Trump's 'Contract with the American Voter"

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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A list of specific policies Trump says he will attempt to implement if elected. Some are good, some not so good. Much better than Hillary overall. (Full disclosure: I'm voting for Gary Johnson, but I consider Trump a reasonable second choice.)

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  • Posted by $ mpgmr 8 years, 1 month ago
    I have spent over $100,000 of our (wife's and my) money over the past 10 years running for county offices. We live in a generally 55/45 percent D/R county. The best a third party candidate can do is 7-10%. I first ran as an L then several elections as a CP candidate. I got to know the political party workings of the county and state power structure. The last election, seeing the handwriting on the wall and if I'm spending over $30K I'd like a chance, I ran as an R. Got within 56 votes. I say the above only to confirm that I have walked the talk.
    I have always advised others to vote their conscience and that always voting for the lesser evil is defeating for multiple reasons.
    This year I am voting Trump as Johnson lost my vote with his VP pick and basically open borders stance (I voted J four year ago). That and J/W have 0 possibility of winning (Castle/Bradley (though Bradley knows the US Const. backwards and forwards) have even less possibility - if that were possible). The way I see it. a vote for anyone but T is a vote for klinton. After going on 8 years of dinglebarry the US (we and the Const.) cannot withstand 4-8 years of klinton. Giving T a chance is far better than doing this outside the ballot box...and he has caused an apoplectic fit among the beltway Rs. All good from my perspective.
    Now what T turns out to be, who knows, but we do know re: klinton and the D apparatchiks.
    Putting it mildly, it is a damn sad state of affairs that this is where we are in 2016.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 1 month ago
    we are way past the point of eventual collapse...the financial damage done by the Fed and the current debt and entitlements is a certainty...not if...just when...none of the current candidates can reverse that...
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
    No one has mentioned this, but what if the president keels over after he/she takes the office. We get the VP. I would much rather have Pence take over than that idiot Kaine.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago
    Trump is the only effective option and some say the USA's only last chance of saving the republic.
    Johnson has zero chance of winning.
    Trump just might maybe some how pull it off I hope.
    Obi Wan Bad Hair Day, you're our only hope.
    Hope to change hope and change back into Constitutional rule of law.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
      Exactly. I got got back from early voting for him for president- for the same reasons you mention. Other than my Trump vote, I selected libertarians for the other offices.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
        I just early-voted in Las Vegas also (for Gary Johnson). On my ballot there was only one other Libertarian candidate, whom I voted for also, along with a few candidates with no party affiliations. First time I can recall voting for exactly zero Republicans. As a bonus, I got to up-vote ballot propositions decriminalizing marijuana and de-monopolizing electric power, and down-vote a gun control measure and a gasoline tax increase.
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  • Posted by Ed75 8 years, 1 month ago
    Given the current system, Any vote not for Trump will automatically continue the corruption presently being exercised in government. Trump can not change it all but his presidency would at least start to fix some of it.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 1 month ago
      The only way to put a real dent in government corruption is to eliminate as many cabinet agencies as possible. The culture of corruption runs deep in the unelected bureaucracy. Retracting the right of civil servants to unionize would also help.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 1 month ago
    Trump's plan is a mixed bag. But the alternative is so very evil that 2 years in hell would look better than a year under Hillary.
    I'm no psychologist, but I think Trump is sincere in what he puts forth, even though he has a penchant for shining his shoes by putting his foot in his mouth. Going through his 100 day plan I find more yesses than nos.While he expresses that he would choose a strict Constitutionalist for the Supreme Court, He could use a lesson about it and have a scholar explain it to him so he can truly pick the right man for the job. (Provided he's elected.)
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
    I am voting for Trump for president, because if I (we) dont, we WILL GET HILLARY, and thats very bad. Other than for president, I am voting libertarian
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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 1 month ago
    CBJ I agree with you on almost all of your comments. Some good things some not so good. all bettery than Hillary.
    I disagree with Circuit Guy. There is nothing wrong with building the military up again. It is the lowest it has been in more than 70 years in terms of manpower and equipment. That must be remedied.
    Term limits a hell yes since the people don't seem to want to limit the terms by voting them idiots out. I cold go on Item by item but I won't bore anybody with my oft stated vies on these issues.
    BTW: I'm voting for Trum. Johnson is a good guy and qualified, but He can't win. The libertarians have no grass roots organization and no truly wide spread support. They need to build an organization across all the states and then they may have a chance. So they are serious by election members of the congress and the senate. Become a party that can actually implement what they propsed .
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 1 month ago
    Looks pretty good to me by comparison to pretty much anything else. Wish he wouldn't restrict canceling Exec orders to Obama, and just cancel all of them.
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  • Posted by bucky44 8 years, 1 month ago
    It's not hard for me to support the vast majority of Trump's initiatives. I am a supporter of The Convention of States Project which has for over three years been attempting to put together a convention of states, pursuant to Article 5 of the Constitution, to propose amendments to limit the scope and power of the Federal Govt. Trump will definitely run into stiff opposition from both the Dems and Repubs because they will be trying to preserve the gravy train of corruption in DC. There are eight states who have signed on and at least 30 with proposals in their legislatures for consideration next year. The COS has become one of the largest grass roots movements in US history with over 1 million volunteers. Trump could see the benefit of this movement and help us. Learn more at and sign the petition.
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  • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 8 years, 1 month ago
    We can have a conversation around the viability of third party candidates as a thought experiment employing a few bottles of alcohol, but the reality is that a third-party vote in this election has the effect of casting a vote for Shrillary...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago
      Me dino is sure I could still manage to vote for for Trump completely plastered even if I should get arrested on the spot for public intoxication.
      Imagine dino voting with cops hanging on to my swinging tail and climbing all over my back whilst I damn sure cast my vote.
      That's how riveted I am on casting the only vote that can possibly defeat Shillary.
      I'll not own the fascist evil hag's success in any way, shape or form.
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  • Posted by GaryL 8 years, 1 month ago
    I find it very hard to imagine anyone is voting FOR Gary Johnson. Against Trump and Clinton is more like the truth. While we are on the Truth, any vote not cast for Trump is absolutely a vote for Hillary so I do hope some here feel good about themselves.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 1 month ago
      Quite a few of Hillary's people are saying the opposite. Kaine is attacking Gary Johnson directly and some left-wing PACs are running ads against him. Many polls indicate Johnson is taking more votes from Hillary than from Trump.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
    Wow. I'm voting for Johnson too. I disagree strongly with almost every line in this. It almost parodies itself when it says it says we should cut gov't in all areas except for public health and while increasing "investment" in military and law enforcement and putting more people behind bars.

    Everyone wants to balance the budget, cut taxes, and cut spending except for things related to military, public health, criminal justice, Social Security, and Medicare.
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