Clinton ad gone bad

Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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"There is so much at stake in this election, and that’s why I’m supporting Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy and… Can we cut?” she says as she interrupts the shoot.

"What's the problem?" the director asks.

“I can’t say these words,” the woman says. “I just don’t believe what I’m saying."

The director says, "but you're an actress."

"I'm not that good of an actress," the woman says before walking off the set. “Honest and trustworthy… give me a break.”
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZdbupFQEaWc

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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 5 months ago
    If only more of the actors and actresses would state there honest opinion of the ads and political garbage. If nothing else, the air pokution would be less.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 5 months ago
    Some of our greatest actors heads have walnut sized brains. Try listening to an interview not about politics of Robert De Niro. He sounds autistic. Meryl Streep sounds either confused or intoxicated. The point is, these great actors are great because they have no personas of their own. They can assume a role and do well since it's easy for them to be someone else, because without a script they pretty much cease to exist as individuals. That is why there are very few actors like the woman portrayed. At present, I can only think of three A List actors who seem to have brains bigger than walnuts.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 5 months ago
    Unfortunately, there are a substantial number of voters who are so caught up in the excitement of voting for the first female President, that they seem completely deaf to reason and facts. This is the same sense of being part of a historic first that gave us a greenhorn, pompous, self aggrandizing neophyte as President simple because he had the right skin color.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 5 months ago
      Hah, you are so right, Dr Z. I find it odd that there are so many voters out there that are obsessed with selecting Hilary based only on between-the-legs configuration as opposed to between the ears. I also find it odd that so many lefties are aghast at Trump's locker room banter when their Hollywood heroes have been dumping tons of that banter on our society for decades. And most of the time its supposed to be funny (as in "Revenge of the Nerds" voyeurism: "I see BUSH!") fed to our teenagers.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 5 months ago
      Hah, you are so right, Dr Z. I find it odd that there are so many voters out there that are obsessed with selecting Hilary based only on between-the-legs configuration as opposed to between the ears. I also find it odd that so many lefties are aghast at Trump's locker room banter when their Hollywood heroes have been dumping tons of that banter on our society for decades. And most of the time its supposed to be funny (as in "Revenge of the Nerds" voyeurism: "I see BUSH!") fed to our teenagers.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 5 months ago
    Now play that ad, every hour on the hour until everyone gets it...
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    • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
      A lot of people already do get it, but regard it as typical of politicians and less important than a desire for alleged competence to progressively increase statism in the name of solving all problems. This remains a primarily philosophical problem with the state of education, the intellectuals and the culture, which explains the constant double standard.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 5 months ago
    Me dino just saw someone who shall receive an IRS audit.
    That used to be Bill Clinton's modus operandi, and Slick Willy will be back with his best female dog.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 8 years, 5 months ago
    The problem is that many people think she is honest and trustworthy in spite of all she has said over the last couple of years! They will vote because she is a woman, just like they voted for Obama because he was black not because he was qualified, he wasn't as he has proven many times over.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 5 months ago
      I don't think that anyone really thinks that she is honest; they are voting for her because she represents what they want - socialism. At any price, over anyone''s dead body. It doesn't matter how.
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      • Posted by Joseph23006 8 years, 5 months ago
        Some of that may be true but the people I am in contact with and formed my opinion are Democrats. I merely observe and offered no comment so I heard what I might not have heard. They will miopically overlook her shortcomings and lies because, in their eyes, Republicans are wrong, not because they want socialism. If that were to happen most of them would be in shock and blame G. W. Bush for the mess!
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        • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 5 months ago
          I would say that socialism is exactly what they want. They don't like that word, so they routinely give it other names, like democratic socialism or the democratic republic of North Korea. They are convinced that people need to be governed and that they are the best qualified to govern. Pure Evil, wearing the clothes of humanism.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
          They don't usually explicitly endorse socialism by name, though they increasingly don't oppose it either, thinking of it is a viable approach if done 'correctly'. They are Pragmatist progressives who think of themselves as non-ideological while assuming the coercive power of government as a supposed non-ideological tool to progressively control more and more with no limits. In fact they are pursuing the collectivist-statist ideology of 1930s Europe and its state worship. They have no respect or understanding for Constitutional limits on government in either content or procedure, following its remnants out of no more than momentum, for as long as even that lasts. It doesn't make any difference whether they call themselves "socialists".
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 5 months ago
    I weep for our country....that damned woman will probably win. I am afraid that there are too many looters voting and she is promising free stuff.

    This is the last election for our country to change course....unfortunately for those of us that are constitutional constructionists.....this is not the looters last chance. Even if she doesn't win, Trump will also give out the free stuff and increase the nanny state. Hopefully he will give us good supreme court justices....that will delay the looters....but I am afraid...only delay them.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 5 months ago
      Agreed, evlwhtguy. However, every delay is a chance the electorate might take a deep breath and wake up. Maybe Trump the wild bull, if he wins, will smash the china shop enough in DC to get their attention so the next POTUS after him will be the one to start steering the country in a better direction. If Hilary wins, the next POTUS may very well be Stalin reincarnated.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 5 months ago
    Not too bad for a political ad... gets the point across. So who is MakeAmericaNumber1?? Oh... Defeat Crooked Hillary? Hmmm... betcha when you follow that rabbit hole you can guess where it leads...

    It's all political scamming. You can either realize it for what it is, or enjoy your Purina Sheeple Chow.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 5 months ago
      Ends up (so far) belonging to a "company" called Enom.com - out of Panama. Yes, the country of Panama. This octopus goes deep. If I had more time (and better ballistic garments) I would keep looking...
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 5 months ago
        enom is just a for-profit domain registration company. I have been registering my domains with them for years. If located in Panama, its probably because they realize the US govt has a history on interfering with honest businesses and they chose Panama as a step toward Atlantis with excellent internet infrastucture in place. I guess they didn't know how the Panamanian govt lets the IRS (and FBI) abduct US citizens off the streets of Panama City. (See the case of Eddie Kahn. http://questforfairtrialinconcordnh.b... )
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 5 months ago
          Cool, thanks for the heads up... I kind of almost expected it to be one, but didn't have the time to look into it.

          So it leads to a constructed black hole. Not surprising in the least. At least it's not in Belize... :-)
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 5 months ago
            What's wrong with Belize?
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 5 months ago
              Ask John McAfee... its not all their PR firms say it is. And it's definitely no Gulvh.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 5 months ago
                If I knew John McAfee, I would ask him.
                There is no country in the world that is all the PR says, and there is no country without corruption at the highest levels. (The United States is a perfect example of the propaganda greatly exaggerating the benefits and not revealing the flaws.) I have been looking for another place to live that has the rule of law that has disappeared from America. Panama, Honduras, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Malta, Costa Rica, thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. None are as advertised.
                However, without doing the investigation into the specific flaws, you can't make a judgement on whether the flaws are significant enough in your own particular case, and whether they exceed the significant flaws in the United States.
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 8 years, 5 months ago
    Yes, I saw that over the weekend; awesome I was tricked in the beginning as most would be...that is the grab [gotcha moment].

    Very well done, needs to be spread across the entire social media spectrum up to the election on Nov 8th.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 5 months ago
    I cracked up when I saw it. But I understand that while Trump may have some personality traits that rub people the wrong way too, the directions both candidates what to take America is totally different.

    Sometimes I hear something about Trump's style or personality and say to myself, okay what now. Sometimes I hear something about Hillary and ask why or how could I believe anything she says.

    Then I remember the issues that matter to me. Quite frankly, the big mouth non-politician tips the scale way, way down in his favor.
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  • Posted by ScaryBlackRifle 8 years, 4 months ago
    Just to toss in my two cents ... folks, at the moment the choice is between an arrogant man and a hateful woman. Given that choice, I'm siding with the arrogant man. On November 9 I'll start taking a serious look at third party candidates ... but now is not the time. Johnson, Stein and McMullin are dead in the water this time around.

    The time to make real change in "the system" is during the primaries. THAT is when a vote for a conservative or a libertarian carries the most weight. And not just a vote ... toss some cash into the game AND find a candidate to actively stump for. Start at the state and local level and the national level will be a lot easier to manage.

    Or shut up and take your beating cheerfully.

    That's how the ballot box works.

    The alternative is likely to be the bullet box because this website is as close to Galt's Gulch as most of us will ever get and none of us want anything to do with the direction our world is heading.

    We can't get off the bus, so we'd better take control of the driving, eh?
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  • Posted by tohar1 8 years, 5 months ago
    Love It! BUT...What's the alternative? I could vote for Trump...but he sure is making it hard for me to do so. I've floated the question out there, but haven't received many responses, but is it enough to vote for someone primarily for the reason that you don't like the opponent. It comes back to the classic "lesser of two evils" argument...which is basically what we've been facing for the past 6-8 Presidential election cycles, and I for one, am getting a bit weary of it. When are the parties going to wake up and give us a true leader? When will the debates be opened up to feature several parties other than the D's & R's?? If you have the best candidate &/or the best ideas, it shouldn't bother you to invite your competition to debate...Should it?
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    • Posted by msvgloria 8 years, 5 months ago
      I am beginning to think that both parties - Ds and Rs - are on a secret mission together to destroy this country.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
        It isn't secret. What they are advocating and doing is out in the open. Both are the consequence of variations on the same corrupt philosophy entrenched in the culture. Without changing that the "Ds and Rs" will continue to get worse.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
      You prefer the greater of two evils? There is nothing you can do in the election to change the fact that the choice is between Trump and Clinton. One of them is going to win and that is all the election is for. Objecting to the moral false alternative and the structure of the debates will not change that.
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      • Posted by tohar1 8 years, 5 months ago
        I guess I'm more looking at the future (one could argue that we might not have a future) because I DO realize that Clinton or Trump will be the next President. Something needs to change...I'm asking for potential solutions to a VERY REAL problem. PS: Why do we want to choose between the greater or lesser of two evils? Why not choose a better alternative?
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        • Posted by 8 years, 5 months ago
          Yes it is a very real problem, one that is becoming progressively and frighteningly worse. But we choose a lesser evil between the two candidates because they are the only ones on the ballot. You can't choose a better alternative than that when you vote because the election is not about a better alternative. There is no better choice in the election because the parties already put them on the ballot and one of those two will win no matter what you do or wish for. It is fact, not what we would prefer. Within the context of the election you can only choose who might be better in some ways versus who is a worse danger when there is a difference, or not vote if you think there is no difference or you can't fathom what it might be. And that is what you should do where you can. Morality means making choices that are possible to make in reality and does not consist in fantasy in the name of "idealism". It is important to realize that.

          The more fundamental question is why is this moral false alternative the only election choice over such a long time period, why is it getting worse, and what can be done about it? This is not about just the future, but also the past -- how we got here. If that isn't understood you don't know what to do to change it.

          Ayn Rand discussed this extensively. The politics of a country follows its dominant philosophy, culture and sense of life. If that isn't changed with better ideas the politics will not improve. Politics is the consequence and the last to change. There are no shortcuts. No matter what you do in politics the kind of viable candidates we get and the kind who are elected are a result of what appeals to most people because of what they believe.

          You can't short circuit that or expect that without changing the culture the politics will miraculously change. It isn't a matter of somehow getting the parties to suddenly "wake up and give us a true leader". With the increasingly accepted bad philosophical ideas dominating they will give us a "true leader" all right -- der fuhrer. A dictator or a 'man on the white horse' pied piper who doesn't know what he is doing and claims he will "make us great again" with "deals" are not the answer.

          We got where we are and it is getting worse because the Enlightenment philosophy of reason and individualism that made the founding of this country possible was incomplete and because it was supplanted by European counter-Enlightenment philosophy and it's consequent statist-collectivist politics. Read Leonard Peikoff's The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America.

          Ayn Rand wrote in her "Don't Let it Go" in The Ayn Rand Letter Nov. 22 and Dec 6, 1971:

          "We cannot fight against collectivism, unless we fight against its moral base: altruism. We cannot fight against altruism, unless we fight against its epistemological base: irrationalism. We cannot fight against anything, unless we fight for something—and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason, and a view of man as a rational being.

          "These are philosophical issues. The philosophy we need is a conceptual equivalent of America's sense of life. To propagate it, would require the hardest intellectual battle. But isn't that a magnificent goal to fight for?"

          The philosophy she urged that we need is the subject of Atlas Shrugged and her non-fiction.

          She did not say, demand that the parties "wake up and provide a true leader", or run out and put a fringe political party on the ballot, ignoring why people vote and run for office as they do, and complain that drug laws are too strict while urging ignoring the threat of foreign affairs. She thoroughly denounced and rejected such an anti-intellectual approach.

          This doesn't mean that you can't do anything in politics. Some politicians are better or worse than others. We are still in a mixed (but declining) system of statism and freedom, not outright dictatorship, and many of them can be influenced on specific policy and actions through grass roots action (which is not something Ayn Rand was involved in). But that depends on enough people having common sense and a better sense of life to appeal to on the specific issues than the explicit statist-collectivist convictions and bromides repeated over and over by the intellectuals. And it takes a lot of knowledge and work in both the specifics of the problem and the means of affecting policy in government. You can't just run around saying "people yearn to be free" and "we have rights because faith in God says so" (whose faith?) and expect anything to change, either in general or for some specific problem. When you are up against a problem with government you have to dig in and intelligently fight it. But that doesn't stop the general trend from becoming worse. To bring about a better future you have to advocate better ideas through the principles of reason and individualism.

          For the principles answering your question you should read or reread Ayn Rand's articles "Don't Let it Go" and "'What Can One Do'" (Ayn Rand Letter, January 3, 1972). Both are reprinted in her anthology Philosophy: Who Needs It https://estore.aynrand.org/p/218/phil.... Forty five years later the principles still apply, and it is interesting to see the comparison with the state of affairs then and how it has drifted.
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