Why I am voting for Trump
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: General
The election is less than one week away and I am voting for Donald trump. I see the country as the Titanic heading for the iceberg. Trump may not be perfect but I think he will at least start to turn us away from certain disaster. Hillary will step on the accelerator and destroy what is left of this once great country. I may be wrong but like Dagney and Hank I want to fight til the bitter end.
That is something I had not thought of and perhaps the one good thing that may come from Trump, should he win or loose.
I'm also voting for saving the Supreme Court's interpretation of Constitutional law and for restoring the republic called the United States of America.
A vote for Johnson is like Disneyland singing "If you wish upon a star" while giving Shillary a better crack at further defiling the White House from where corruption shall continue to roll downhill.
Thanks, that leading lady of all liars is a bigger liar than I thought she was--and me dino was already thinking she's a humongous liar anyway.
As for me, I cast my early vote here in Florida for Libertarian Gary Johnson, with a clean conscience. I agree with him about 90% on policy issues. But most importantly, he doesn't represent the 2 forms of anti-freedom most Americans are choosing between: (1) government bureaucratic domination - Hillary, (2) populist authoritarianism - Lord & Master Trump.
As the country chooses one of the 2 anti-freedom toilets to flush the country down into next week, let me just say that I expect very dark times ahead. Good luck to us all...
Right now, the only 3rd party candidate who may grab a few electoral votes is McMullin in Utah, which could be pivotal if the race is truly tightening now before Tuesday's vote and the subsequent buyer's remorse...
"Washington (CNN)Libertarian vice presidential nominee Bill Weld defended Hillary Clinton Tuesday night, acknowledging an explicit split with his running mate Gary Johnson.
"Weld, in an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, said he disagreed with FBI Director James Comey's decision to announce publicly the agency was looking into more Clinton emails just days before the election and defended the Democratic presidential nominee whom he has known for decades.
"'I'm here vouching for Mrs. Clinton, and I think it's high time somebody did,' Weld said."
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" (Rush-"Freewill")
I also respect every other person that is voting for someone. not so much so those that are only voting against someone.
So with the election, is the pain of the absolute tiny worth of the vote better than the pain of having an evil person or an immature person for POTUS? I would say that this year would be a good time to opt out because you will just get lots of pain from voting for whomever is the winner. If one votes and votes for the loser, then the vote is wasted anyway or the vote is wasted when the winner has more than enough votes to win.
As Will Rogers said, people who occupy the middle of the road usually get run over. I ain't one of those.
If you do your due diligence about researching the people running for office, then you should vote. Whether it's because you are for someone or against the other, it's still a civic duty to make your voice heard.
I think that when a person is actually under investigation by the FBI or under some local criminal investigation, they shouldnt be allowed to run for public office, period. Its unfair to the voters and can make a real mess if they are elected and then found guilty.
We are steaming ahead, both left and right engines going at 50%, towards the iceberg of collectivism/statism that I see as a floating glacier... Like the Wall in Game of Thrones. Hillary will turn up the right engine about 5% and the left about 20%. Trump will turn up the right about 15% and the left about 10%. Both get us to that disaster just as fast, its just a difference of which part of it we will hit.
We need someone to turn things back to individualism, not just to one or the other type of collectivism.
The Clinton crime family syndicate is about to be fully revealed and not even hardcore socialists will be able to stand against the revelations.
These will be damning if it gets out heavily. My skin is pretty think, but this shakes my grates..
On the other hand, Hillary will, through the same incompetence that brought us Benghazi and the Iran deal, back us into some corner like the syrian no fly zone ending up in a conflict with Russia.
Another thing I thought of today that does not seem to get much mention in the press. Could be the two major party candidates are the most likely to be impeached ever... I am sure many Rs in the House would vote to impeach Trump to get Pence as President and many Ds may join them unless they just want to go full politics. Senate with Ds and many Rs would vote to convict. Certainly the House Rs would vote to impeach Clinton... doubt they could get conviction in the Senate though unless it was really bad and Kaine seems beatable in primary in 2020.
The heavy anti-Trump effort put forward by Mitt Romney is bearing fruit, but even there Trump is leading and McMullen is third.
And, of course, faithless electors are unpredictable and could even happen in this very weird year, especially if Trump wins because this is the year of establishment vs outsiders and electors are usually part of the establishment.
I exercise, three mornings a week. Whenever I make some excuse to miss one session, it's that much more difficult to avoid making the excuse to miss another. When I make difficult decisions for our household...I don't abstain and relegate the decision to my neighbor. I make the decision and live with the results...good or bad, knowing I did my best.
Ayn Rand wrote something like, in the choice between food and poison, the middle of the road is always death. I'm no philosopher, but to me, abstaining from an important decision is taking the middle of the road.