writing is that of Nikola himself. The language can be a bit odd, but if you are interested in the mechanics of his inventions and his discoveries, like basic electronics and the phenomena that electricity is capable of then you may enjoy this book.
If not, then this book may be dull reading for you. I find this kind of information fascinating, but it still assisted me in a nap or two.
Happy Reading,
Book Review
Author Nikola Tesla, Introduction by W. Bernard Carlson with a brief biography and other un-credited notes, 133 pages
ISBN 978-1-4351-6037-8
Dear Reader,
In his time, Nikola Tesla was the man that created the motor! He was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia in what was then the Austrian Empire. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. Before dying in New York in 1943, he discovered, invented and created the foundation necessary for many of the electric devices we take for granted today. His list of patents is purported to be in the hundreds.
Though an enigmatic figure, with eccentricities and even a nervous breakdown in 1905, this book only briefly goes into his personal story. It is primarily composed of a lengthy lecture and some illustrations of his experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency as well as a shorter examination of the transmission of electric energy without wires. The bulk of the writing is that of Nikola himself. The language can be a bit odd, but if you are interested in the mechanics of his inventions and his discoveries, like basic electronics and the phenomena that electricity is capable of then you may enjoy this book.
If not, then this book may be dull reading for you. I find this kind of information fascinating, but it still assisted me in a nap or two.
Happy Reading,
This is a great book recommendation. Tesla a brilliant mind who had an incredible life story.
His contributions are widely adopted today.
Wireless ,check, sound and resonance, check,
AC , check.
The most under rated and unknown genius of the electrical revolution. 3-6-9
Thank's. I try to post reviews here that I believe may interest our members and/or that are at least tangentially related to Rand's philosophy or stories. I also post reviews of books written by our members. In a few days I will be posting another review of a book written by one of our members.
Happy reading,
He was undoubtedly the first human to visualize a rotating magnetic field generated from a 3-phase winding carrying alternating currents.
His name was Nikola, not Nickola, and although born in a part of the defunct Austrian-Hungarian empire which is present day Croatia, he was a Serb, very conscious of that, son of a Serbian Orthodox priest.
Records must be kept straight.
Yes, he must have had amazing vision and in-sight.
Thank you very much for noticing my spelling error and bringing it to my attention. I have made corrections and mental note for the future.
However, looking back, I think some sort of Local DC system, maybe made better by Tesla...would have been a better choice.
(I don't think transmitting high voltage AC through the air would of been very healthy for life nor earth.)
Having no expertise in this field, I always wondered if the exposure may have contributed to Tesla's idiosyncrasies. A few years ago they were telling us that cell phone emissions and living under high tension wires could cause cancer...
It all stems from the same people who brought you man-made Climate Change, gas pump explosions due to cell phones, evidence, just lot's of "faith".
One thing that left me wondering about was the levels that Tesla routinely exposed himself to. Conjecture... speculation...?
If his body was damaged by any of the voltages he worked with (other than the occasional RF burn or DC shock)...I'm not seeing it.
I found something... here is an interesting article on point.
What do you think?
Speaking of brains/minds, have you ever wondered how much smarter many of us could be, if it weren't for the bombardment of television from the 50's, on? The brain cells that stored the theme song from "Leave It To Beaver" might have served me, quite well, otherwise.
Thank's for all you do around here too.
I like that you keep things challenging...and edgy! :)
It is something like the Great Library of Alexandria. If the manuscripts stored there had been saved from the fire, what we we know now with that treasure of information to build on. The lost opportunities of humanity are staggering and unknowable.
I have no doubt that the lost contents of the Great Library of Alexandria contained information and discoveries that we have yet to rediscover. As far as the Tesla papers go, I suspect our government has made use of his work in ways we would both be aghast and astounded by. More often than not our government seems to look for ways to weaponize new discoveries.
When someone dies and the govt combs through his home and extracts all his written work with in hours that is certainly looting but it wasn't cash they wanted.
Tesla was getting weird(er), and more desperate, in his later years. At one point, he made a claim to the military that he had a "death ray" in the works...likely to keep the government interested in his work.
To this day, over half a century after his death, no proof of his undiscovered "weapons" has ever been brought forward. I'm not demeaning the man, he WAS a wizard, but the conspiracies surrounding his life and works are just that.
Tesla's invention of the high frequency high voltage transformer (Tesla coil) powered TV sets for over 70 years. It wasn't until the development of solid state flat screen displays that his invention stopped being used.
Also an excellent contribution.
Thank you,
Excellent contribution.
(That one person cruel and stupid enough to feed Topsy a lit cigarette deserved what he got).
Me dino decided not to bring here what Edison filmed. It's in YouTube.
In more than one book, Edison was portrayed as a greedy S.O.B. who crapped on people he dealt with when it came to inventions.
Yes, very interesting.
Oh My! I did not know that film footage existed.
Thank's... I think... :)
Several months ago I read about that elephant and remembered to go looking for it. .
Nickola Tesla was absolutely one of the most fascinating people of the era.
He was the Galt of his time, I think.
"If you only knew the magnificence of 3,6 and 9 then you would have the key to the universe "
That is quite correct. My statement above was a bit of hyperbola. Thank's for the clarification and specificity. He invented a better motor... for many more uses. He is best recognized for the development of AC and the AC motors, but I find his experiments with various wireless light creating methods to be even more fascinating.
He said "I don't care if they steal my ideas ,I care that they don't have any ideas of their own" also "the present; is theirs the future which I have worked for is mine" Tesla credited with Alternating current. light bulb ,electric motor, X-ray, radio, wireless communication, robotics, remote control , cat scans. That he wanted to give energy free was his financial downfall as his financier JP Morgan would have none of that.
BTW the Govt removed all of Tesla's papers within
Hours of his death. With in a few years major breakthroughs in transistors and circuits ushered in the technological age. Who knows what value his heir's lost in inventions when they were looted.