Why Hillary Clinton Is Such An Effective, Perpetual Liar

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 11 months ago to Government
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I find this article to be a pretty good summation of why we are where we are. Probably be denied as a VRWC attack, but seems to fit the facts I know of....
SOURCE URL: http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/03/hillary-clinton-effective-perpetual-liar/

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    Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 11 months ago
    A you'd think it impossible reelected Liar-In-Chief has paved the the way for this even a bigger liar for eight whole years of very opaque promised transparency. .
    Hate to see what sleazeball D.C. swamp denizen Shillary may be paving the way for.
    Don't know much about her running mate Kaine save for his smile reminding me of the Grinch that stole Christmas.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 10 months ago
      I think it is a very telling commentary on the American People that they are willing to vote to re-instate a liar like Obama, and even more telling that those who say they will vote for Clinton openly admit that she is not honest.

      I see Hillary like the creature from Alien. It infects the host (this nation) for a time until it comes bursting out on the scene, thirsting for more blood.
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    • Posted by EdGoldstein 7 years, 10 months ago
      The premise of the article is wrong, so in effect it is part of the propaganda that flows from DC as news and commentary. The Clintons are lousy liars and so is Obama. All of us who are aware of the world know that the entire establishment kakistocracy does nothing but lie. It is not that they get away with lying. It is that the whole process is rigged. Hillary could shoot Trump on center stage and would walk free. Even when the propaganda machine cannot hide the truth, it still provides sufficient cover to prevent justice from working. When all else has failed to hide the guilty, they talk it to death as this article does.

      This works for an even simpler reason. The people have become as corrupt and the elite that leads them.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
        Well, it is the scary thing that I have warned of, the framework of lies, the destruction of a fact and science based education system replaced with a social/emotional "hot button" response system that encourages no standards, just "feelings". That is how you control people, facts and figures have no impact, but "feelings" do.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 7 years, 10 months ago
    All Politicians who are part of a political party are liars. They all read from a script designed to deceive.

    I find it SO Ironic that the author is himself a product of the Clinton lie machine as he regurgitates their lies about Donald Trump:. worries about nuclear codes or that he lies (he is the most honest person ever to enter Politics, he has not uttered one falsehood. I checked, did you?). All garbage, exaggerated or false and part of the Clinton obfuscating strategy,

    Federalist commentator... know thyself. It is an oxymoron to say federalist and say that Clinton would be a better president in the same breath.

    The real reason the lie machine works is that "The people" are not capable. The people are ignorant. The leftist system of education does not give the people the tools for critical thinking or any foundation in ethics nor any background in the Constitution or how our government is supposed to operate. The lie machine, Massive leftist propaganda, the dumbing down of education, substituting ethics in favor of expediency and Political correctness as moral principle and Massive ignorance are all factors.

    Any one with some knowledge and a Little bit of interest and logical thinking can see through the lies of the Clinton's and the Political Parties.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 11 months ago
    Cunning, cleverness and craftyness doesn't take make a genius, doesn't make one smart or intelligent. A young child can do this way before enough gray matter has awakened to know better.

    In fact, I would argue that they/she/it has a severe lack of gray matter which facilitates the repeated lies over and over again like a single word echoed throughout a canyon.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 10 months ago
    I lived through the Clinton, which involved both Bil and Hillary non-stop lies. I have really ha enough. She is a pathological liar. Che has always had character disorders, and tendency for mania, for which she was hospitalized. She liees now to cover other lies. She diverts. She passes blame to others. She yells about Trump's tax return, but issues a completely fictitious medical report on herself. The meds are not all listed, the pst instability, the brain damage, she is in perfect health if you read that fiction she released. She goes after Trump's comments, but i have two pages of direct quotes of her using horrible language, including the F-bomb against people protecting her or working for her. She says she hates abuse , yet was quoted by a former insider who said to someone Bill had struck, that he only did tat to poeple he loves! Sounds like a player who is ab abused spouse, but wants to turn that anger against all around her.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 10 months ago
    Heaping one lie after another works. It doesn't matter how bizarre the lie, how outrageous the lie, so long as it is repeated and followed up with more lies. It worked in Germany. It works coming from Iran, and Russia. It may be hard to believe that a liar can get away with it, it almost always works. Since truth depends on the recognition of reality, can it be that today's adult has been educated to deduce that reality doesn't matter?
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago
    Hopefully voters will realize we just dont have to have someone like this in a position of government power. I think that being even investigated by the FBI should be a bar to running for ANY governmental position until the investigation clears them.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 7 years, 10 months ago
    This morning a woman came into my office with a "Madam President - Get Used To It" button on her sweater. Clearly nothing I would say would change her mind but given the female symbol on her shirt I am tempted to ask her if she is voting of Hillary because she is a woman. Of course she will say that is one of the reasons and my response will be "so you are a sexist, right?" Same as voting for Obama because he is black. I fear for the future for my daughter..
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      Right on target, it is such a sham to use the magic words, and call people names, and then turn around and use the same things. It is part of the whole insincerity and total debasement of all of it to make it meaningless.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 10 months ago
    What's appalling is the writer's insistence that Hillary is still preferable to Trump! God help us if there are enough of this kind of idiot that vote.
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  • Posted by dougthorburn 7 years, 10 months ago
    How do you when an alcoholic lies? She opens her mouth.

    I've researched behavioral indications of alcoholics. Pathological, serial lying is a terrific indication of alcoholism because it's an efficient way by which to inflate their egos (which early-middle stage alcoholics MUST do at the expense of others). Now watch her "I should be ahead by 50 points!" video. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vide...
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      UH, Doug, as a 15 year alcoholic, and 25 year sober person, it is a wee bit more complicated. The lying is just to facilitate your next fix, and to cover up your damage. Many times you get "I wasn't drinking" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The addicted (and this goes across all addictions) build their own reality to support that addiciton. The Beast is probably addicted to many things, power and money seem the 2 most likely. So, like any good addict, she will do whatever she need s to to facilitate her next fix, and screw everyone else. An addict is the ultimate selfish individual, and thus cannot be trusted, as they sell you out in a heartbeat. The Beast meets all that criteria, as well as Billy Boy, but it is also a very crowded bus. That is why we see so much dirt on politicians, most are addicted to something.
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      • Posted by dougthorburn 7 years, 10 months ago
        There's a lot more to lying than getting the next fix. It's about inflating the ego, which is the reason the 12-step program works as well as it does: every step works to deflate the massive alcoholic ego.

        Early-stage alcoholism causes egomania which, in turn, impels the addict to have a need to wield power over others. They do so by abusing them (also by becoming over-achievers--accounting for the Mel Gibson's and Ted Turners of the world). They always abuse some (not all) others psychologically, emotionally and verbally; sometimes physically and sometimes financially.

        A highly efficient way to wield power is by lying. Think about it my friend.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
          Yes, but she is anything but early stage. She is very late, late stage, and I am willing to bet she IS addicted to several substances, as well as power and money. Meaning, she may get in, but she will not last long, I am willing to bet she doesn't last 6 months and is either impeached or dies. I do not think she is part of the plan, but someone wants her in awfully bad, dragging her VP, who may well be the real one.
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          • Posted by dougthorburn 7 years, 10 months ago
            Agreed. However, egomania continues for as long as the ego is successfully inflated--meaning she successfully wields power over others. It's the substance addiction that causes all, not the other way around. Using dashes as arrows (leads to): substance addiction--egomania--a need to wield power over others--abusing others, along with over-achievement--successfully doing so--wields more power (it feeds on itself).
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            • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
              Thats is a good summation, I wonder what her story is. Maybe we will find out someday. However, there is also a point of where they hit bottom, and it will come. It always does. Even the great addicts of our time, powerful though they were, hit a bottom and self destructed. Indeed, that may be part of the plan.
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              • Posted by dougthorburn 7 years, 10 months ago
                Her story is likely that of most alcoholics: she triggered her alcoholism during her first drinking episode (average age 13) and then she asked, "What profession can I get into that will allow me to inflate my big fat alcoholic ego?" Law and politics works well for this.

                As for "bottom," often this is death. The problem is most alcoholics go through life hardly ever being identified as such (especially in the early stages). Hence, there are few if any interventions designed to get and keep addicts clean and sober.

                You should take a look at my books and my free addiction report. I think you'd find my work of great interest.
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 7 years, 10 months ago
    A major portion of the success of both of the Clintoins lying efforts is that the 5th estate is in bed with them and will never pound on them the way they will with a Republican. Additionally, no Democrat will ever rat out another Democrat....Republicans will. Remember Nixon. He was threatened with impeachment and left because he knew Republicans would vote to convict,......Democrats jus won't hurt another Democrat..no matter what they do. No Democrat voted to convict bill Clinton.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 7 years, 10 months ago
    HRC is just as dangerous if not more so than Trump. Can you imagine her addressing the nation on major media television. She will never tell the truth about her real plans or what's going on in her administration. She will keep everyone in the dark.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 7 years, 10 months ago
    I just cannot believe our country has sunk this low that the only two people in the world that will run for the most powerful position in the world is a murdering, lying, dispicible person like Hillary and a blowhard, immature ego maniac like Trump. But truth be told, it will sink even lower before it gets better. Hold on to your seats fellow Gulchers. It is going to be a bumpy ride.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 10 months ago
      Notice in Atlas Shrugged, AR did not waste any time on politics, other than how it interfaces with society and the damage it does. That was because she realized there is NO difference between the 2 parties, they both pander to a specific group, sell everyone else out for that group, and hope their group is bigger than the other to keep them in. Failing that, they then rig elections, buy votes and manipulate and lie. Describes our politics today, and the Obamanation administration no?
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