This Is No Way To Elect A President

Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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What a fine mess overall. Me dino is getting weary of all the crap.
Like the writer of the article, I do not consider the LINO for a Libertarian candidate to be relevant for inclusion.
My vote is about keeping a conservative tilt in the Supreme Court and to keep this country from being Merkel flooded with unvetted refugees and illegal aliens.
My vote for will likely fail but my conscience will be clear.
Too bad no one wants to do anything about the freaking debt~
SOURCE URL: http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2016/10/16/this-is-no-way-to-elect-a-president-n2232818?newsletterad=

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    Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 4 months ago
    Hi Dino,
    The debt clock shows money supply up 520% since 2000 And
    Avg income up less than 10% in the same period. Where is all that money going? Certainly the poor have grown by 20%.
    Debt at close to $20 trillion.
    Thanks in part to Bush but More so to Obama.
    This train is a runaway and the slope is steeper all the time.
    Low interest rates are keeping the lion caged. The cage is made with toothpicks.

    Any person with reason and common sense has to know that we have no representation,
    Our Constitution is now being hacked after being whittled for a hundred plus years. Soon it will be as the lions cage ....just a tooth pick.
    I hate what they have done to U.S.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      I have this mental picture of RINOs and jackasses on a sinking ark, braying blame as they all point at each other.
      The rest of us? We're chained to the rowing benches and are told to sacrifice toward the greater good.
      No one is doing anything about the water leaking in.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 4 months ago
        Interesting analogy as last night I watched the 1959 version of Ben-Hur starring Charlton Heston.

        Anyway, I think the politicians are not only busy pointing fingers at each other, but they are actively drilling holes in the other side of the boat thinking they will let the water out.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
        There is one thing we can do to hasten the defeat of socialism. That is to "shrug". Unfortunately there are no more titans of industry to bring it down today. This is a consumer driven economy now. That means we can vote with our pocketbooks. For a starter, we could each cut our expenditures by 10%- that would put a definite dent in the economy without denting our lifestyle much at all. There is always 10% that we waste. It would send a message for sure. Eventually the statists will just raise the taxes, but that will make them more unpopular.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
      Hi, Dobrian:
      I love the duality of your statement: "I hate what they've done to the U.S." Could also be, I hate what they've done to us.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 4 months ago
        +1 to the WFA (worlds foremost authority) I wish you were Potus
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        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
          Hell no. I'd only take the job if I could be a benevolent dictator. I just can't see myself dealing with all those stinking Washington Elites.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
            Heil, Herb! Zet me recommend zu uz benevolent powers to benefit der peoples.
            Fire all zem stinkin' elites und experimentink mit startink ober alles wit new faces.
            Proclaim dot term limits ist mandatory!
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            • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
              Vell, I'lltalya,
              If they'd let me, I'd have the country totally straightened out in less than six months. . I'll just get the right people in there. Fist thing is get the best objectivist brains doing research to get me the best generals. One for the Middle East and one for the far east. Next, a good Jewish accountant with a large staff to clear up the crazed economic situation. Next, an Attorney General and a DOJ that would clear up all the illegal stuff and see to it that they strictly adhere to the Constitution, except for me, of course. And that's just for starters.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 4 months ago
                Sounds like you are warming up to the idea.
                It would make for an interesting novel......
                grassroots objectivist's popularity grows like wildfire ....imagine the people desire reasonable
                Leadership , creating the type of environment where hard work and intelligence offer an opportunity to live a safe, free and happy life.
                ....news flash people don't accept lies from politicians ...integrity and ethics become hip.
                Teaching people to fish instead of stealing someone else's fish to feed themselves.
                Teaching the youth the constitution and why it has created a country of innovators and producers creating value with competition improving the quality of everyone's life.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
                  Actually, I've had fantasies about what I could do for this country during times I was assigned to tower duty at that prison I used to work at.
                  Those are long boring shifts. Unbelievable are the long, long ago forgotten memories that began to float up out of no where.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 4 months ago
                    I always liked elephants and their long memories.
                    My memory is very long and I resource it very frequently. Sometimes it would be better to forget things. I have tried that and it only "locks it in more firmly".
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
                      Being old has a lot to do with long memories as long as you don't become senile.
                      And me old dino ain't thet thar, by cracky!
                      Or whutever ah just, er, said.
                      This is Candidate Dino Allosaurus and I approve of this message.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      And if Hillary wins, it will go on even faster. Trump is the last defense against this. If Trump is defeated, its all over for the USA, and quickly. The establishment will be way too strong to defeat in the future until the whole system comes crashing down. THEN, if the libertarians have done enough education, it will be their turn.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    So, let us see. What in hell led up to this situation? Could it be that we (We, meaning the average guy and gal including Joe Lunchbucket) paid no attention to what our kids were learning in school, and let liberals inculcate their brains with leftist ideology? Or perhaps leaving out minorities when campaigning automatically conceding them to the left. How about voting for appearences rather than listening to what a candidate actually said and his record. Then, people who are the real conservatives, those trying to get by see a man who is so totally different that he looks like a new broom. While on the left, a scurrilous, felon who will promise anything and do anything to get elected. Who is to blame? Get to a mirror.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years, 4 months ago
    In the unlikely event that Trump does get elected, that is only the first, small step in saving the future of America. The American People will then have to get involved and act to drive the agenda in DC. Flood your congressman, senators, and the White House with demands to balance the budget, cut taxes, eliminate government programs and cabinet departments, etc. If they will not comply, then all taxpayers should stop paying income taxes and notify their congressman that since the US government is not trusted, it will not be funded. I call this my W4 Revolution. The taxpayers who stop paying income taxes would then donate the money to charities of their choice to square things with the IRS on an annual basis. Starve The Beast!
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 4 months ago
    I could be wrong but if I remember correctly didn't Ayn Rand say we are/would commit suicide? In the book "Island at the Center of the world" which is a history of the Dutch first coming to what is now America in about 1515 and you find out at some point the British took new Amsterdam from the Dutch who then took it back and finally the British took it back for good. the one thing I learned was that no shots were fired during these exchanges. Why? because the people did not give a damn who the government was they just wanted to continue doing business as usual. Unfortunately the people just let the government since we became a "free" nation just do as those elected chose to do without consideration of the people and the people just continued to do their business. Now we have a government that does not like our just wanting to do our own business and because those that have been elected believe they can control us from birth to death are doing all they can to make that come true. The question I pose is at whet point we the people chose not to allow them to control us? Maybe no one should vote since our choices a pathetic and the country will be better off. MAYBE WE SHOULD JUST TELL THEM TO LEAVE US ALONE, WHICH IS WHAT YOU TELL SERVANTS WHO ARE IN THE WAY.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Unfortunately, the sheeple libtards would still vote.
      Shillary would shrill about a "mandate."
      Recall our king claiming one of those at the start of his first term.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
    Not that he has a chance, and he won't be in my state...but maybe yours. Evan McMullin
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Never heard of him until now.
      I have an idea. Everyone write in David the Old Dino aka allosaur.
      I promise a chicken in every pot.
      How you get those noisy chickens to stay in all your pots is not my problem.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
        I'm running too!...
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          Yeah? Seems I've some vague collection of an announcement I as quickly forgot about.
          Well, I got dibs on all the chickens.
          Reckon I'll call you "that turkey" in my campaign ads.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
            I'll go for the Car in every garage...
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
              Think that's something? If elected, I'll provide a garage for every car even for those who rent apartments.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
                OooooK...I'll match that and raise you...wait...wait for it... ... ... A Private Gas Station for every car AND an automatic Garage door for every garage!
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
                  Who needs all that stuff when I shall give ever household a Scotty Beamer teleportation transporter that won't get your cells confused with that of a fly? Hm?
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
                    It certainly would clear up the roads for those of us that like to be in control, who loves automobiles and really enjoys the sights, the skill it takes and the independence of Driving.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
                      Hopefully it would reduce the number of dullard roadhogs who just gotta be wearing out their brakes.
                      Maybe that's how I'd advertise my Scotty Beamer if I were selling~
                      "Hey, all you roadhogs slowing down traffic, are you tired of paying to replace brake pads and what not? Travel by Scotty Beamer! Money back should you acquire any insect behaviors."
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
                        I'd give my mother in law a gift certificate for your service...
                        Send me a bumper sticker so those I pass on the right, cause their driving below the speed limit on the left can read it...gota fit my entire tail gate on my ranger. http://ScottyBeamer.com...

                        "Why clog the roads for others whom enjoy it...get their instantaneously!"

                        Maybe you can put them back together better than when they entered?...hell...I'd try it once if you could do that.
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              • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
                Bring back electric trollies.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
                  I rode on one when I was a kid. Loved it!
                  There's still some trolley tracks in downtown Birmingham.
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                  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
                    Being ancient, I can remember them all over Detroit.Detroit is shaped 8 to 10 miles north and south, but 30 miles east and west. In order to get to the far east side, you could take the Clairemont street car (which was what we called the trolly) and it meandered up and down over and around some tomes swerving around corners making the car tilt way over. It was as much fun as the 25 cent ride at the amusement park.
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                  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
                    Being ancient, I can remember them all over Detroit.Detroit is shaped 8 to 10 miles north and south, but 30 miles east and west. In order to get to the far east side, you could take the Clairemont street car (which was what we called the trolly) and it meandered up and down over and around some tomes swerving around corners making the car tilt way over. It was as much fun as the 25 cent ride at the amusement park.
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                  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
                    Being ancient, I can remember them all over Detroit.Detroit is shaped 8 to 10 miles north and south, but 30 miles east and west. In order to get to the far east side, you could take the Clairemont street car (which was what we called the trolly) and it meandered up and down over and around some tomes swerving around corners making the car tilt way over. It was as much fun as the 25 cent ride at the amusement park.
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  • Posted by $ FredTheViking 8 years, 4 months ago
    The us election has been controlled by only giving you two choices for a hundred years with very few exceptions. Voting for either Trump or Hillary is voting for the status quo. Nothing good will come from either candidate but if Gary Johnson was voted in. He is most likely candidate to change things for the better. Even if Congess blocks him entirely. His presence would be a big slap in the face to the establishment. Perhaps a wake up call. I think it would be good enough of a slap to make it a contested election. anyway, it is time to stop automatically voting for democratic or republican.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    The author is exactly right.
    Unearned universal suffrage is a core error.
    Regarding your comment on debt? Gary Johnson says he will present a balanced budget in his first 100 days. (Of course the con-gress will ignore economic sense and Johnson will get to prove his mettle with vetos.)Trump and Hilwhore will continue the course onto the reef of bankruptcy. Trump came out of bankruptcy. This is not the same.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Gary Johnson will never be a president for Congress to ignore.
      You'd be more likely to find gold at the end of some rainbow.
      That may be me dino's evw impression but the dude is right, even though we have a history of disagreeing.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      The problem we have is that a balanced budget would mean HUGE tax increases immediately to make up the $500b unbalance that Obama has gotten us into. Once the tax increases were passed, they would never be rescinded and spending would stay high. Tough problem.
      I noticed that Hildebeast promised to "not increase the national debt by a single dollar". Good luck on that one. It would be either huge tax increases, or a deep recession. Guess what she would do....
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        Lower govt spending has to be the answer, but I have seen arguments that "prosperity" for the past 50 years has been due to govt spending. Obviously productivity and creative invention has also been a component.
        Unfortunately, the laws of economics while elastic in timing cannot be violated in the long term.
        Severe economic upheaval is unavoidable.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          The voters have allowed the government to get bigger and bigger, in spite of it being pretty much a total failure in everything it claims to have a fix for. Its always the cry for more money to finally "fix" the problems. We havent required accountability and firing if it hasnt worked. The US government has been notoriously bad at WARS- we dont even fight them efficiently, and if the enemy gives up, we wind up losing it right back to them. I think what will break our government is its inefficiency and inability to continue to increase taxes to stay in business as the economy shrinks. Hence my idea of everyone cutting back expenses 10% to hasten the collapse- call it modern day "shrugging", since there are no more moguls to just walk away and crush entire industries any more.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
            I'm already doing it, term, so I definitely agree that a consumer strike could be quite effective albeit with side effects.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
              I could do 10% with essentially no detriment to my lifestyle. When you get past 20-25%, it would be difficult though. Its sort of like conservation, which works in the beginning pretty good.

              With inflation raging, I have already cut back so that my own expenses are about what they were several years ago, but I can feel it getting more difficult. In our business we have cut expenses by moving work to china, but I have reached a limit there lately. Not all things can be moved to china profitably !! If Hillary gets in 25% of our employees will be priced out of the market with her $15/hr wage
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 4 months ago
        When negative interest rates kick in, the national debt problem will be solved. The higher the debt, the more money the government will rake in.
        Just kidding (I think).
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          Another thought on negative interest rates- they have been floating these for awhile now. While there are no restrictions, now would be the time to get OUT of bank accounts. Probably the smart people have already figured ways around this. They think it will cause me to spend more, but in fact it will cause me to spend less and save somehow in anticipation of a crash
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          I was thinking what I would do if negative interest rates come in.

          First of all, they are already here, since inflation is more than the paltry interest rates that we can get on our money.

          Secondly, whatever the negative interest is set at, it will only add to the effect of inflation on my pocketbook.

          I would cut my bank accounts as much as I could and increase my cash hoard (dangerous in that the government would try to inhibit this through legislation limiting withdrawals and maybe a special charge for paying with cash- who knows since everything is on the table now)
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        • Posted by ChestyPuller 8 years, 4 months ago
          The actual problem is we have Lawyers and College frat student minded people working in the Federal Gov't. The lawyers want as much money as they can grab [notice how for the first time in history our congressional branch is made up of mostly 'millionaires'], most got that way in gov't. They party spend and like they are still in college and their mommy and daddy are paying for it, only their mommy and daddy are the current taxpayers and now for the first time, as well, those taxpayers not even born yet.

          We need to make a risky move here..and its funny but, placing a Businessman in the Whitehouse is how we got this great nation; Washington, a Farmer/soldier; Jefferson, a businessman, farmer and the list goes on until it started to be only "scholars" [think Woodrow Wilson] and "lawyers"

          So this 'drastic' move will not truly be that drastic after all!
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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 4 months ago
    As usual, Dino, you hit the nail on the head. Rush Limbaugh had a great second hour today. He took it step by step on how the Republicans got into the mess that they are in and why Trump has so much appeal. Congress has become weak and ineffectual, and many of us know it. Thus, enter the Trumpster, who at least is trying to go against the establishment ruling class.
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  • Posted by GaryL 8 years, 4 months ago
    This writer is totally devoid of some of the basic facts. Who gives a rats ass about such important things as the National debt or any of the other real issues for that matter? Clearly, a vast majority and especially those stuck in the Clinton camp can't even name who her running mate is or tell you who the current VP is but they know all about and believe every word of the alleged sexual exploits of DJT. So many mindless idiots with their heads stuck in their social media devices but not to worry because they sure are not here.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    If you can't do basic algebra correctly you shouldn't be allowed to vote. The first thing on the ballot should be 5 algebra problems. If voter gets them all right his vote is counted. No doubt that Trump would win in a landslide.
    Same thing in votes for bills in congress. Congress-critter gets them all right and his vote counts as written. If not enough votes are cast with correct answers for a quorum the bill fails.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Bet those scientists who take our money (federal funding) to promote the scam called manmade climate change can do basic algebra.
      I'd rather ask a mix of questions that would include whose face is on ten dollar bill, who is the Speaker of the House, what is the Bill of Rights, who did we fight during World War Two and (you'd think simple) stuff of that nature.
      That's how you weed out low information libtards.
      Just ask Watters of Watters' World.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
        Damn, I dont know offhand who is on the $10 bill. From watching TV I know the speaker of the house, unfortunately. I know WW2 enemies. Try WW1....I suspect most of the Hillary supporters have no idea where most of the states are located in the US, let alone the names, and forget the capitals.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          Someone told Watters of Watters' World that we fought China during WW2.
          Guess we never shoulda turned that Yellow Peril into a buncha commies by nuking Hong Kong and Shanghai.
          I'd cut someone slack for not mentioning the Austrian-Hungarian Empire for teaming up with the Kaiser a hundred years ago.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        I agree, dino. It is sensible to ask questions that relate to the act of voting. (Maybe ask WHY those statist bastards are on the five, ten, and fifty dollar bills.) Based on personal experience I think there is a high probability that most without algebra sills will not have the knowledge needed to make a rational decision regarding voting. At this point it would be sensible to recind voting from anyone who receives benefits from government programs (including employees of companies whose business is mostly government contracts) unless they are funded by fees from those who benefit (like highways for example.) It is suicide to allow a majority to vote to use government to steal from the minority.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          I have not used algebra since in graduated from college in 1973. Way I see it, someone who knows the difference between democracy and a republic has already found one basic X.
          I've met construction workers with more common sense that libtards who teach physics.
          I agree with that last sentence. But tell that to a Democrat with a PhD who wants his jackass party empowered by mooching voters.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
            Somewhat Off topic...
            You may not use it, dino, but can you remember how to use algebra? I don't use it often either, but knowing how makes some normal life tasks possible and easy. I could even argue that use of algebra made my career as a software consultant possible for without it I would not have been able to construct the forecasting program that amazed partners at DeLoitte and Touche and supplied recommendations for many other consulting engagements that were unrelated. Just Saturday my friend asked for help with measurements for a costume she was making, and algebra was the key. (Her costume won a prize, too.)
            I bet the great majority of Phd's would fail the algebra voting hurdle. But the point is not to eliminate people who disagree from the voter pool. There must be a standard for rational thinking and the ability to look at a problem, break it down into components and (1) find a rational solution, and/or (2) expose delusional "solutions". Some people can do this without even obviously organizing their thoughts, but most need a logical method similar to the processes required to be able to do algebra. Obviously, this is just my opinion and I don't pretend it is a complete solution ;^)
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          Now thats a good idea. Its a definite conflict of interest if you are getting government goodies and you get to vote for a person who can keep them coming....
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 8 years, 4 months ago
    While I am with you Allosaur on voting for SCOTUS I differ in that I remember how Reagan's Tax cuts created large increases to the Federal Gov't coffers same as it did with Calvin Coolidge's Tax Cuts and shrinking the Federal Gov't.

    My manger concern is the Congress and Senate being SO CORRUPT they fight it as the Democrat run Congress/Senate did with Reagan; the more that came in they spent double ON PURPOSE! I know this because my mother and father worked in the DNC back then and she received the plan from the Desk of Ted Kennedy that said we need to pass every spending bill we can to weaken Reagan before 1984.

    Ted Kennedy even started working with the Russian gov't [KGB and SVR], to help them weaken Reagan through the 'Nuclear Arms' treaties; this was found out after Russia fell in the 1990's when the documents were found of the correspondence bring Ted and Russia.

    This is still taught in the War Colleges when teaching of espionage.

    If we can get the Tax Cuts as planned and Trump if elected gets has cabinet of business minds in place this would be a boom never seen since the early 1920's.

    I do have hopes for victory and here is why:
    1) British gambler's are betting heavy on Trump winning; they have pick correctly on most every race all in the passed 40 years

    2) a friend pointed out that last week Hillary moved $1.4 billion to a M.E. country with no extradition policy with the U.S.

    3) polling in the Clinton Campaign shows Trump up by 4 pts with low turn out, over 7 pts with the expected turn out.

    The reason why it is VERY important to get out the vote is due to this 'inside' polling Soros is working to get 'more Globalist' leaning 'ex-patriots' living overseas (many never being in the U.S.) to cast votes, due to their left leaning tendencies.

    We must talk to others, get out to vote and help as many others vote as possible.

    Stay strong this battle can be won; the war will take much longer...
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 4 months ago
    Quit looking for someone to lead you, that will eliminate almost all who want to.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
      Fine! All y'all elect Dino Allosaurus for United States president.
      I am Dino Allosaurus and I approve of this message.
      (Psst! I also approve of stepping on all your motorized vehicles if you don't get out to vote).
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      • Posted by ScaryBlackRifle 8 years, 4 months ago
        I voted, but would like you to step on my pickup truck anyways. Can you arrange that? It's not worth much, but I just want to see what excuse the insurance company will give me for not paying off. ;-)
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
          Just drive it straight toward me at high speed and I can do you better than a foot stomp.
          With a mighty whack of my teeter-totter tail, I can bat it clean into the next county.
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