Sanders Supports Trump - "Count Us In."

Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Nine months ago I predicted that Sanders supporters would eventually join forces with Trump supporters.

It appears to be starting sooner than I thought. He says here his supporters are going to say to Trump "count us in."

Here is the text from the article:

"“I come from the white working class and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party can’t talk to the people where I came from.”

Sanders went on to say that President-elect Donald Trump “very effectively” tapped into the angst and the pain of the working class, something Democrats have failed to do.

“There needs to be a profound change in the way the Democratic Party does business,” Sanders said. “It is not good enough to have a liberal elite.”

As for Trump, Sanders said he’ll be held accountable.

“We are going to say to Mr. Trump, ‘If you have the courage to actually stand up to the big money and trust of the billionaire class... if you have the courage to, in fact, develop policies to improve lives for working people, count us in,’” Sanders said.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 1 month ago
    Bernie ALWAYS speaks of other people's money. That makes me uncomfortable...
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      "Bernie ALWAYS speaks of other people's money."
      The level of contempt with which he says billionaires is disturbing. One of his supporters said he would fight the billionaires. I said, "you mean fight people earning money dishonestly, but we all hope more people can make themselves billionaires honestly." No. They actually oppose people generating wealth on principle and they seem angry at the individuals themselves. If he and Kasich had gotten the nomination, and Johnson was not an option, I might have voted Republican.

      I actually think in some way he'll join forces with Trump supporters, and I'll identify with whichever party they're not in.
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      • Posted by ChuckyBob 8 years, 1 month ago
        People with large minds talk about ideas. People with small minds talk about people. The large idea here is "How do you make a billion dollars?" Since the Bern can't wrap his brain around the concept he judges anyone who can as evil and corrupt.

        There will always be poor folks who can't figure out how to manage their lives. Socialism will not correct the problem.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 1 month ago
          Usually, socialism makes it worse. The price of being taken care of is twofold. Fewer and poorer quality goods from food, to clothes, to housing, etc. and a substantial loss of freedom.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 1 month ago
    The trouble with a man like Sanders is that he utterly fails to distinguish between an Orren Boyle and a Henry Rearden. Or between James and Dagny Taggart.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
      Sanders is evil covered over by a thin veneer of "sweetness". His tirades against Trump and his letting his "movement" falter in the face of Hillary's corruption showed his real insides. Its pretty disgusting and he shouldnt be trusted at all.
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      • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 1 month ago
        And I don't trust him. I expect him to run against Trump four years from now. The only difference between him and Hillary is that he wants to revive the old Soviet dream of Five Year Plans, collective farms, collective industries, and collective everything else. He reminds me of Cuffy Meigs at the last stand in Dunkertown, Iowa, a/k/a Harmony City, a/k/a "Meigsville."
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
          I doubt he will run in 2020. Too old. Might even be dead by then. But the millenials are definitely socialist and love his rhetoric and would vote for him. Except that he really let them down and showed his true colors when he campaigned for VERY crooked Hillary who used trickery to keep him from being nominated
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago
    Sanders would have been more credible if he had made such a statement before the election results were in. If Hillary had won, Sanders now would likely be bragging about how his support had "saved" the Democratic Party and the country from the likes of Trump.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
      When Hillary used her super delegate advantage to dump Sanders, he should have abandoned the Democratic party for good. Both Sanders and Trump were against the corruption, but Sanders bolted and went for Hillary. I lost all respect for him at that point.
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      • Posted by bubah1mau 8 years, 1 month ago
        Yes, and when WikiLeaks revealed that Brazile fed Shrillery the primary debate questions, as well as who would be asking and answering the debate questions, and Shrillery refused to denounce Brazile (choosing rather to remain an apparent silent accomplice in the debate rigging), Sanders' loyalty to Shrillery and her agenda remained unshakeable. (Never a mention of this revolting breach of debate protocol).

        Sanders, for this alone, had good reason to bolt Shrillery and the DNC but chose not to. He is an unqualified Shrillery loyalist and went down with the Shrillery ship, a uniformed crew member. No use trying to turn coat and claim otherwise at this late date.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
          I do hope Trump sees Sanders for what he is.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
            I had very limited respect for his commitment to reducing corruption and he "seemed" be a straight talker and he openly told you where he was at.. As to his philosphy, I was totally opposed to it. When he came out for Hillary and against Trump, his true colors as an evil human being shone through the veneer- at which point I thought of him as just evil, period.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      The second article I link to is by Sanders from Jun of 2016, where I first noticed Sanders suggesting he agrees with Trump.

      I think Trump lost the popular vote by only a half million because people were looking for radical action. I'm not saying Trump actually is radical, but he presents himself as a maverick outsider. When Trump fails to bring back the days of good-paying factory jobs, we may see people seeking something more radical and completely different. OTOH the urge for the old days may decrease as the population that remembers the post-WWII pre-automation era decreases.

      To your point, if Clinton had one the electoral college, I think Sanders would have said it was because he challenged her to support things like gov't paying for middle-class college, daycare, and healthcare, which I think is completely wrong. I think Clinton would have won by even more than a half million if she had gone easier on things that sound socialistic.
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago
        Trump won't bring back the days of good-paying factory jobs, but if he's serious about deregulating and freeing up the economy, he may succeed in creating an environment in which real job growth can occur, jobs more in tune with a modern information-based economic system.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
          All Trump can do is create an environment where WE make America Great Again. He cant do it. He can get government and socialism out of the way. Time will tell on that. In the meantime, I can say that I am more enthusiastic about the USA than I was when Hillary was running.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
          " he may succeed in creating an environment in which real job growth can occur"
          I agree. He may. He actually says he's in favor of protectionism. He seems hell-bent on rhetoric supporting ISIS, almost as if he they were feeding him talking points to support their cause. He talked about defaulting on Treasuries. During the campaign there was all that bigotry, but I think he'll backpedal from it. He seems purposely hyperbolic, as if he intentionally starts out outrageous so the next thing he says seems moderate.

          I also could see the scenario of the Fed pursuing a tighter policy than they might otherwise because of his support for protectionism (which Fed members generally oppose) and his criticism of the financial industry. That would not be Trump's fault at all, but it's still a risk. We've also had eight years of bull market, so we're just due for a bear market, which has nothing to do with the POTUS, but good reforms from Trump could be wrongly blamed for the downturn.

          I'm still hopeful you're right. I wonder if maybe his maverick public persona might make him the only one who could sell painful changes: simplifying taxes, cutting military, Social Security, and gov't across the board. If that happened, we could have a balanced budget and business environment where growth is a few percent higher, which is HUGE after compounding.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
            He can excite people to make themselves great, and as a result make the country great. We will see if indeed he is able to persuade congress to make the needed changes. I really dont think the president has the power to do much without the congress. He should undo Obama's executive orders however right away like he says.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 1 month ago
    Bernie can go take a hike, in my opinion! His followers are all socialists and we don't need them. It is not big business that is the problem, it is more big gov't and crony capitalism that is the problem.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 1 month ago
    Expect to see a lot of resistance from Sanders and his supporters before they reach grounds for agreement, due to the Trump priorities. The executive orders Trump intends to cancel immediately involve immigration and the environment, areas where he and Trump are polar opposites. A serious effort to repeal or make big changes to the ACA will also not set well with Sanders, given he was hoping Hillary would move toward the single payer mechanism.

    Where will they agree? Infrastructure spending, promising a big jump in jobs is one they both want to see. Restructuring taxes will be a mixed bag, with Sanders glad to see reductions for lower and middle class, but unhappy over reductions for the wealthy and corporations. Ditching the TPP and reopening NAFTA will garner Sanders support. A reimposition of Glass-Steagall on the banking industry will see them on the same side, as will any effort to break up the megabanks. Reducing the student financial burden won't be "free" college, but Sanders will be happy to see any effort in that direction.

    It won't be a love affair, but I think Sanders will be happier with Trump than he would have been with Hillary.
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  • Posted by JuliBMe 8 years, 1 month ago
    I believe this is part and parcel of populism. Not necessarily a bad thing. The "elite" may fear it, because it does limit their power.

    Trump's appeal has always been over a wide spectrum. His history is riddled with waffling opinion on political issues. He was a democrat, now he's a republican. I think he learned a lot more about his country this last 18 months than he did his whole life before. AND, he got a big dose of the fascistic tendencies of the left.

    The American people also always have a wide spectrum of opinion. If we are to be a CIVIL society, we must ALL allow for people agreeing to disagree.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago
    Bolshevik Bernie still "feels the burn" (yuck,yuck) of a rigged Jackass Party coronation that only fed up American voters could overcome with their Elect The Donald peaceful revolt.
    Nevertheless, if the Clinton Crime Cartel Godmother had won, I think our socialist pied piper be tooting a different song.
    As for the "count us in, Donald," song he's left with to play with now, this looter politician for the proletariat is only angling for another run four years down the pike.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
    Sanders is a snake in the grass. Now that Trump is president, he is sucking up to him. Its disgusting. When campaigning for Hillary, Sanders was very nasty to Trump, and shouldnt be trusted at all. He is a socialist and they are just evil hearted no matter how "nice" they appear.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 1 month ago
    I have no use for socialism and Sanders certainly supports that. Yet he also strikes me as someone who is honest, principled, and tells the truth as he sees it. This suggests that he may be persuadable. That's why I voted for him in the primary. (That and the fact that if he won, he'd have trouble getting even other Democrats to cooperate enough to enact most of his agenda.)

    I think it is a mistake to automatically ascribe evil to everyone who disagrees with us.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years, 1 month ago
    Only time for a brief comment for now:i

    It was clear from the start that Bernie was a man of principle, albeit the wrong ones.

    I believe he really does want a better country for everyone, and I have no problem with him advising Trump to "stand up" to billionaires, at least the majority who are crony capitalists and hardly Dagny, Hank or Francisco. I would advise him the same way. James out! Dagny in!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 1 month ago
    Interesting...they did have that in common. However, it pisses me off when they use the term: "White Working Class"; we are not all white, and we are not a "Class" of people, We are Americans living the American Dream, making our own way in spite of "White and Black Liberal racist that have Never WORKED a day in their lives;.. they are part and parcel with the fraud and coercion they have over the "corporate billionaire classless" creatures in this world.

    Until we all wake up to this fact, we will never be able to stabilize civilization.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 1 month ago
    Bernie is an old line Socialist. Like every upper echelon socialist, everything he says is fake or double meaning. All his catch phrases are devised to make followers think he is trying to give power to the working stiff, but in reality, he uses the working stiff to garner power for himself. Never believe anything a socialist says unless you know the true motive behind it.
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