Why I am voting for Trump

Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
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The election is less than one week away and I am voting for Donald trump. I see the country as the Titanic heading for the iceberg. Trump may not be perfect but I think he will at least start to turn us away from certain disaster. Hillary will step on the accelerator and destroy what is left of this once great country. I may be wrong but like Dagney and Hank I want to fight til the bitter end.

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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 5 months ago
    I think Trump is viewed by both statist parties as the most dangerous man in the world because the oval office is littered with vice and corruption and he, owing no one will air it all out. Like a spiteful child, he will have a "look what I found" tidbit almost daily which collectively rewrite the history books. I believe this will be very destructive in the short run but be the beginning of a reversal of the downward slide that has been going on for over 100 years. I have no illusions that he has the philosophy and expertise to fix the problems but is well suited to crashing the façade exposing the rot and enabling successors in to put us back together. Maybe this is just a pipedream but as he has asked "what have we got to lose?"
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
      I would pay to sit in the oval office in a corner when he confronts the crooked appointees in the government. Drain the swamp is a GREAT slogan for whats needed. Why does our government have to be a swamp?
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 5 months ago
    Rich, I live in a gerrymandered district where my vote is irrelevant. I am with you. Alas, Ayn Rand or John Galt is not on the ballot. This is politics, not philosophy. Although I am pretty sure the result is predetermined and rigged, I am sure that Trump has done something very important. He has said, screw political correctness! He had struck back at the Establishment. All of this is important, because my hope is that more and more people will stand up and not be afraid to speak the truth. For a long time to speak the truth, by which I mean to represent reality, has been the surest way to be attacked and buried. We need objective reality to be spoken. That can only lead to good.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 5 months ago
    The big picture is to drain the swamp. Galt isn't running. It is easy, especially for us Objectivists, to over-intellectualize something and lose sight of larger issues. Unless you are trying to live the fantasy of stopping the motor of the world, Trump is the best option available.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 5 months ago
      Me dino is voting against the vicious evil hag, who may become the most corrupt president money can bribe.
      I'm also voting for saving the Supreme Court's interpretation of Constitutional law and for restoring the republic called the United States of America.
      A vote for Johnson is like Disneyland singing "If you wish upon a star" while giving Shillary a better crack at further defiling the White House from where corruption shall continue to roll downhill.
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  • Posted by robertmbeard 8 years, 5 months ago
    I know this is a very difficult choice for many good people, who are trying to decide between the lesser of two very big evils. I respect you all.

    As for me, I cast my early vote here in Florida for Libertarian Gary Johnson, with a clean conscience. I agree with him about 90% on policy issues. But most importantly, he doesn't represent the 2 forms of anti-freedom most Americans are choosing between: (1) government bureaucratic domination - Hillary, (2) populist authoritarianism - Lord & Master Trump.

    As the country chooses one of the 2 anti-freedom toilets to flush the country down into next week, let me just say that I expect very dark times ahead. Good luck to us all...
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    • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
      VP pick Weld was a mistake in my opinion. I saw him asked about the FBI looking into more e-mails and he reacted like it was no big deal.. Any Libertarian should have jumped on this as another example of how corrupt our current crop of politicos are. .As a Libertarian I do respect your choice.
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      • Posted by robertmbeard 8 years, 5 months ago
        I agree Weld was a mistake. It was an attempt to add someone with more name recognition as VP candidate, who is nominally Libertarian. He is apparently a long time personal friend of Hillary, which explains why he doesn't want to believe she is totally corrupt.

        Right now, the only 3rd party candidate who may grab a few electoral votes is McMullin in Utah, which could be pivotal if the race is truly tightening now before Tuesday's vote and the subsequent buyer's remorse...
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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 5 months ago
    I understand your reasons. I have to abstain from the Presidential Election.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 5 months ago
      There are on the order of 146,311,000 registered voters. So looking at in an absolute way, your vote has a 1/146,311,000 chance of influencing a winner. But relatively with all the other voters, it can be like with a heart drug test where without the drug there is a 3% absolute chance for an individual to have another stroke or heart attack while while with the medication the chance goes down to 1 1/2 % or a relative reduction of 50% for the whole population. So the patient might think he has a much larger chance of escaping another attack where only the whole group has that percentage (fewer deaths overall), while it is just 1 1/2 % points reduction for the individual. Hardly worth the discomfort from the drugs.
      So with the election, is the pain of the absolute tiny worth of the vote better than the pain of having an evil person or an immature person for POTUS? I would say that this year would be a good time to opt out because you will just get lots of pain from voting for whomever is the winner. If one votes and votes for the loser, then the vote is wasted anyway or the vote is wasted when the winner has more than enough votes to win.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 5 months ago
    It's often been said that when you can't find something to vote for, you can always find something to vote against. I see nothing in a Clinton Presidency but destructive, negative policies, a deadlock with at least a Republican House and possibly a narrow majority Democrat Senate, impeachment proceedings, continued FBI investigations, etc, etc. I think that's more than enough to vote against.

    As Will Rogers said, people who occupy the middle of the road usually get run over. I ain't one of those.
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  • Posted by cjferraris 8 years, 5 months ago
    At first, I was going to abstain from voting because I was no fan of either major party. I too, was caught up in the media spin. Between the liberal spin and the conservative spin thought that Hillary was evil and that the GOP could not come together to change a burnt out lightbulb. I was going to just sit it out so that I could say that no matter how screwed up the country got after the election, I could say that it wasn't because of me. After watching a copy of AS with my friend, we were discussing philosophy and bringing up quotes that we had been taught as a child. The two that we discussed the most were "Evil triumphs when good people do nothing", and "The tree of liberty was watered with the blood of patriots". We realized that the Founding Fathers risked EVERYTHING they had to bring this country (no matter how imperfect) together. I spent my time in the military defending everyone else's rights. There are young men and women today that are risking their lives each day to afford me that same freedom. At that point, I realized how selfish I was. Because I was trying to take the "high ground" by not voting, all I was going to do was squandering a hard, fought-for right. Instead, I've become the coward who just sits and complains about the way things are instead of doing something about it.

    If you do your due diligence about researching the people running for office, then you should vote. Whether it's because you are for someone or against the other, it's still a civic duty to make your voice heard.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
      Yes, and remember, the turd we elect (well, hope we elect, I still have reservations about the whole voting system, it is way, way to open to corruption), will be the turd to tell those same military people to go do something insane and stupid, and on one hand because someone paid her enough to do it, on the other because he will show them whos boss. I have to go with the boss, and not the looter. Neither is good, but sometimes you have to hold your nose...even septic tanks get pumped...
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
      Voting for a person KNOWN to be crooked cant be good.

      I think that when a person is actually under investigation by the FBI or under some local criminal investigation, they shouldnt be allowed to run for public office, period. Its unfair to the voters and can make a real mess if they are elected and then found guilty.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years, 5 months ago
    I will vote for Trump, but with crossed fingers. I think he can win. What I'm not sure about is if he will turn into a tyrant once in office. But Shrillary is guaranteed death to what remains of our Constitutional form of government. If he gets elected, we'll get an indication of what kind of Prez he will be depending on who he nominates for the Supreme Court.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
      If Trump gets rid of Obamacare, appoints constitutionally aware supreme court justices, and cuts the tax rates and regulations so we can actually survive government, and stops the excess immigration of unknown people who will not add to our country- I will be happy.
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  • Posted by JohnConnor352 8 years, 5 months ago
    I understand your reasoning, but I would like to suggest a modification to your allegory:

    We are steaming ahead, both left and right engines going at 50%, towards the iceberg of collectivism/statism that I see as a floating glacier... Like the Wall in Game of Thrones. Hillary will turn up the right engine about 5% and the left about 20%. Trump will turn up the right about 15% and the left about 10%. Both get us to that disaster just as fast, its just a difference of which part of it we will hit.

    We need someone to turn things back to individualism, not just to one or the other type of collectivism.
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  • Posted by TheLightHouse 8 years, 4 months ago
    This video on youtube explains in detail.....why I voted for Donald J Trump. https://youtu.be/qndVrBcZHyo I have a few friends from Haiti that are like close family to me...so I know the story firsthand from them. It's disgusting what the Clintons have done to these people and their country.....and they would continue to do this if elected in.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
    I have to acknowledge the system we are stuck with. Through various manipulations by both sides, use of push button releases of bad info, it becomes a "what turd smells the least" campaign. Neither party has the credibility or courage of it's convictions, beyond gaining power to continue their own brand of looting. In this case, the biggest looter is obviously The Beast, who has helped her self and his self to every penny they can squeeze, sold everything that isn't nailed down, used every favor and blackmail, and even left a few bodies in their wake. Their total arrogant ignorance of any law, any rule, basic justice, while I am held subject to same, limits any vote to just the Anti Beast one. Stop the Beast and then hope Trey Gowdy is appointed AG.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
    Exactly. Even if one doesnt "like" Trump, he can only help the country, and he isnt going to push the nuclear button out of anger.

    On the other hand, Hillary will, through the same incompetence that brought us Benghazi and the Iran deal, back us into some corner like the syrian no fly zone ending up in a conflict with Russia.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
      The leaked e-mails have shown that even her own people say she has terrible instincts. Not a good trait for President.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
        To be honest, I thought that our government was a little crooked in places, but NOT as crooked as the emails have shown. Talk about deplorable? Hillary should be kept from running for president while under FBI investigation. YOu cant even get a job at a casino here in LV if you are under FBI investigation
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  • Posted by drthorn 8 years, 5 months ago
    Love Donald Trump! I can't wait until he gets in office and the business begins to bloom again in our area of rural Mississippi. 20 years ago we had plenty of jobs and choices. The millennials were too young then, to understand that now.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
      He has hired thousands of people and paid them out of his business successes. Hillary hasnt paid for one of her employees- its been paid by our tax money or her crooked foundation.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
        Or whatever she sold (influence, decisions, political support, Billy boy). It's a crap election, but it's our only election. Trump is a buffoon, but he is our buffoon. The Beast belongs to no one, she can't even stay bought, look at how she ripped off Morocco (or wherever it was she sold he personal appearance for 11 million and then sent Billy Boy and Chelsea). Talk about bait and switch....
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  • Posted by rbunce 8 years, 5 months ago
    Voted Johnson/Weld. Still hoping Mr. Trump keeps it close to Sec Clinton and nobody gets to 270 in the EC so the new US House decides among the top three EC (or popular?) votes received.

    Another thing I thought of today that does not seem to get much mention in the press. Could be the two major party candidates are the most likely to be impeached ever... I am sure many Rs in the House would vote to impeach Trump to get Pence as President and many Ds may join them unless they just want to go full politics. Senate with Ds and many Rs would vote to convict. Certainly the House Rs would vote to impeach Clinton... doubt they could get conviction in the Senate though unless it was really bad and Kaine seems beatable in primary in 2020.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 5 months ago
      Other than a tie, the only way that happens is if one of the third party candidates actually wins a state. Since they are generally polling in single digits with the exception of Evan McMullen who is polling a bit over 20 in Utah in the latest poll, that doesn't seem likely.

      The heavy anti-Trump effort put forward by Mitt Romney is bearing fruit, but even there Trump is leading and McMullen is third.
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      • Posted by rbunce 8 years, 5 months ago
        Actually ME and NE award EC votes for winning Congressional District vote... and of course faithless electors.
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 5 months ago
          Thanks for the info. It doesn't look like the third party candidates are polling out of single digits in either place.

          And, of course, faithless electors are unpredictable and could even happen in this very weird year, especially if Trump wins because this is the year of establishment vs outsiders and electors are usually part of the establishment.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
            the electoral college should just be abolished. Needless complexity and crookedness.
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            • Posted by rbunce 8 years, 5 months ago
              Electoral College is fine.. defends the interests of the State per the Constitution. State Legislatures could fix the faithless elector issue or just go back to directly appointing them per the US Constitution and do away with the Presidential Primaries and Elections fraught with much of what you mention. Also eliminate the 17th Amendment and have the State Legislature appoint their Senators as well. People would pay more attention to their State Legislature if they picked the President and Senate... a sound plan set up by the founding fathers.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 5 months ago
    I will write in myself. There is no reason to believe that Donald Trump will steer away from the iceberg and even if he did as the Titanic realized they were in immediate danger they were so close that turning of the wheel did not change the outcome or even reduce it. I still maintain that for probably more than 100 years the only difference between the two candidates is what lie they will tell to get elected. Once elected the results are the same no matter which one wins. If anything what might happen will be that fewer chains are added, if any are taken away it will be far less than those added. We are slaves of the state and not destined for any liberty or freedoms to be restored.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
      Trump doesnt HAVE to be president. He has a great family, good business, and could enjoy the rest of his life as he has up till now. He spent a lot of his own cash running the campaign. His kids are remarkable and dont just pop out of a box- they are representative of the real Trump, and I think thats pretty remarkable too.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 4 months ago
    I will be voting. If I had a strong reason to abstain, this time, what will be my reason, next time? How about the time after that? Several Democrats in the Wisconsin legislature abstained from voting on the "Right to Work" bill and it passed. Were these representatives of the people any better, simply because they didn't vote "No" and lose? I don't see it.

    I exercise, three mornings a week. Whenever I make some excuse to miss one session, it's that much more difficult to avoid making the excuse to miss another. When I make difficult decisions for our household...I don't abstain and relegate the decision to my neighbor. I make the decision and live with the results...good or bad, knowing I did my best.

    Ayn Rand wrote something like, in the choice between food and poison, the middle of the road is always death. I'm no philosopher, but to me, abstaining from an important decision is taking the middle of the road.
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