Sanders Supports Trump - "Count Us In."
Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
Nine months ago I predicted that Sanders supporters would eventually join forces with Trump supporters.
It appears to be starting sooner than I thought. He says here his supporters are going to say to Trump "count us in."
Here is the text from the article:
"“I come from the white working class and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party can’t talk to the people where I came from.”
Sanders went on to say that President-elect Donald Trump “very effectively” tapped into the angst and the pain of the working class, something Democrats have failed to do.
“There needs to be a profound change in the way the Democratic Party does business,” Sanders said. “It is not good enough to have a liberal elite.”
As for Trump, Sanders said he’ll be held accountable.
“We are going to say to Mr. Trump, ‘If you have the courage to actually stand up to the big money and trust of the billionaire class... if you have the courage to, in fact, develop policies to improve lives for working people, count us in,’” Sanders said.
It appears to be starting sooner than I thought. He says here his supporters are going to say to Trump "count us in."
Here is the text from the article:
"“I come from the white working class and I am deeply humiliated that the Democratic Party can’t talk to the people where I came from.”
Sanders went on to say that President-elect Donald Trump “very effectively” tapped into the angst and the pain of the working class, something Democrats have failed to do.
“There needs to be a profound change in the way the Democratic Party does business,” Sanders said. “It is not good enough to have a liberal elite.”
As for Trump, Sanders said he’ll be held accountable.
“We are going to say to Mr. Trump, ‘If you have the courage to actually stand up to the big money and trust of the billionaire class... if you have the courage to, in fact, develop policies to improve lives for working people, count us in,’” Sanders said.
The level of contempt with which he says billionaires is disturbing. One of his supporters said he would fight the billionaires. I said, "you mean fight people earning money dishonestly, but we all hope more people can make themselves billionaires honestly." No. They actually oppose people generating wealth on principle and they seem angry at the individuals themselves. If he and Kasich had gotten the nomination, and Johnson was not an option, I might have voted Republican.
I actually think in some way he'll join forces with Trump supporters, and I'll identify with whichever party they're not in.
There will always be poor folks who can't figure out how to manage their lives. Socialism will not correct the problem.
Sanders, for this alone, had good reason to bolt Shrillery and the DNC but chose not to. He is an unqualified Shrillery loyalist and went down with the Shrillery ship, a uniformed crew member. No use trying to turn coat and claim otherwise at this late date.
I think Trump lost the popular vote by only a half million because people were looking for radical action. I'm not saying Trump actually is radical, but he presents himself as a maverick outsider. When Trump fails to bring back the days of good-paying factory jobs, we may see people seeking something more radical and completely different. OTOH the urge for the old days may decrease as the population that remembers the post-WWII pre-automation era decreases.
To your point, if Clinton had one the electoral college, I think Sanders would have said it was because he challenged her to support things like gov't paying for middle-class college, daycare, and healthcare, which I think is completely wrong. I think Clinton would have won by even more than a half million if she had gone easier on things that sound socialistic.
I agree. He may. He actually says he's in favor of protectionism. He seems hell-bent on rhetoric supporting ISIS, almost as if he they were feeding him talking points to support their cause. He talked about defaulting on Treasuries. During the campaign there was all that bigotry, but I think he'll backpedal from it. He seems purposely hyperbolic, as if he intentionally starts out outrageous so the next thing he says seems moderate.
I also could see the scenario of the Fed pursuing a tighter policy than they might otherwise because of his support for protectionism (which Fed members generally oppose) and his criticism of the financial industry. That would not be Trump's fault at all, but it's still a risk. We've also had eight years of bull market, so we're just due for a bear market, which has nothing to do with the POTUS, but good reforms from Trump could be wrongly blamed for the downturn.
I'm still hopeful you're right. I wonder if maybe his maverick public persona might make him the only one who could sell painful changes: simplifying taxes, cutting military, Social Security, and gov't across the board. If that happened, we could have a balanced budget and business environment where growth is a few percent higher, which is HUGE after compounding.
Where will they agree? Infrastructure spending, promising a big jump in jobs is one they both want to see. Restructuring taxes will be a mixed bag, with Sanders glad to see reductions for lower and middle class, but unhappy over reductions for the wealthy and corporations. Ditching the TPP and reopening NAFTA will garner Sanders support. A reimposition of Glass-Steagall on the banking industry will see them on the same side, as will any effort to break up the megabanks. Reducing the student financial burden won't be "free" college, but Sanders will be happy to see any effort in that direction.
It won't be a love affair, but I think Sanders will be happier with Trump than he would have been with Hillary.
All he is doing is trying to glorify himself at the end of his term as a congressman.
Trump's appeal has always been over a wide spectrum. His history is riddled with waffling opinion on political issues. He was a democrat, now he's a republican. I think he learned a lot more about his country this last 18 months than he did his whole life before. AND, he got a big dose of the fascistic tendencies of the left.
The American people also always have a wide spectrum of opinion. If we are to be a CIVIL society, we must ALL allow for people agreeing to disagree.
Nevertheless, if the Clinton Crime Cartel Godmother had won, I think our socialist pied piper be tooting a different song.
As for the "count us in, Donald," song he's left with to play with now, this looter politician for the proletariat is only angling for another run four years down the pike.
I think it is a mistake to automatically ascribe evil to everyone who disagrees with us.
It was clear from the start that Bernie was a man of principle, albeit the wrong ones.
I believe he really does want a better country for everyone, and I have no problem with him advising Trump to "stand up" to billionaires, at least the majority who are crony capitalists and hardly Dagny, Hank or Francisco. I would advise him the same way. James out! Dagny in!
Until we all wake up to this fact, we will never be able to stabilize civilization.